Point of Veiw, POV

It doesn't matter to me, another half life game is another half life game. I would like it to be someone other than gordon though because i liked how the first game you could link the expansions and half life together and go a sense that this was happening. I liked when you would see a part of the game and say HEY i remember that part, but it was in a different game. And you might play as father gregori that would be cool
It would of been interesting to see the POV from Colenal Odessa. He has a prized Sten MKII that he has for safe keeping

You have to be joking. That man couldn't even hold a pistol straight :p

I do not want to see the POV from ANY character we have previously seen, in a Gordon adventure TALKING. It would completley ruin it imo.

They make an expansion - new characters. Or Gordon.
special-ed said:
How about seeing things from a femail pov? Like valve originally planned..

How is a female pov different from a males? You look down and see breasts? You get your period halfway through the game? Barney offers to buy you even more drinks?

They don't see the world any pinker. The only time the characters gender matters in an action game is if it's a 3rd person where you see the character all the time.
Captain M4d said:
Thanks for not reading my post made after the one you responded to, jerk.

and thank you for not knowing sarcasm when ye see it :D

Have a nice night, and Gordon shouldn't be in aftermath because he is teh bomb.

(ps don't call me a jerk, please. Especially when ye can't recognise humour.)
Jintor said:
*takes thread should be locked comment as insult on personal integrity*

Uh... yeah.

*crowbars M4d in head*

Nah, I still don't think i'd be good to play as Gordon. You've done express damage to the citadel, You've got to escape with Alyx - then why have the whole damn Gman come into it? He's not going to just pick you and Alyx up and drop you outside the Citadel, not with that wacko speech. And remember, Magazines can be wrong.

Just because YOU've done it, it dosn't mean that YOU were GORDON. (well... sure, Gordon did make a big thing explode... but did you ever see how big the explosion was? How do you know the rebel's weren't planting C4 everywhere across the Citadel? Well, besides the security. And what sort of stupid structure design puts the Nuclear Reactor as the critcal structural point? For highly advanced beings the Combine are freaking Morons. You NEVER have one gigantic artifact or reactor that, when destroyed or removed, blows up your ENTIRE base. I mean, Jeebus, it's common sense.

They will think of a reason to make it flow properly. And its not a nuclear reactor....

Also,Marc laidlaw talked about the relationship with Alyx, they introduced her in 2, now you build on that relationship. As gordon. common sense really.
Everyone helped in destroying the Citadel...
It would kind of ruin the game, if you were Gordon... IMO, I believe that should be saved for Half-Life 3....
Barney helped in destroying City 17, same for Alyx and Dog
Samon said:
They will think of a reason to make it flow properly. And its not a nuclear reactor....

Also,Marc laidlaw talked about the relationship with Alyx, they introduced her in 2, now you build on that relationship. As gordon. common sense really.

Sorry, i tend to refer to anything that powers anything else as a 'nuclear reactor'. Even batteries.

-sigh- I'm afraid i can't really think of a reason why they'd mention relationships... unless you were barney... or eli. Or someone she knows, right?


Jintor said:
Sorry, i tend to refer to anything that powers anything else as a 'nuclear reactor'. Even batteries.

-sigh- I'm afraid i can't really think of a reason why they'd mention relationships... unless you were barney... or eli. Or someone she knows, right?



ina sick twisted way dude, you make sense... jus ly to the public and bring out a smashing twist nobody was expecting.. and i do beleive valve is damn good at that.. so our other option would be barney or i dono....

my question to the crowd is this: how will we play as gordon?? cause remember gordon was put into stasis again @ the end of hl2. So why the ##ck would he pull him out to just run away from destruction?? i mean you can fart, but who wants to smell it? right?

Jintor said:
Sorry, i tend to refer to anything that powers anything else as a 'nuclear reactor'. Even batteries.

-sigh- I'm afraid i can't really think of a reason why they'd mention relationships... unless you were barney... or eli. Or someone she knows, right?



*Looks at battery on desk....hides it in vault*

Hehe, pwned.