Points for players who help, but don't survive capping a point on the "to-do list"


Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
Found this on the steam forums
Hey Robin,

I find myself constantly going for the objective, probably a heritage of DoD/DoDS and its CTF gameplay, and I often get killed while capping that CP. It's more often than not to the extent that some teammates will finish the job after I'm dead, before the CP is reset to its previous status.

Only improvement I could see going forward would be to give a reward to the players that are actually teamplay/objective oriented, and to perhaps code " half a point or 1 point is given to the player initiating the CP capture, even if he should die in the process, only if the CP is captured within the same timeframe." You can obviously find a dozen possible modifications to the rule like "if the player has done half or more of the capture before dying" etc etc. The goal being to get players some incentive to go get the CPs even against all odds, or if it's bathing in sticky bombs....

Hi Francois.
Sorry for the late reply. Your CP suggestion is one we've felt ourselves, and is already on our to-do list. It's a bit of a pain, since we don't currently track players who have contributed to caps, but it's not hard. Currently it's not as high a priority as getting new content out, so it probably won't get done for a bit.


Sounds good to me, I'm a team/object-orientated player and am quite willing to sacrifice myself for the chance of our team capping the point and I've often thought (especially after dieing just before the point is taken) that it would be nice for some scoreboard recognition.
Yeah the guy that takes out the stickies deserves credit. Of course killing that demo man should take priority first but they usually hide somewhere like the bloody cowards they are.
Yeah the guy that takes out the stickies deserves credit. Of course killing that demo man should take priority first but they usually hide somewhere like the bloody cowards they are.

You say that like ALL demomen hide somewhere and act cowardly.
Also assisting the destruction of sentry guns etc.

Seems a bit of a shame when you are a medic ubering someone who takes out 3 buildings, and you get sod all for it (apart from points gained initiating the uber).

And when you snipe someone in the head bringing them down to 1% health, then a medic and a heavy comes along and takes all the credit... nothing for little old me.