Polgon Count Performance, Averages and Limits


Aug 1, 2003
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Hey, I have been planning a Half-Life 2 modification for about 1 months now, I have built the ideas into a design document. It has been building up (very slowly, I can't say I'm in any rush) and I have got to a certain point where I need to think about performance and polgon counts. I'm not going to talk about first person weapons and other things because my mod does not contain AK-47's and M4A1's.

To put things simple my modification idea is heavy influenced by Vigilante 8 and Twisted Metal. You join a server and select a driver. Each driver has specific abilites making them a unique character. Once you have picked a driver you wait for everyone else and you use your cars as weapons. As you drive around you pickup upgrades for your vehicle and basiclly destroy each other to the death. This is only the basic concept of my idea, mainly so you can underst6and what might be going on in an enviroment.

I need to think about the world its self. It will mainly be terrain but at the same time it will not be massive. The area will be on average 1 kilometer x 1 kilometer (This is the average size for a ut2k4 Onslaught map) Mist will also reduce the draw distance so you can not see 100% across the map.

Because each person drives a vehicle. I need to think about vehicle polgon counts (Triangles). I also need to think about how the metal will deform on colissions and bumps, meaning each metal pannel needs an evened out area of mesh, even if the area is a box shape which would normall only take up 12 triangles. It will still require an average distribution of polgons for it to deform properly when hit and blown up.

At one time I would expect at max to have 12 cars on the screen at one time. But you never really know because people tend to jsut pile up cars for fun :P I was thinking on average a deathmatch game would contain 12 people. But another gametype which I'm not going to mention could contain 20 vehicles.

Now, my actual question is, how many polgons do you think Half-Life 2 can handle on the screen at one time?

I am aiming for systems about:

512mb Ram
9600/9700 128mb GFX

(These specs may increase, you need to take into acount the production may take over 10 months.)

My first ideas of polgon counts would be:

300,000 / 400,000 (Triangles)

What are you ideas and sujestions?