Police Assault 3 (bad ass bloody action scene)

I would say the thing that could have used work was making it appear that you were actually firing the guns you were using, but it's kinda understandable that you had no way to simulate recoil. And the cops shouldn't have been doing all the "gangsta" gun-tilting and what was with the shot fired straight up after re-loading? Editing was okay, except I got lost during the part where they got ambushed (I didn't even realize the feet belonged to new bad guys).

Not sure why you ended with the freeze-frame right at the climax. It's not the least bit of The End.

Finally, might have been a bit abusive with the slow-mo ;)
Lol you would've shot your friend in the beginning he ran right into your line of fire!!! Pretty cool either way though. How long did it take to make/edit?
I haven't seen the first two Police Assault movies, so I'll hold off watching this until they come out in a box set or something.