Police: Dont taze me bro!!!


May 5, 2004
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Police try to arrest woman, husband beats the shit out of them

John Coffin opened the garage door to see his wife on the floor, screaming in pain as two sheriff's deputies tried to handcuff her, Coffin's attorney said in court Monday.

"He grabs his wife and begins to pull her away," defense attorney Brett McIntosh said. One of the deputies then jumped Coffin from behind, "and that's where this case is focused."

Coffin, 56, faces years in prison on felony battery charges that in April 2006 he attacked deputies James Lutz and Stacy Ferris, whose name is now Stacy Brandau.

Monday was the first day in a trial in which prosecutors will use the serious injuries sustained by the deputies to show Coffin is guilty.

Prosecutors say the fight started when Coffin came into the garage, punched Ferris in the face and threw her against a wall.

When Ferris tried to arrest him for that battery, Coffin fought them and both deputies "were defending themselves and trying to get away," Assistant State Attorney Jessica Zack said. "The pictures will tell you the story as well."

Coffin's attorneys say the two deputies are the ones who broke the law.

The deputies were at the Coffins' home trying to serve a civil injunction on Coffin, who had been served the same papers five days earlier in Charlotte County.

The deputies entered the garage even though they did not have a search warrant or arrest warrant allowing them to enter the Coffins' house.

On Monday in court, Zack held up photographs to show the extent of the deputies' injuries and only touched briefly on the issues the defense has raised.

"Whether or not the officers should have entered the house is something I'm sure they would take back if they could," Zack said.

Brandau got the facial bruising in the photos because John Coffin punched her in the face and threw her against a wall when he came into the garage, Zack said.

Lutz got the injuries to his head when he was shocked with a Taser during the fight, then knocked unconscious with three strikes to the head with the butt of that Taser gun, Zack said.

that's an innovative way of using a Tazer


for all you gun advocates ..this is clearly a classic case when a gun could have come in handy in stopping intruders from harming your family ..so would you have opened fired? why not?, this is no different than a home invasion except they're wearing uniforms
First, great picture of Coffin there! :p

Second, who's Taser was it? If it were the deputies, how the hell did Coffin get it?

"Whether or not the officers should have entered the house is something I'm sure they would take back if they could,"
As I'm sure Coffin would take back his beatings...
I wonder what would happen if someone used that in a murder trial.
Heh... I should read the date.

Makes me wonder why the guy who shot at a burglar in his own house got a prison sentence.
Those pigs got owned. Great stuff. I love their protests to the judge:

'...b-b-but...he beat us up!'
'Yeah, try not illegally entering his house next time'
Hah didn't think such a thing could happen, I'm glad Coffin wasn't charged.
for all you gun advocates ..this is clearly a classic case when a gun could have come in handy in stopping intruders from harming your family ..so would you have opened fired? why not?, this is no different than a home invasion except they're wearing uniforms

You most certainly do have the right. As he was acquitted. However, he obviously didn't shoot him. Just a solid tazing.

In this instance, this is a little different than some dude dressed in a ski mask...or any other type of intruder in your home. They're cops, obviously...suggest common sense...ask to see some credentials and a warrant, before letting them in the home. If they can't produce...go to work...as this gentleman did. I applaude his actions.

Note...if they can't produce a warrant... you shut the door. They have no right to enter your home unless you yourself give it to them. If they forcefully enter without cause, ie. this instance, you have a right to defend yourself and your home. There's too many psychos out there that dress up as some sort of public service official and try to break in...I'm a nut about this, myself..

By the way, the picture of that dude is simply priceless....:D
I agree with the judge, but the guy should have been more civil before he kicked the cops ass.
Is anybody else concidering getting himself a husband, just in case the police-state shows up? ^^
Police-officers entering without a warrant.... It might work out better for Coffin if he could argue that they didn't have a right to go into his home and that's what prompted his actions.

By the way, W4d5Y, shouldn't you be censoring blood and violence in video games?
Police-officers entering without a warrant.... It might work out better for Coffin if he could argue that they didn't have a right to go into his home and that's what prompted his actions.
Did you read the second article? Coffin got off completely on all counts apart from the one about taking the taser off the cop. For that he was fined about $300 and sentenced to time already served.
If he shot them he would be in jail for the rest of his life, and would deserve to be. Even if they didn't have a warrant, its a judicial error, not a home invasion. Scary how so many of you emphasize the notion of murdering two cops like its a criminal in a ski mask.
If he shot them he would be in jail for the rest of his life, and would deserve to be. Even if they didn't have a warrant, its a judicial error, not a home invasion. Scary how so many of you emphasize the notion of murdering two cops like its a criminal in a police uniform.

fixed :E

I'm not advocating killing anyone
If he shot them he would be in jail for the rest of his life, and would deserve to be. Even if they didn't have a warrant, its a judicial error, not a home invasion. Scary how so many of you emphasize the notion of murdering two cops like its a criminal in a ski mask.
The law that allowed Coffin to get off scot free sees it as a home invasion, not an error of jurisdiction. Make no mistake, a cop will always know whether they're allowed to be in your home or not. This wasn't a mistake, it was power getting to their heads.

Like it or not, if your law mandates the shooting of illegal intruders then it does so regardless of whether they are police or civilians. At least it should for it to be consistent.
Two statements:

One: I am currently going to school to attain a degree in Administration of Justice in order to be a police officer.

Two: Both of those Sheriffs should have been shot by the home owner. They KNEW better than that. It is COMMON POLICE SENSE. And it is THE LAW. It does not matter if a person has a shiny badge and works for the government, what they did was inherently WRONG. The fact that they were police officers should not matter in the slightest.

Taken to another extreme, the President of the United States, who is Chief of the Executive branch, without a warrant walks into your home and arrests your daughter. Would you be in your right to defend her against this would-be attacker if they had no legal backing? Of course you would. Many forget that the President of the United States has all of the powers of a Police Officer. Because he is the President of the United States does he have diplomatic immunity to all else? Must a Patrol Officer submit to his Police Chief if his Police Chief is breaking the law? NO!
The law that allowed Coffin get off scot free sees it as a home invasion, not an error of jurisdiction. Make no mistake, a cop will always know whether they're allowed to be in your home or not. This wasn't a mistake, it was power getting to their heads.

This is true. We do know. We spend a huge part of our training learning the details of the law to protect both you and me. These two officers must have skipped a few "101" classes.
Might be loosely related to this incident involving Tupac. He shot two off-duty police officers who were harassing a black motorist(didn't kill them) but they later found out that they were both drunk and had raided an evidence locker for weapons.

It might be a technicality that they didn't have the permit, but in a court of law I'm pretty sure that evidence, for example, which is acquired from a person's home/whatever is inadmissible alone because of the that technicality; No search warrant in such a case = invasion of privacy or whatever you wanna go with.

That guy better hope he doesn't run into the police in the near future. "Hey, you're that guy who.." - *Central, we've got a stolen license plate, and the driver is getting hostile. Officer down!" *Rodney King time*
The law that allowed Coffin to get off scot free sees it as a home invasion, not an error of jurisdiction. Make no mistake, a cop will always know whether they're allowed to be in your home or not. This wasn't a mistake, it was power getting to their heads.

Like it or not, if your law mandates the shooting of illegal intruders then it does so regardless of whether they are police or civilians. At least it should for it to be consistent.

So because they skipped a step in the process they deserve to die? Thats ridiculous...You shoot someone because they are stealing or trying to hurt you, not because you feel like you got a raw deal. That's why we have courts.
I'm not saying they should have been shot, I'm saying they could have been - and the law wouldn't and shouldn't have been any more sympathetic to them being shot than it would to any other type of random intruder being shot.

This is not the way it works in my country and I'm glad it isn't. I'm just saying that this is the way the law has worked in this instance, and I'm glad that a judge had the courage to apply the law evenhandedly.
for all you gun advocates ..this is clearly a classic case when a gun could have come in handy in stopping intruders from harming your family ..so would you have opened fired? why not?, this is no different than a home invasion except they're wearing uniforms

First and foremost, the man should've been following the law.

Second, I would've shot a police officer certainly, in self defense or to repel an invasion. :) ...