Police Game?

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Sounds dumb, but it would be fun if I could find it..

Does anyone know of a game out there where you play a police officer? Not a special super cop, not a super shooter game, not SWAT. But a regular police officer with a squad car and regular gun, pepper spray, cuffs, etc.

I'd like to be able to just drive out and go on a patrol and stuff :d. Maybe there could be a bank robbery thing that happens once and you are one of the ones behind a squad car door in a shootout with them. Occasional traffic violations (with occasional chases!)

Stuff like that. It'd be great if it was third person GTA:3/Vice City style. But first person would be okay too.

Does anybody know of a game even remotely like this? Man it'd be so fun.
need for speed hot pursuit? that game was awesome, but its driving only.
You can always get a police uniform in Postal 2 and go around cracking skulls... not too much of a police sim, but it is funny..
*Player hits guy on head with baton*
Bystander cop: "Hey watch it! someone might have a camera!"
if it features racial profiling, suspect beatings and po' folk hasseling then count me in :)
CptStern said:
if it features racial profiling, suspect beatings and po' folk hasseling then count me in :)
you forgot the "turn out a colleage to the mafia for dope"
CptStern said:
if it features racial profiling, suspect beatings and po' folk hasseling then count me in :)

damn those police and soldiers.. damn them to hell!
Honestly i've been thinking about this exact idea for a couple weeks.

Like a "realistic" police simulation where you drive around the city with all your equipment and you report to crime scenes and deal with all sorts of things. Like you could give people speeding tickets and the likes or respond to public disturbance instances or something.

I can almost gaurentee a game like this will be out within 2-3 years.
I have often wondered why no-one has attempted this, being a police officer myself. It would be very hard to accomplish, but I think it would work in a MMORPG setting. The thing is, it wouldn't be very realistic if they made it any kind of fun, because if they made it realistic, every time you did something, you'd have to do some sort of paperwork. If you, "beat a suspect," you'd have to complete a use of force report, and articulate very well what exactly happened and why you used the force that you did. If the game were to follow current trends, every time you stopped a car, you'd have to complete a "statistical survey," form (as we do in Illinois) detailing what you stopped the person for, what their race was and whether or not you searched them or their vehicle, and if so, why. Of course, the A.I. would have to have a "don't want to go to jail under any circumstances" mode, so non-police could get some idea of what it's like to try to take someone who REALLY doesn't want to go to jail into custody, and why they might need more than one officer to accomplish this. The suspects would have to include females, old people and children, so non-police can see that those people can and often do hurt police officers. Then, if everything goes exactly by the book in a particular incident you participate in in-game, there would need to be a mechanism in which the suspect(s) involved made a complaint against you on occasion, whihch the in-game command would investigate fully, making you feel like a suspect yourself. I don't know, doesn't really sound like a fun game......... as for the usual negative comments regarding racial profiling, beating suspects, etc...meh. You forgot to throw in something about doughnuts.
This is a very good game idea, would be really fun to run around the streets in a realistic first person FPS.. With not just action and missions, more like a simulation where you walk around and might spot a crime in a really big city.

Hapless, that's some fantastic ideas, sir. I wonder why no one has attempted to do a game like this, it'd probably sell good.
I would love this too, and no missions, just random crimes that happen that you need to go investigate (simple stuff, speeding, officer in a fight with a 67 year old woman) and you could pull over cars, tell them to get out and stuff.
Hapless said:
I have often wondered why no-one has attempted this, being a police officer myself. It would be very hard to accomplish, but I think it would work in a MMORPG setting. The thing is, it wouldn't be very realistic if they made it any kind of fun, because if they made it realistic, every time you did something, you'd have to do some sort of paperwork. If you, "beat a suspect," you'd have to complete a use of force report, and articulate very well what exactly happened and why you used the force that you did. If the game were to follow current trends, every time you stopped a car, you'd have to complete a "statistical survey," form (as we do in Illinois) detailing what you stopped the person for, what their race was and whether or not you searched them or their vehicle, and if so, why. Of course, the A.I. would have to have a "don't want to go to jail under any circumstances" mode, so non-police could get some idea of what it's like to try to take someone who REALLY doesn't want to go to jail into custody, and why they might need more than one officer to accomplish this. The suspects would have to include females, old people and children, so non-police can see that those people can and often do hurt police officers. Then, if everything goes exactly by the book in a particular incident you participate in in-game, there would need to be a mechanism in which the suspect(s) involved made a complaint against you on occasion, whihch the in-game command would investigate fully, making you feel like a suspect yourself. I don't know, doesn't really sound like a fun game......... as for the usual negative comments regarding racial profiling, beating suspects, etc...meh. You forgot to throw in something about doughnuts.

Well, if you made it completely realistic then there really would be no such thing as a fun game. If you played Splinter Cell you'd have to spend 10 hours of mission preparation memorizing the guard patterns and the blueprint of the entire mission, as well as go through a rules of engagement briefing. I understand your point completely and agree that police officers are often underappreciated for what they do, but there is potential for a competent game out of the profession.
I would love a game where you plan a heist, it would be boring as hell and be ALL work (this is a serious idea) you would be the member of a 5 member heist (alot like Ronin, only a different number of people) and you would go around, buying guns off the maket, setting up drop times for cash and stuff, planning the thing, then the final thing would be the actual heist. The game would vary because you would chose what to rip off, when, how, so it would be a sprawling city like Driv3r. Didnt mean to hijack your thread : P
Hapless said:
I have often wondered why no-one has attempted this, being a police officer myself. It would be very hard to accomplish, but I think it would work in a MMORPG setting. The thing is, it wouldn't be very realistic if they made it any kind of fun, because if they made it realistic, every time you did something, you'd have to do some sort of paperwork. If you, "beat a suspect," you'd have to complete a use of force report, and articulate very well what exactly happened and why you used the force that you did. If the game were to follow current trends, every time you stopped a car, you'd have to complete a "statistical survey," form (as we do in Illinois) detailing what you stopped the person for, what their race was and whether or not you searched them or their vehicle, and if so, why. Of course, the A.I. would have to have a "don't want to go to jail under any circumstances" mode, so non-police could get some idea of what it's like to try to take someone who REALLY doesn't want to go to jail into custody, and why they might need more than one officer to accomplish this. The suspects would have to include females, old people and children, so non-police can see that those people can and often do hurt police officers. Then, if everything goes exactly by the book in a particular incident you participate in in-game, there would need to be a mechanism in which the suspect(s) involved made a complaint against you on occasion, whihch the in-game command would investigate fully, making you feel like a suspect yourself. I don't know, doesn't really sound like a fun game......... as for the usual negative comments regarding racial profiling, beating suspects, etc...meh. You forgot to throw in something about doughnuts.

I was joking but it would have to be something in between good cop and bad cop because of some of the things you mentioned. Beat cop in reality probably wouldnt translate well as a game
I'd buy it. I'd love it so much as a third person game like Freedom Fighters or GTA (well, it would be the opposite of GTA totally but I mean just in it's gameplay/control style, ya know)

:[ I want a game like this now. I'm bored. And police are awesome.
Dalamari said:
I would love a game where you plan a heist, it would be boring as hell and be ALL work (this is a serious idea) you would be the member of a 5 member heist (alot like Ronin, only a different number of people) and you would go around, buying guns off the maket, setting up drop times for cash and stuff, planning the thing, then the final thing would be the actual heist. The game would vary because you would chose what to rip off, when, how, so it would be a sprawling city like Driv3r. Didnt mean to hijack your thread : P

I had similar thoughts but mine was for planning a hit on someone:

You get given a picture of the target and a known where abouts for his location at a particular time (in game time)

You are given a set amount of time for recon, you have to get there and back from your abode within the time window and do the recon, you could have equipment such as a notepad/camera/video camera and a disguise to get you into certain places (e.g. tourist/staff uniform/paramedic)

In the recon time you have to identify where the target will be found at the location by eves dropping/reading papers/asking questions and then note it down, keep an eye out for security such as cameras/guards

Then you go into the planning stage, when you have a rainbow 6 like plan of the location and you can decide how to pull off the hits by selecting a path of waypoints (could be limited). This could give the player control over how the hit is carried out - a more adventurous player could go for close quarters so the path may include back door entry and exit, or a building may be used for sniping, but stealth will still be required as would a speedy exit.

The weapons could be bought from a selection screen and then placed as a marker on the map layout of the area, so you will need to pick somewhere that the weapon cannot be found (e.g. side streets or in some bushes) but can be reached easily so you don't miss the target.

The actual hit would be carried out then and could be graded/marked/scored on accuracy, level of awareness from npcs, deviation from waypoints (say like if you missed one out or took a completely different route, your plan wasn't very good so you will be marked down).

You could then get offers from other people depending on how well you completed the last level (e.g. do it rubbish and you have to assasinate a drug dealer, do it properly and you have to kill a presidential candidate)

So in other words, hitman with freedom :p
FYI there is an arcade shooter game with a movement pad underneath it...forget the name of it but you play a cop with the basic gun, go in a situation and you move your legs to duck and such behind things....pretty realistic when it came to cover and enemy AI. It was a cool game, wish i could remember the name of it
I was thinking about this same damn thing. If in GTA3 you could become a cop (legally) that game would've sold more copies. Mmmm "Sir I pulled u over because of a broken tail light"... funzzorrzz. Yeah anyway I'm planning on becoming a cop (life-long dream) so any advice I can get along the way would rockzorrzz. :)
Some_God said:
I was thinking about this same damn thing. If in GTA3 you could become a cop (legally) that game would've sold more copies. Mmmm "Sir I pulled u over because of a broken tail light"... funzzorrzz. Yeah anyway I'm planning on becoming a cop (life-long dream) so any advice I can get along the way would rockzorrzz. :)

fbi :thumbs:

i think there should be a show like cops, only a video game. that would be hilarious :)
ThomasToad said:
Honestly i've been thinking about this exact idea for a couple weeks.

Like a "realistic" police simulation where you drive around the city with all your equipment and you report to crime scenes and deal with all sorts of things. Like you could give people speeding tickets and the likes or respond to public disturbance instances or something.

I can almost gaurentee a game like this will be out within 2-3 years.

There should be a super realistic cop game where in the first few levels you have to go through police schooling. That level lasts a few years. Real Time. Yet to keep it fresh, when you (your character) goes home every night to his wife and 2 screaming children, he becomes angry and frustrated because he has such little money and the kids are costing a f*cking fortune. After several months of this you get a bonus game of beating your wife in rage. After you finish police school, and get a job on the force, you spend the next few years at a crappy desk job where you sit there and fill out papers because you pissed off the police chief in an earlier level, and he wants you to suffer. After filling out forms for a year or so (real time), you finally get to go patroling around the city, and at that point you start taking bribes from the mob in order to finance your growing childrens education because you dont want them going to a crappy school like brown. After several years, and a few loose ends with the mob, the police force finds out about the bribery and takes your badge, then puts you in the slammer for several more years of gameplay, where you get to play the exciting minigame of 'hold on to the soap'. The gameplay goes downhill from there as you wither and die.

Just Kidding.
I use to play that with GTA VC.

Do I smell a Mod coming ?
YES. A game like this would ROCK THE HOUSE.

That new GTA game is coming out.


Someone MUST make a cop mod for it!

:D :D :D
Why GTA, last time I checked this was a HL2 forum. I would be a really great and fresh idea.....