Police have raoul moat cornered

Says the feed isn't available here in America. :(

What exactly is going on?
This isn't going to end well me thinks.

Also lol @ the chavs getting pissed amongst the press.
is that that soccer player who killed someone??

Oh god :laugh: :laugh:

If only we still had the photo edit contest :(

Apparently Paul Gascoigne turned up to try and give Raoul Moat a beer and some chicken.

what is going on
Apparently Paul Gascoigne turned up to try and give Raoul Moat a beer and some chicken.

what is going on

Former England footballer Paul Gascoigne has also arrived in Rothbury to offer his support for Moat.

Talking to Metro Radio the 43-year-old appeared to suggest he had brought the wanted man a "can of lager, some chicken, a mobile phone and something to keep warm".

He added: "He is willing to give in now. I just want to give him some therapy and say 'come on Moaty, it's Gazza'.

"He is alright - simply as that and I am willing to help him. I have come all the way from Newcastle to Rothbury to find him, have a chat with him.

"I guarantee, Moaty, he won't shoot me. I am good friends with him."

Source: The ever so reliable Sun

Only in Ingerlund.
Apparently Paul Gascoigne turned up to try and give Raoul Moat a beer and some chicken.

what is going on

My god, couldnt stop laughing at that, thought that was a joke until I saw the news.
"Stop calling me Moaty, you crazy bastard! And I'm not your friend!"
I haven't really watched the video or anything, but isn't it kind of weird to have the whole live thing going on just for an arrest?

Before you know it you'll have a couple of Hollywood-saavy E!-esque hosts narrating the whole thing.

"That's right Chuck Upinatoilet, it seems this crim hasn't heard of the fashion tip: Blue and Green should never be seen!"

Then again Raoul Moat is probably a celebrity, or something.
He's not, he's just a crazy bastard who shot some police officers then killed the boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend then went on the run for a week. Massive manhunt has been going on to find him.

He laid down for 7 hours with a shotgun in his own neck but about 30 minutes ago there was lots of shouting and shots fired....Moat has gone to hospital with gunshot wounds apparently, no officers hurt. Don't know what happened but looks like he'll be banged up for life now.

Cool name though eh? Perfect for a hollywood villain.
'The' photo edit contest?

Yes, 'the photo edit contest'. Like 'the image dump'.

Wow. :rolleyes:

It doesn't matter if there are more than one.

Coming to the slam dunk contest?

Shame we don't have the slam dunk contest anymore.
You can put an s on the end, but I don't think it's necessary.
It just sounded weird to me.

I'd say 'the photo edit contests'.

"Coming to the slam dunk contest?"

This is something completely different, because you're actually referring to a specific, single event or thing. You weren't doing that in your post, you were referring to all or any of the contests. If you would actually get off your lazy ass and post a new one then you could refer to it as 'the photo edit contest'.
Raoul Moat has died from a single gun shot wound after arriving in hospital shortly before 3am this morning, police sources suggest.

It just sounded weird to me.

If you would actually get off your lazy ass and post a new one then you could refer to it as 'the photo edit contest'.

You sound weird to me.

Like you said, it's kinda small. Also, I'm about to make some tacos. Plus, I suck at photoshooop.
Did he shoot himself or what? I was watching this before work and from what I heard (over a thousand times), he had a sawed off shotgun pointed to his head.
For me he's just as bad as those people who stand on a bridge contemplating suicide, and get indecisive.
Who is this person, and why should I be interested in watching him get shot?
Ah crap, I'm too late. Well here goes anyway.

Guess the police had him surrounded like a moat.
I apologize, my previous pun was raoulated to the thread.
Maybe he shot himself in protest over Real's treatment of Gazza.
Seeing John Sopel crouching over some lady's phone whilst quizing her petrified mother about the crazy bastard near her house was the reality TV event of the year.

Rolling news should be stopped. Watching journalists fall over themselves and each other to get a pointless and intrusive soundbite should happen off camera, or not at all.

edit: Is Gazza back doing his very public slow motion car crash thing? I picked up some tabloid or other and they were talking about how the Pope called him up, and how he totally has everyone cool's number in his phone. Whether true or not, he's absolutely batshit insane.
Yup, Gazza has rather lost it recently. I like him far better this way though to be honest :p

So anyway, have they blown Raoul's head off yet? I've been buried in my rat-lair recording drums all day. No time for news. No time for sunshine. Mmm. Sexy condenser mics...
Got this image of a guy sitting in a sniper nest surrounded by a moat with buttloads of peacekeeping forces and SWAT swarming trying to take him down. It's cool though he had some killstreak rewards, chopper gunner at the very least coming his way. But alas, he pwnorered himself, may rest in pieces.

This needs some good old fashioned red meat American political melodrama to spice it up.

here's an old video of Obama advocating the use of predator drones against the "Jonas Brothers":


lol, thousands of accidental deaths including relatives of a best friend. I'm a bad person for laughing every time I see this.
I agree. Best pun this forum has seen in quite a while.