Political Correctness gone MAD ... Bonfire Night Axed?


Sep 18, 2003
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Oh how i'd love to beat the sparse and misguided brains out of these peoples' heads. "Oooh no you can't celebrate bonfire night, it's too non-PC. We should celebrate the night of November 5th with an old asian tale of a bengali tiger instead."

I'm not saying these people shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion, but they should definately not be allowed to act on these opinions. People in victoria park now have to put up with no bonfire and no fireworks, and instead some ****ing tiger prancing about. Political correctness should be banned.
was it a real tiger?

I would totally trade a bonfire for a tiger :D:D:D
Next they'll be telling us we can't have Vishnu in our Christmas celebrations! DAMN YOU ALL!
I am offended by the use of Asian tigers :p
I'm not surprised,if you don't make people adapt to the country they immigrated in then shit like this is bound yo happen.If it was for me all the people of the world would be welcome in the western world but since most people especially from the middle/far east simply to refuse to adapt...shit is just bound to happen. (look at France)
I'm not surprised,if you don't make people adapt to the country they immigrated in then shit like this is bound yo happen.If it was for me all the people of the world would be welcome in the western world but since most people especially from the middle/far east simply to refuse to adapt...shit is just bound to happen. (look at France)
Making people adapt (eg. making all immigrants speak english) is branded "very non-PC" by these same idiots - You'd be branded a racist if you tried to make immigrants adopt or adapt to western culture. Slowly but surely, as more 'politically correct' idiots mouth off their stupid opinions, England as a country is losing its own unique culture and tradition.

Then you wonder why so many people are actually starting to vote BNP etc.
Of course, its tower hamlets. The MP's george galloway and the council is almost a respect majority.

Its not 'political correctness' it's about not celebrating the death of a person who they ultimately feel was a good guy.
I fully support this product and/or event.

Guy fawkes was a hero and we should not celebrate his death.
And tower hamlets is an asian majoirty I think, so they can do whatever the **** they want. If the people want a bengali tiger, let em have it.

Edit: Wait, read report. I'm wrong.
Of course, its tower hamlets. The MP's george galloway and the council is almost a respect majority.

Its not 'political correctness' it's about not celebrating the death of a person who they ultimately feel was a good guy.
I fully support this product and/or event.

Guy fawkes was a hero and we should not celebrate his death.
And tower hamlets is an asian majoirty I think, so they can do whatever the **** they want. If the people want a bengali tiger, let em have it.

Edit: Wait, read report. I'm wrong.

He's the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, not Tower Hamlets.

And yes, this is PC gone mad. Utter bullshit.
is this some british folkroric stuff?

cuz it say something about some fawks guy replaced whit a tiger and burning so I am confused
Bah, For Fawke's Sake! (I lol'd when I read that)
People have been doing variations on the Bonfire Night theme for years. It's not all about Political Correctness. Hell, why not do something different for once? Why be one of the thousands upon thousands of similar events when you can do something alternative? It's not like the entire tradition has been axed and people in deepest Essex are having to paper-mache their own Tigers.

"Health and Safety gone mad" should be the greater concern instead. The ammount of displays that have been cancelled or scaled back because of financial impositions after a handful of minor injuries is silly. That will kill the tradition before multicultralism will even make a scratch.

People in victoria park now have to put up with no bonfire and no fireworks, and instead some ****ing tiger prancing about.
You make it sound like people will be herded into Victoria Park and chained to metal rings incased in concrete. If people want to see something more traditional, they can go elsewhere.
You make it sound like people will be herded into Victoria Park and chained to metal rings incased in concrete. If people want to see something more traditional, they can go elsewhere.
That's not the point here ... every single time some 'politically-correct' morons decide to cancel a traditional british event in favour of some foreign POS, it's another bit of british tradition going.

In Britain, we should celebrate British traditions. If foreigners or immigrants want to celebrate their own country traditions, they should do so at home or in their own country. It's not politically incorrect to not celebrate every other countries traditional events, fgs.

Do you think any British people would emmigrate to India and then complain that nobody was celebrating Guy Fawkes night? What do you think they would be told if they did complain? Yeah, exactly.
Grr, political correctness gone mad aga - waitasec.

BBC said:
The council said that the decision was not about political correctness, but creativity.

"Every year we've done a themed event," said Eloise Clark, a Tower Hamlets council spokeswoman. "It's based really around what will make a really good display of lights and colour."
Last year, the council burnt down a huge replica of the House of Commons to mark the 400th anniversary of the gunpowder plot; the year before that, there was a Mexican "Day of the Dead" theme.

It doesn't sound to me like this is about political correctness. It sounds like they just want to do something different (they've "done something different" for the past four years)...and of course, blowing up a replica Houses of Parliament isn't quite the epitome of PC.

If you think it's sacrelige or something to do bonfire night without a guy, then fair enough. But it seems that this time the 'PC gone mad' angle has, as it often is, been exaggerated.

Plus, I don't see any comments from 'foreigners' saying that Guy Fawkes offends them. I don't see any comments from anyone saying that Guy Fawkes offends anyone. Where's all this "if foreign people want to celebrate their wacky festivals they can do it in their own country rargh" stuff coming from?
Me also.

The Sun telling half-truths and blowing all things out of proportion? Whatever next?
Unless somebody forced the council into choosing the tiger theme, it really should not matter whether there is a guy or not.
Exactly, tha article is rubbish.

It's got nothing to do with political correctness.
I like it how people feel persecuted and outraged from reading The Sun.
Haha yeh.

Thing is people are gonna read it and think "Thoose ****ing asians are trying to ban bonfire night!!!!"
I forget who said this, but it was definitely someone off these boards:
"Woohoo! Sensationalism put on thy hat and come on down!"
Which I think can be applied to almost every single page in The Sun. Patronising, shit-stirring Oxford/Cambrdge grad hacks, the lot of 'em.
I think your use of "all" when referencing one is misguided, but whatever.

Just a little misguided, seeing as it's one MP talking about banning them for purely practical and environmental reasons (and taking a tiny mild side-swipe for political correctness).

I don't see any Catholics complaining either.
Guy fawkes was a hero and we should not celebrate his death.

Explain. Seriously. How is this chap a hero to you of all people? Sure, he wanted to blow the protestant King sky high along with parliament, but, ultimately, wasnt the objective of the exorcise to simply replace him with a catholic King/Queen. Now, in Solaris land it may have been the case that the story was told that he wanted to establish a communist utopia after killing the King and chums.

So, our resident loony red, please explain how trying to swap one King and set of aristocracy for a new King/Queen and aristocracy of a different denomination of Christianity makes him a hero to our commie friends around the world.