Political Correctness

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
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I was speaking to my girlfriend earlier. She works as a nursery nurse and looks after about 30 kids every day along with other members of staff.

With all of the younger kids they sing nursery rhymes, as you'd expect. But I was absolutely horrified to hear that they no longer sing "Baa baa black sheep" out of political incorrectness to avoid being racist or discriminative. Instead they sing "Baa baa yellow?!?! sheep"!

Correct me if I'm wrong but the lyrics go:

"Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
One for the farmer,
One for the maid,
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane!"

How the heck can that be racist? Also correct me if I'm wrong, but you can indeed get black sheep. Never yellow ones.

What are your views on this, and do you know of any other examples that take political correctness too far?
If they act like that, it's wierd..

Also, that's VERY racist towards The Simpsons.
Duck Duck Gray Duck has been changed to Duck Duck Goose... I'm not sure if this is an example...but if it is...that's lame.

I knew of a few other ones...but I can't remember them right now.
OMG you said black!!! You're a racist! You know they like to be called African Americans! Why would you do such a thing?
Yeah this was on the news a while ago...It makes no sense. If its racist then what about Chinese people? Ok so they arent yellow but close enough. Black people are actually black.

Heh, African Americans....In England.

Do you ahve to refer to every different person in the US like that? African American, European American, Asian American, South American American, Autraliasian American, Antartica American?
ffs it really is getting beyond a joke now

Black-boards are meant to be called "Chalk-boards" now in my school

It makes absolutely no sense, i have never ever heard anyone take offensive from calling an object by their colour

I can see it going the way of quoting RGB numbers soon

"Baa Baa 0,0,0 sheep, have you any wool......"
FarrowLeSparrow said:
Yeah this was on the news a while ago...It makes no sense. If its racist then what about Chinese people? Ok so they arent yellow but close enough. Black people are actually black.

Heh, African Americans....In England.

Do you ahve to refer to every different person in the US like that? African American, European American, Asian American, South American American, Autraliasian American, Antartica American?

Actually yes except white people... you can call white people any racist name and do anything to them and get away with it. If a white guy beats up a black guy its a hate crime but if a black guy beats up a white guy its just assault. South Park made fun of this in one of their newer episodes. Stan' father was going to go beat up this other kid's father for trying to convert Stan's religion. He was like "I'm gonna go kick his ass" then a few seconds later he walks back in the house and says to Stan, "Hold on is he white?" and Stan was like yea and he said, "Yea, I'm gonna go kick his ass."
We need to recruit black kids...ooops, i meant to say, chronolically challenged African American English person....for the film.

Yeah i saw that south park...It was funny but made a very good point. Political correctness is so annoying, because most people dont care about it. The only people that do are politicians, crazy people and those who feel it can be used to their advantage when they are in trouble.

Another thing, for some reason i cant call someone from Pakistan a Paki. Its just an abreviation to make talking easier, yet for some reason im told its racist. Yet, people call me a Brit, which is the exact same thing. I also cant say someone is brown...because thats racist, even though its blatantly obvious. Them calling me white is "racist" because im not white, im....well, sking colour. Slightling tanned but generally peachy creamy.
The black sheep is a black slave

Farmer is white and he's the slaves master.

I guess thats how it goes.
nw909 said:
The black sheep is a black slave

Farmer is white and he's the slaves master.

I guess thats how it goes.

What about the millions of white sheep for every black one?
Another case of the do-gooders thinking they know whats best for others.. Stupid, totally stupid.

You can bet your life it wasn't a black guy who started all this too, as if they care, they've more brains than to think its racist. It will have been some housewife with nothing better to do during the day who decided the black community needed to be "saved" by her. I'd say thats WAY more insulting than any nursery rhyme.
Political Correstness only breeds racism, to an extent. Not only does it anger true racists even more, but it separates people. Though I believe people should be proud of their racial heritage to an extent, Racial Political Correctness sets quick borders. It draws incoherent lines for Whites to adhere to. My friend AJ is black, and we call eachother racial names all the. Well, we did, until he moved away.
Anyway, when we used to hang out, we did. It didn't matter. Because we knew what we meants, the context wasn't offensive or cruel. If we're human beings, we should be allowed to laugh and have our own fun. To set up a barrier on words and phrases only creates an even thicker division.
I know a woman from India who is disabled and show knows how dumb the whole thing is. Shes not stupid or nasty but she plays the system....when she wants to anyway. Shes a nice person, but when she comes across politically correct idiots, she just uses them because they bow to her every whim. Its madness. Its a little short sighted i suppose but it highlights the stupidity of the whole idea.
Ok, here is the politically correct version:

"Baa baa African-American sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
One for the farmer,
One for the maid,
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane!"
I remember when people wanted to change our state song (which 99.99% of the people who live here don't even know it exists) because it had the phrase "blackies toiling in the fields" in it.
Chris_D said:
I was speaking to my girlfriend earlier. She works as a nursery nurse and looks after about 30 kids every day along with other members of staff.

With all of the younger kids they sing nursery rhymes, as you'd expect. But I was absolutely horrified to hear that they no longer sing "Baa baa black sheep" out of political incorrectness to avoid being racist or discriminative. Instead they sing "Baa baa yellow?!?! sheep"!

Correct me if I'm wrong but the lyrics go:

"Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
One for the farmer,
One for the maid,
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane!"

How the heck can that be racist? Also correct me if I'm wrong, but you can indeed get black sheep. Never yellow ones.

What are your views on this, and do you know of any other examples that take political correctness too far?
It's always a good thing to try and end racism. But this is totally unnessecary.
If you want to avoid racism or discrimination, try not to make jokes about such and such. I don't get it, what's wrong with saying "black" sheep? Just because some people "are"? Some Chinese living in Canada are called Bananas(I'm one) does that mean people are gonna stop selling bananas and start selling "yellow-penis-look-a-like fuits"?
I like racism.

Call me a white-devil honky and I tickle with joy.

Notice the gun. Notice it pointing at the letters 'P' and 'C'. 'P' stands for political. 'C' stands for correctness.

See what Imma sayin' now? ;)
OH! I am such a stupid lil' boy!:D:D:D:D
Why? Is political correctness something adored or hated by the majority???
Anyone who adores political correctness needs to be punched in the stomach.

this is why society sucks. seriously, I just wish I could go on a killing spree of people who make these laws. And I find it ironic how hypocritical they are. They only "protect" non-white people, its ridiculous. They should just remove all race related rules and regulations. Why is it that a black guy automatically has a better chance of getting into [most] colleges than me, whether he is richer or poorer?
yea that's the problem with affirmative action...now that being a minority in this country doesn't say anything whatsoever about your ability to get into college or get a job, it's pretty lame...

affirmative action should be changed from helping minorities to helping the poor :\
there are plenty of white kids that go to urban public schools and get a shoddy education...they deserve equal opportunity to go to decent colleges...that's the purpose of affirmative action...it shouldn't have anything to do with race.
always a difficult one i think.

we as humans generally have a nack for singling out individuals different to ourselves, whether it be colour, looks, or some dibilitating ailment so trying to pretend that we dont and changing things such as songs is ****ing stupid... unless of course it was a song written with racism in mind.