Political Propaganda

May 24, 2003
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Ahem....In a blatant attempt to draw attention to my signature;), I am curious as to whether any of you think your signatures have any effect on people? (I am abviously talking about the ones which say who to vote for, and not ones advertising your mod :P)

Are they simply there to point out where you stand? in which case, what is the point? All it seems to do to me is create divides between people. You see someone who supports Kerry(Edit: Or whoever;)) and automatically make a subconcious decision to be warry of that person.
I dont have a sig... long live boringness!
You tend to see people as their avatar on forum, so when someone changes them (or everyone does like the swapping thing) then it gets confusing.

Btw, im voting Kiff.
I agree with you Farrow, and I hope ppl listen to you and remove the annoying "Kerry/Edwards 04" "Bush/Kerry 04" off their sigs sometime soon.
I'm glad so many people noticed this thread...
Propaganda has had an affect on me, all the anti-Bush crap is going to make me vote for Bush just to piss those people off. "Bush is a monnnnster! He is ruining our reputation with the French! Wahhhh!". It will really piss off some of my teachers if I vote for Bush and Bush wins, and my mom.
I'll vote T


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Foxtrot said:
Propaganda has had an affect on me, all the anti-Bush crap is going to make me vote for Bush just to piss those people off. "Bush is a monnnnster! He is ruining our reputation with the French! Wahhhh!". It will really piss off some of my teachers if I vote for Bush and Bush wins, and my mom.

And people want to lower the voting age?

Bad Hat says - quit trying to force your opinion on others as though it's the only important one, yours is no more significant than the next person's (of voting age).
Perhaps they just want to show who they're voting for.

I personally don't really care if people have Bush or Kerry in their sigs, at least we should be glad they don't have "BUSH FOR PREZ" in every post.
CrazyHarij said:
I personally don't really care if people have Bush or Kerry in their sigs, at least we should be glad they don't have "BUSH FOR PREZ" in every post.

But if im going to have a sig i might aswell just write it at the bottom of every post, it'd have the same effect wouldn't it?

Well i don't care if it affects people or not, i'm just doing it because i've seen several bush/cheney's i figured someone had to represent.
oldagerocker said:
But if im going to have a sig i might aswell just write it at the bottom of every post, it'd have the same effect wouldn't it?


It depends.. You'd not want someone writing

..All over the post.
I personally hate seeing a giant "I love george bush/kerry" sig ...especially if the letters are in the colours of the flag

CptStern said:
I personally hate seeing a giant "I love george bush/kerry" sig ...especially if the letters are in the colours of the flag

as well as the russian flag, french flag, british flag, australian flag, and countless other ones that I'll be damned if I remember.
The weird thing is red/white/blue is also the colors of the French flag :p

EDIT : cybersh33p pwned me :dork:

Anyway, Foxtrot, you should be shot.
CyberSh33p said:
as well as the russian flag, french flag, british flag, australian flag, and countless other ones that I'll be damned if I remember.

yes but they dont count. There is only one flag that is red wite and blue! and that stands for AMERICA! , the rest are just bits of cloth jealous of Ol Faithful ...bah frenchmen!

disclaimer: may or maynot be true

[disclaimer]May or may not be spam[/disclaimer]
I call for total signature ban if this isn't over !

Who's with me?

*gets flamesuit*
What is it with people and spam..? :|

Propaganda in all forms is, in my opinion, bad. You want to change peoples minds with words, you want to make them think as you do. Propaganda can never be good for that reason.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Ahem....In a blatant attempt to draw attention to my signature;), I am curious as to whether any of you think your signatures have any effect on people? (I am abviously talking about the ones which say who to vote for, and not ones advertising your mod :P)

Are they simply there to point out where you stand? in which case, what is the point? All it seems to do to me is create divides between people. You see someone who supports Kerry(Edit: Or whoever;)) and automatically make a subconcious decision to be warry of that person.

On a side note i dont think they influence other peoples political views never mind persuade people to vote differently. I would go with the view that they simply point out your own political views.
CrazyHarij said:
What is it with people and spam..? :|

Propaganda in all forms is, in my opinion, bad. You want to change peoples minds with words, you want to make them think as you do. Propaganda can never be good for that reason.

Same reason why I'm watching less and less TV.
Hey, if you guys can get the other doops to change their signatures, i'll change mine :) In fact, I am going to do it now.
Innervision961 said:
Hey, if you guys can get the other doops to change their signatures, i'll change mine :) In fact, I am going to do it now.

Yay, one soul saved! Booyah! :D
Well mine was just a funny experience on theese forums ;0
Innervision961 said:


tv sucks that's why I'm not watching it, nothing on but stupid reality shows
Ah, stern, whaddya' mean, "don't want to know". You would think it would concern you most, seeing as how your canadian, and God knows, canada has teh best ointment.
And i think i fixed my sig.
Innervision961 said:
Ah, stern, whaddya' mean, "don't want to know". You would think it would concern you most, seeing as how your canadian, and God knows, canada has teh best ointment.
And i think i fixed my sig.

yes everybody knows the best butt cream ointment comes from canada ...we're world famous butt cream ointment users

k I'll shut up now :E
[Matt] said:
On a side note i dont think they influence other peoples political views never mind persuade people to vote differently. I would go with the view that they simply point out your own political views.

Side note :x

That was part of the thread but the multicoloured text has taken over. Please move back on topic and stop discussing random things and ointment...especially ointment.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Side note :x

That was part of the thread but the multicoloured text has taken over. Please move back on topic and stop discussing random things and ointment...especially ointment.

lol ok, but just cuz you asked nicely farrowl, like i said though, i only had it cuz no one else i know of had a kerry version, I had to represent ya' know. :monkee:
Damn, now I have to put something in my sig.

Kucinich 2004

(I think he's still running)
I'd like to think my sig has some influence for people to get informed for the upcoming election so they can make a proper decision as opposed to an uniformed one.
Yeah blahblahblah has the best sig about the whole deal. I like it, its all whats that pop word we've been throwin' around lately... "unbiased" there we go, I congratulate you blah. Good man.
talking about being unbiased... Didnt both Kerry and Bush goto yale and both become Bones men? when Old george was asked about it he refused to comment.(its a club rule you cant spill the beans on being a Bones man, read about what the club is all about, their all capitalist loon's)

here: http://www.parascope.com/articles/0997/skullbones.htm

The family names on the Skull and Bones roster roll off the tongue like an elite party list -- Lord, Whitney, Taft, Jay, Bundy, Harriman, Weyerhaeuser, Pinchot, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Sloane, Stimson, Phelps, Perkins, Pillsbury, Kellogg, Vanderbilt, Bush, Lovett and so on.

:farmer: im with Farrow on this one,
