Politicians are liars


Apr 29, 2004
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Does anyone else feel confused about why we elect these morons to run our country. All they do is stir up trouble and make people frustrated. To prove my point, just name one thing the government has done for you today that benefits you and helps you grow as a person.
Gave me public schools.
Provided me with public roads to drive on.
Offered me government funded loans for going to college.

Maybe the fact that we aren't speaking German and heiling the reich's fuhrer is a thing to be happy for having a solid government (although as of recent times, I doubt we are solid at all)
They're a necessary evil...at least until I become more powerful than any of them could ever be...then there will be hell to pay :)
abconners said:
Does anyone else feel confused about why we elect these morons to run our country. All they do is stir up trouble and make people frustrated. To prove my point, just name one thing the government has done for you today that benefits you and helps you grow as a person.

You think you could do better? :rolleyes:
probably not, but it seems none of their decisions are common sense
Become a populist today and get rid of the politicians tomorrow.
CB | Para said:
Bolshevik scum!

aahhhh.. what ?
I'm talking about direct democracy, the democracy that occured on Greece. Populist democracy
Wasn't talking to you and for the love of GOD lighten up!
no, **** that! do it for the love of timmy!

EDIT FOOLS!: our modern political machine essentially requires that veteran politicians run the system. they are no more "morons" than the people that elect them, but even the best among them have to obey the rules of the system, in order to accomplish anything. often this involves making simplistic and outright stupid/dangerous choices. but the vast majority of american voters couldn't deal with a real thinker in any position of power.
CB | Para said:
Wasn't talking to you and for the love of GOD lighten up!

Well, you didn't quote and I was the one above you :|
Sorry I just felt like saying bolshevik, it's a funny word :laugh: