Poll reveals Conservatives are stupid .....


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
...errr ...like reality TV

(ok I admit to being somewhat lazy in creating a thread title but meh it's pretty accurate imho :E )

very interesting poll results

On Video Games:

* Conservatives don?t seem to play a lot of video games, but football scores very high for conservatives (62%), and so does the Madden NFL video game franchise (Madden and Mario were the most popular among conservatives). Sunday Night Football is also one of their favorite shows, with over 30% watching it every week.

* If you play Grand Theft Auto, it?s more likely that you?re a liberal. But if you like auto racing, we?d bet you?re conservative. Conservatives are four times more likely than liberals to follow NASCAR (5% vs. 20%).

i wonder if the numbers are vary at all depending on the type of game ..I wouldnt be surprised if conservatives were big on military shooters


* Compared to all other respondents, conservatives were more likely to watch only two channels out of the 24 highest-rated networks: Fox and Fox News. While no one should be surprised to hear that conservatives like to watch Fox News (70% watch it daily, opposed to 12% of moderates and liberals), many may wonder why the Fox broadcast network is their second favorite channel, with over twice as many conservatives watching it daily, compared to all other respondents. Fox ? the home of anti-authority satires like The Simpsons, Family Guy and MADtv ? draws daily more than three times as many conservatives as liberals.

* What broadcast network do conservatives hate most? 27% report that they never watch NBC, compared to 8% of all other respondents. Of course it?s the one liberals like best: almost 70% watch the peacock on a daily or weekly basis.

* Who has a sense of humor? Not only do liberals give Comedy Central a big thumbs up (31% watch it daily, compared to 6% of all other respondents), you are more likely to find them watching comedies than moderates or conservatives.

* While conservatives are more likely than all other respondents to watch action adventures and business and sports programming, that?s exactly the programming that liberals are less likely to watch.
* While liberals are more likely to be found watching drama, comedy, documentaries, and arts and educational programming, those are the genres that conservatives are more likely to avoid.

* Conservative viewers, who are 57% male, are more likely to watch action-adventure, sports, and business programming than moderates or liberals.

* Out of 15 TV and film genres, ?arts? emerged as the one with the highest positive correlation to liberal viewers and the highest negative correlation to conservative viewers. In other words, while 48% of liberals prefer arts programming, only 17% of conservatives do. At the other end of the scale, less than 5% of liberals say they do not like the genre at all, compared to almost 25% of conservatives.

On Music

* Out of 15 musical genres, conservatives were more likely than the rest of the respondents to listen to only two of them: country and gospel. What genre are they least likely to listen to, compared to the rest of the respondents? Not punk or hip-hop, as you might expect, but world music. World music is also the music genre where we see the greatest difference between conservatives and liberals.

* Conservatives are the least likely group to listen to jazz (34% vs. 44% vs. 53%) and reggae (8% vs. 20% vs. 26%).

* Over 90% of conservatives said they never enjoy reggae, electronic music or Latin music. Over 95% said they never enjoy world music and punk music.

* Liberals, on the other hand, are more likely than other respondents to enjoy almost every music genre, including world, punk, Latin, hip-hop and rap, blues, reggae, electronica, R&B and soul, jazz, folk and traditional music. Rock was the most popular genre among liberals (67%).

* Although all political types claimed they enjoy classical music, moderates were the least enamored with it (55.5% listen to it compared to almost 62% of the rest of respondents). Moderates also showed their distaste for folk & traditional music (72.5% said they don?t listen to it, compared to 62.4% of the rest of the respondents), and they joined conservatives in their distaste for world music (90% said they don?t listen to it, compared to 71% of liberals.)

* Moderates? favorite music is rock (58%). Conservatives? favorite music is classical (60%) followed by country (56%) and rock (55%).

going on those figures alone it seems like Conservatives are culturally dead

* Compared to other respondents, moderates are more likely to watch children?s and daytime programming.

pedos and the unemployed/morbidly obese?

I guess it's to be expected that liberals are more open to other things while conservatives aren't - I mean it is in their names.
Of course the problem with that, is people get to decide if their considered conservative or liberal, most people don't know what either actually means.
it doesnt matter, this poll is in the US which tradionally means democrat = liberal/conservative = republican ..it's really that black and white
it doesnt matter, this poll is in the US which tradionally means democrat = liberal/conservative = republican ..it's really that black and white

Sometimes I feel as if your grasp on Americans politics is pathetic at best.
it doesnt matter, this poll is in the US which tradionally means democrat = liberal/conservative = republican ..it's really that black and white

Actually democrat=moderate and republican=moderate.

Most Americans are moderates, which is why political parties cater to moderate needs the most. Democrats are generally just slightly more liberal and republicans are slightly more conservative.
I Consider myself a conservative yet hate NASCAR, love video games etc.

I think this poll is very off.

But I'm northerns... so, oh well.
Why label people and post polls like this when we wont even admit there are genetic differences between races and sexes.
* Over 90% of conservatives said they never enjoy reggae, electronic music or Latin music. Over 95% said they never enjoy world music and punk music.