I've had this problem ever since I began playing Half-Life 2 since it first came out. For some reason, with almost every object in the game, there seem to be some cases when strange polygonal triangles or boundaries jump off of them (the objects) around the edges, and blink, flicker (in shape and size) and stretch out in a weird looking way. I've included some screenshots as it's somewhat difficult to describe, but simple to recognize. As well as this problem (related to it I think), a lot of the background level textures (wall, floor, and ceiling textures a little bit away in draw distance) in the game will flicker and turn white or occasionallly disappear in the background while moving through a level, only for a few seconds, then will go normal as I change perspectives around them, and a new set of textures in the distance will flicker. This happened with a few textures close to view instead of far in the level with the train tracks after the ravenzombie beared-guy level a few days ago, where you come out of the tunnel with that white light ahead, but it doesn't usually happen so close distance-wise. There seems to be no real reason that I can come up with yet why this happens. I noticed one time that while I was looking at a female NPC, she looked fine when I looked at her in the dark, but when I shone my flashlight on her, the polygonal "jumping and stretching and flickering" began, then when I turned my flashlight back off, it stopped again, she went back to normal. I've included a screenshot of this incident below. So I thought maybe there's a connection between the lighting in the world and this strange polygonal jumping. Since the flashing and flickering of the objects looks a lot like the background flickering to me, I thought that they might be related. I've updated all of my video card drivers to the latest, as well as testing many others, then returning to the latest after a full reinstallation of my video card, as well as fully patching HL2, and the latest version of Directx9. I've included some screenshots below of all of the issues, hopefully they help.
My system is:
Dell 9800 Desktop
P4 2.0Ghz
256mb RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4600 128mb
SB Live! Value
Windows XP Home
I've tried testing EVERY different video setting config combo possible in the video settings, but all result in the same, uh, result. The game runs fine, fast and good, even with all video settings on full, but it looks so stupid with this issue. It's not blatantly around ALL the time on EVERY object, but pops up quite frequently anyway on a lot of objects to be quite annoying and has never allowed the world to look at all real. I tried that mat_forcetexturesintohardware 1 and 0 (1 and 0 separately) thing, but that had no effect on this issue. It may only be on moving objects now that I think of it (shooting guys, flying bots, npc's, etc.), as I haven't seen it happen on any things like barrels as far as I can remember, but I may be wrong. I've searched for help on this issue, but have found none. Currently I am running all settings on HIGH, and the game runs smooth and loads pretty quickly, but it just looks stupid.

Pics 1 - 9: flickering polygonal boundary issue
Pics 10 - 15: you may have to save the pictures and view them in the Windows XP picture viewer with the arrow buttons to view the pictures in a sort of motion-picture type style, the background flickers white around there if you can see it
Pics 16 - 27: notice that when I shine my flashlight on my sister who became a hooker here, she begins to transform into a sketchy hulk, as she's become nocturnal, living in the back of vans at night time... but seriously, this is the sequence where if I shine my flashlight on this female NPC, she goes from looking fine in the dark, to having a bunch of weird polygons start jumping and flickering wildly in the flashlight's light, then going back to being normal when I shut the flashlight back off
Pics 28 - 29: another background-flickering/transparency/white issue, notice how it's close up in these two photos as opposed to being in the far background in the ravenhome ones in pics 10 - 15
Pics 30+: two shots of the guy from ravenhome with the polygonal boundary stretching/flickering thing
Anyway, I was wondering how I can possibly fix/resolve this issue. It's been with me forever, and there must be a way to fix it without having to buy any new hardware. I have no money for any new video cards or anything, so I really hope there's somebody talented enough out there to fix this issue without having to buy anything new. Thanks.
All your borg are belong to us
Kitty :bounce: Bouncing Testicle :E Frightened Parent on Valium :cheers: Where everybody knows your name :bonce: what the f's a bonce :rolling: Dammit, my kid was born retarted.. I told you to get an abortion :imu: You're gettin' old bitch, your titties just flop around all over the place now :x Well now just both feet are in the grave, I guess that retarted kid wore you out fast... you see the beauty of abortions now?
My system is:
Dell 9800 Desktop
P4 2.0Ghz
256mb RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4600 128mb
SB Live! Value
Windows XP Home
I've tried testing EVERY different video setting config combo possible in the video settings, but all result in the same, uh, result. The game runs fine, fast and good, even with all video settings on full, but it looks so stupid with this issue. It's not blatantly around ALL the time on EVERY object, but pops up quite frequently anyway on a lot of objects to be quite annoying and has never allowed the world to look at all real. I tried that mat_forcetexturesintohardware 1 and 0 (1 and 0 separately) thing, but that had no effect on this issue. It may only be on moving objects now that I think of it (shooting guys, flying bots, npc's, etc.), as I haven't seen it happen on any things like barrels as far as I can remember, but I may be wrong. I've searched for help on this issue, but have found none. Currently I am running all settings on HIGH, and the game runs smooth and loads pretty quickly, but it just looks stupid.

Pics 1 - 9: flickering polygonal boundary issue
Pics 10 - 15: you may have to save the pictures and view them in the Windows XP picture viewer with the arrow buttons to view the pictures in a sort of motion-picture type style, the background flickers white around there if you can see it
Pics 16 - 27: notice that when I shine my flashlight on my sister who became a hooker here, she begins to transform into a sketchy hulk, as she's become nocturnal, living in the back of vans at night time... but seriously, this is the sequence where if I shine my flashlight on this female NPC, she goes from looking fine in the dark, to having a bunch of weird polygons start jumping and flickering wildly in the flashlight's light, then going back to being normal when I shut the flashlight back off
Pics 28 - 29: another background-flickering/transparency/white issue, notice how it's close up in these two photos as opposed to being in the far background in the ravenhome ones in pics 10 - 15
Pics 30+: two shots of the guy from ravenhome with the polygonal boundary stretching/flickering thing
Anyway, I was wondering how I can possibly fix/resolve this issue. It's been with me forever, and there must be a way to fix it without having to buy any new hardware. I have no money for any new video cards or anything, so I really hope there's somebody talented enough out there to fix this issue without having to buy anything new. Thanks.