Polyphonic Spree


Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
How many of you have heard of them?

I got introduced to them by a friend and I can't seem to stop listening to them. Their music, while being really good seems to make me feel really... happy.

Plus their composition and performing style, while being cultish and hippy like, is quite unique.

Just that as far as I can tell they're not well known, but they really are quite good.
I enjoy them, I only know two-three songs though :(

I remember the first time I heard them was in Eternal Sunshine, and then in Thumbsucker.
The blissful happiness really freaks me out.
But I like some of the songs they compose.
Yeah, they were on MovieTunes when I worked in the theatre. I got one of their albums cheap, but was disappointed that the other songs weren't near as good as the one I got the album for.