

Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
I'm gonna be honest with you guys- Good Charlotte (back before they got really bad) is or was one of the best pop-punk bands ever. However, they are still complete shit and I ****ing hate them. What does that tell you about my opinion of other bands, like say, Blink 182 or maybe Panic at the disco?

If you enjoy pop-punk, I'd cut off your balls if you had any. I'm really tired.

While I'm here, could somebody please explain to me why they enjoy such things as trance, techno, whatever? I'm probably wrong for lumping them together like that, but it all sounds pretty samey to me. Somebody once told me, about Squarepusher, that they liked to imagine things while listening to it or something like that.
So, I'm not trying to bash NIN or BOC or Squarepusher or anybody (I actually sort of like some NIN) but what is the appeal to you? What is it about it that makes it the only kind of music you listen to? You're not gonna sway my opinion on it (that opinion being, that I don't like it) but I'm curious. IS that how you speel that? It doesn't look right.

no but seriously..good Charlotte had some really good songs you know. in their new album. Namely, the river and "dance floor anthem"
I actually consider FOB to be emo, and Panic too, since they sound exactly the same but I couldn't think of any other pop-punk bands to list... ah, how about the ataris. They're crap, too.

When I think pop-punk, I think squeaky; high-pitched guitars and singing, chord progressions with one-note-at-a-time riffs played over it, and simple basslines. I've heard it done well, but uh, it wasn't pop-punk.

Oh yeah, and sum 41. eurgh. Although, I will admit that one song of theirs is catchy in a good way.

I hate it all so much. God.
When I think Pop Punk I don't think extremely mainstream bands like you mentioned, I think punk bands with pop sensibilities (IE Has melody) such as NOFX or old Green Day
I hate every mainstream punk band but I enjoy NOFX.
Not to fond of the genre but MCR, FOB, PATD and BLINK 182 are not pop punk, they are a form of punk, more likely emo. 182 aren't even a band anymore anyway.

And yeah, Green Day's old stuff had that punk/pop feel, but they have now gone emo punk lol. Sum 41 are more heavier form of punk, but certainly not pop punk. I thought the 'Does this look infected?' album was pretty good though.
Green Day's older stuff is still awesome, regardless of their current image and reputation. Modern pop punk nowadays has been butchered to death though, mainly due to the influence of emo.
Yeah I really liked Green Day's old stuff, Dookie is an exellent album. Some of their new stuff aint bad either.
I have a soft spot for Blink-182. A girl I liked recommended me to listen to them, and they turned out quite alright. I'm talking about their very first album, Cheshire Cat. This is when they actually made catchy and funny songs, imo.

What I do really like is their side project, Box Car Racer. The only album they produced was far better than anything B-182 ever did.

This was like 2 years ago, though, and I haven't listened to their songs since, and since then have explored into the depths of "good" music. Those two bands still remain on the list of my favorites, though. :)

I completely and absolutely hate Green Day, even in their old days.

That said I don't know anything about pop-punk these days or what bands it encompasses, so I'll just say I don't listen to pop-punk. P!ATD, FOB, MCR, and all those bands of similar ilk may die in a fire. :flame:

Que, which electronic bands have you listened to?
Que, which electronic bands have you listened to?

Um, none, I guess. I've heard some NIN songs, which I don't think are even all that electronic or whatever, like part of one song by Boards of Canada (I got bored) and a most of a couple Squarepusher songs (I heard the guy was good on bass but I couldn't even tell where the bass was...)

And I got some kind of electronic-techno CD with a bionicle set one time.
hehe rammstein can be considered electronic industrial metal rock..

and so can post-rock..
Yeah like we said, their earlier stuff is pretty much pop/punk, their new stuff is more emo.
Not emo in the slightest, only their appearances are.
I love Green Day's older stuff. Good music and a lot of good nostalgia that goes with it. And they are most definitely pop-punk. They were one of the bands responsible for defining the genre. But now they just care about brainwashing teenagers into politics bullshit and sporting the emo dragqueen look.

I've never really been a big fan of Blink 182. I saw them with Green Day in 2002 and they're pretty horrible live as well. However, I think their last album was their best because they actually started to experiment musically a bit, even if it didn't really sound like "them".

Now, as for Good Charlotte. I just can't say anything good about them. These guys just don't deserve to play music, as far as I'm concerned. :p

And for the record, Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco have the emo look, but don't play emo music. And they don't really sound the same if you really listen to them, although I will give it to you that the vocals are quite similar (but you can tell that the guy from Fall Out Boy can actually sing without having to AutoTune the shit out of his voice to hit higher notes).
When I think Pop Punk I don't think extremely mainstream bands like you mentioned, I think punk bands with pop sensibilities (IE Has melody) such as NOFX or old Green Day


Oh, and, NOFX or old Green Day aren't extremely mainstream?
Pete Wentz can sing? All I hear is the odd word here and there and the rest is just mumbling.
You know what? I'm starting to look at this whole mainstream/emo/whatever thing a bit like Paris Hilton. It sucks, but it's better to just ignore it. And furthermore, it's equally as annoying hearing people go on and on about it around every ****ing corner than it is to listen to the music itself. So yeah. Pretty much my feelings.

Also, could someone please try and DEFINE emo for me? Is it the image? The sound? The people who listen to it? All of the above? What? I can understand if it's all haircuts and skinny jeans and whining about your parents, but some of these newer bands (ie - Fallout "fifteen singles a ****ing week" Boy) seem to have been lumped into some loose definition of "emo" just because they have a similar sound, or... idunno, something. Is emo just the new word for sellout now? I don't get it.

All in all, it started as a genre of music (that really wasn't bad), disappeared, and then some bullshit, completely different stereotype emerged years later that really has nothing to do with music but just with fashion and pop culture.
Green Day, Rancid, and the Offspring (those three generally credited for reviving interest in punk in america, or california at least) All used to be really awesome. Nowadays they're a bunch of crap (or, more "pop" than punk). Offspring fell first, then Green Day. Actually, Rancid was never really that good. But they at least haven't gone all poppy.

It seems all the other bands that I severely dislike took all the worst parts of those bands and went with it from othere, and then corrupted the originals. I don't really know where I'm going with this. Maybe I was being mroe specific when I say pop-punk. Like, I like Green Day. Even their newest album is ok to listen to, as long as you aren't trying to find thre truly entertaining Green Day feel that Dookie and Warning had. I like the Offspring, too, but I only own two of their albums- Smash and Americana. Guess which one I like better?

And I will admit, back in the early to mid nineties, maybe even late nineties, I'm not sure- some of the imitators (or even guys who were truly inspired by the big three) maybe had one or two good songs each- What's My age Again, that one song about... mullets, or whatever, and one of those stupid anthem songs. They were ok. But the rest is crap. Crappity crap crap. I don't know why they think they were doign good music. Even Mark Hoppus got sick of it, but unfortunately I read in an article that his new band is going to talk more about feelings and have more minor chords :|

Anyway, yeah, I forgot where I was going with this.
I don't see how anyone past the age of 14 can find appeal in Blink 182's music and/or lyrics (aside from their last album). Honestly.