POPO says "no" to condoms!

He's saying that don't have sex, not carry on having liberal amounts of sex but don't wear condoms.
This is ridiculous. People are dying because they refuse to let a little thing change. I highly doubt you'll go to hell if you use a condom.
:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
That's what you think
:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
meh if they dont wear condoms they might have abortions ..that should be enough to make the guy with the pointy hat stfu ..I also like to point out that the vatican not too long ago said condoms were inefective in preventing aids because condoms have tiny holes that HIV can pass through

The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk.
The church is making the claims across four continents despite a widespread scientific consensus that condoms are impermeable to HIV.

A senior Vatican spokesman backs the claims about permeable condoms, despite assurances by the World Health Organisation that they are untrue.

thats crap :(, though lets not forget the aids problem in Africa is so large mainly because people screw around outside of their marriage.
I remember the former pope once saying Condoms are not an answer to aids, but monogamy is.
Cant really say he's wrong there, if you read up on how aids in africa is mainly spread....
Also, i find it funny that many times Africa is brought up => with half the continent running around killing to get a scrap of food, does anybody here think, even if the pope and his buddies allows it, Africans would spend a months-worth of salary on buying expensive condoms?
Seriously? Or do they distribute them "for free" in Africa that i dont know of.
thats crap :(, though lets not forget the aids problem in Africa is so large mainly because people screw around outside of their marriage.

all aids victems are married?

I remember the former pope once saying Condoms are not an answer to aids, but monogamy is.
Cant really say he's wrong there, if you read up on how aids in africa is mainly spread....

castration would be even more effective

Also, i find it funny that many times Africa is brought up => with half the continent running around killing to get a scrap of food, does anybody here think, even if the pope and his buddies allows it, Africans would spend a months-worth of salary on buying expensive condoms?
Seriously? Or do they distribute them "for free" in Africa that i dont know of.[/QUOTE]

I'd agree if it were female condoms but condoms are less than 10 cents each ..clinics give them away for free

How much would it cost to close the 1.9 billion condom gap for sub-Saharan Africa? At the international price of $0.025 per condom, the annual cost would be only $47.5m (£34m). However, as with drugs to treat HIV, the commodity costs are only the beginning. Service delivery costs (including promotion) are a greater challenge. Nevertheless, effective models for delivery are known and much infrastructure is in place or can be scaled up through existing successful mechanisms such as condom social marketing and clinics.

47 million is a drop in the bucket ..far more is being spent on treating aids
all aids victems are married?
Did i say that? Are you deliberately misreading my post or what?
Please re-read that sentence very slowly and carefully.

castration would be even more effective
Ah yes, i was waiting for this one. When in doubt, mock, works like a charm. :)

I'd agree if it were female condoms but condoms are less than 10 cents each ..clinics give them away for free
47 million is a drop in the bucket ..far more is being spent on treating aids

There's multiple reasons other than religion why Africans aren't massively using condoms.
Culturally, also there's no education on the subject other than volunteer groups, no sponsoring or pushing from any of the corrupt governments there.
Also, funny you bring up pharmaceutical companies, they've just created an awesome playground to experiment their drugs, you think they'll just move over for the condom-industry?
And female condoms might be more expensive, but even $0.50 for 25 condoms is too much to pay for most African people.... (i was referring to the financial cost of the "user", not potential charity organizations).

O, and i agree, the Vatican is certainly not helping the case with this crap, though lets look at the broader picture, thats all I'm saying.
Did i say that? Are you deliberately misreading my post or what?
Please re-read that sentence very slowly and carefully.

what else could you possibly mean by this:

Ome_Vince said:
the aids problem in Africa is so large mainly because people screw around outside of their marriage.

hiv is most common in women ..if I were to take that fact and add it to yours one would jump to the conclusion that "married women are the cause of the spread of aids" ..which just isnt true

Ah yes, i was waiting for this one. When in doubt, mock, works like a charm. :)

who's mocking? my point is as valid as your point about abstinence ..and also about as realistic a choice ..it's is completely irresponsible for anyone to believe that abstaining from sex is the answer to aids

There's multiple reasons other than religion why Africans aren't massively using condoms.
Culturally, also there's no education on the subject other than volunteer groups, no sponsoring or pushing from any of the corrupt government.
Also, funny you bring up pharmaceutical companies, they've just created an awesome playground to experiment their drugs, you think they'll just move over for the condom-industry?
Also, female condoms might be more expensive, but even $1 for 25 condoms is too much to pay for most African people.... (i was referring to the financial cost of the "user", not potential charities).

I am aware of all the points you made however it still doesnt change the fact that condoms are the cheapest most effective way of combating aids ...ESPEDCIALLY in a 3rd world country

btw Vince you're far too defensive ..you see everything I post as a personal attack when it's not
I've never understood the objections to condoms.
There's multiple reasons other than religion why Africans aren't massively using condoms.
Culturally, also there's no education on the subject other than volunteer groups, no sponsoring or pushing from any of the corrupt governments there.
Also, funny you bring up pharmaceutical companies, they've just created an awesome playground to experiment their drugs, you think they'll just move over for the condom-industry?
And female condoms might be more expensive, but even $0.50 for 25 condoms is too much to pay for most African people.... (i was referring to the financial cost of the "user", not potential charity organizations).
Arn't people in Africa now getting immune to HIV. Where the immune system is actually able to pwn it? I heard that somewhere....
Arn't people in Africa now getting immune to HIV. Where the immune system is actually able to pwn it? I heard that somewhere....

You've got that mixed up. AIDS pwns the immune system.
Wasn't there a study done in Britain in the past year or so that found that about 8% of the subjects tested in the study were naturally immune to HIV?

Or was it cancer? I can't remember. It was neat though.
what else could you possibly mean by this:

hiv is most common in women ..if I were to take that fact and add it to yours one would jump to the conclusion that "married women are the cause of the spread of aids" ..which just isnt true

Dont put those assumptions on me, i was referring to men and women having sex outside of their marriage.
Alot of men and women live a non-monogamous life and spread Aids this way.
Its important to educate Africans, rather than just dump condoms and medicine on them to "solve the problem".
Thats the only point I'd say i agree with the former Pope on.

who's mocking? my point is as valid as your point about abstinence ..and also about as realistic a choice ..it's is completely irresponsible for anyone to believe that abstaining from sex is the answer to aids

Thats not what i said. I'm referring to a lot of Africans having sex outside their marriage acting irresponsible.
It has nothing to do with abstaining from sex in general.

I am aware of all the points you made however it still doesnt change the fact that condoms are the cheapest most effective way of combating aids ...ESPEDCIALLY in a 3rd world country

btw Vince you're far too defensive ..you see everything I post as a personal attack when it's not

Well, I'm sorry for that, but in a lot of cases you jump to assumptions and ignore the point I'm trying to make.

In this case, yes, i agree with the condom issue, though i wanted to point out the broader picture thats all.
Anything the Catholic Church says is crap. Remember the ALAMO!