Portable Gaming


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
What do you use? For me, it's the only reason i'd ever buy a console. I mean, carrying around a Laptop with assorted Cd's, wires, plugs, inability to simply sit down and LAN without having to find a server nearby... yeah, so something like a DS would own.

I mean, i have an SP. But games on the SP can take less than 2 hours to finish (although, say, Advance Wars 2, Fire Emblem and Harvest Moon are fun, and addictive) so DS all the way.

What are you guys using/going to use/not caring about/Fahrenheitroxlol!/hating/crushing beneath booted heels/moving around with?
I have a DS and wouldn't dream of switching to a PSP. I play it at least once a week, even if it's on an old game. (At the moment I am playing loads thanks to the fabulous Meteos)

Sure, with the PSP you can get fancy graphics, but most of the games are direct (often inferior) ports of PS2 games. The DS is mostly full of entirely original games that will make you want to play at home.

Add to this the prospect of online Mario Kart, Metroid and Animal Crossing, and you have yourself a winner.

Games I reccomend:
Super Mario 64 DS (Especially if you never played the original on the N64)
Meteos (dubbed by me and my friends as 'better than Tetris')
Wario Ware Touched! (one of the quirkiest, most addictive games ever)
Pac-Pix (once you "get into" this game, it is one of the most compelling and original games I have played in years)
Nintendogs (stress-relief, utter cuteness and a total babe-magnet of a game)
Hmm, I'm getting Nintendogs, Oendan, Advance Wars 3: Duel STrike... hmm, Wario Ware Touched sounds cool. Super Mario 64 DS? Sounds... ok, not sure about it but what the hey.