Portal 2 Gamescom Media Released [UPDATEDx2]

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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You won't find anything surprising in these screenshots released today on Valve's FTP if you've already been following the teaser trailer released at Gamescom this week. However you may enjoy admiring Portal 2 from a static perspective, taking in the new Source engine improvements or you need a new desktop wallpaper? Enjoy.


[br]Here are high resolution infographics for the new Portal 2 mechanics: Repulsion gel, aerial faith plates, thermal discouragement beams, propulsion gel, excursion funnel, pneumatic diversity vent.</center>[br]UPDATE: HD video here for the Portal 2 Co-op teaser trailer as well as a video below of the Wheatley demo from Gamescom in HD (voiced by Stephen Merchant).[br]
<object ><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/dUhykdX6Gp4?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB&amp;hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/dUhykdX6Gp4?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB&amp;hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" ></embed></object>​
[br]UPDATE 2: Two further videos from gamescom showing Aerial Faith Plates in action as well as Repulsion gel being used on sentries.

Map names are generic tech demo names, those maps are either cut from the original game to be used as tech demos or they are only tech demos and we won't be seeing them in the final game.

Spoiler'd for size

Notice the turret all packed up in the boxes to be set up elsewhere and/or sold? That's pretty cool.
Probably, I would be disappointed to see test chambers I already knew how to solve.

Also Nick, sig length 4 lines maximum please.
Probably, I would be disappointed to see test chambers I already knew how to solve.

I did like the whole turret smashing through the glass part of the demo but that kinda gave it away that it was just a tech demo.
Notice the purple/pink cube from 3rd picture ? A new companion cube ?
Sooooo internet...

Has goo Chell happened yet? Just saying. I would have thought you'd had enough time by now.
I can't wait to drop the goo on the turrets and make them bounce around.
I love how the white parts of the turret get perfectly coated in blue but its legs and eyes remain untouched.

HD version of Wheatley demo from Gamescon added to news post, see above!
It was spelt right 25% of the time, that is something right!?
Stealing the video from Valve's profile and putting it on halflife2net's ? For shame:p
I'll have you know that Doug Lombardi sends Valve FTP details for media outlets to download their own version HD version of all videos they release. (including the screenshots above!). I'm extremely offended by the concept I've tea leafed the vid, you must have the lowest opinion of me!?
Actually a bit worried I may prove too stupid to solve puzzles.

Possibly a problem with the form of the games actually. Most 'real' puzzle games have puzzles you can't solve for a while: you just bypass them and comeback to them some rainy day to round it all off. If every puzzle is mandatory, there's an upper limit to how difficult and interesting those puzzles can be. Hope there's more variety in the optional puzzles this time round.
I noticed you no longer pick objects up with the zero-point energy field manipulator type thing, now you put the gun down when you pick something up, which I assume means you're just holding it.
Yeah. I don't think the portal gun being a gravity gun was really nessisary though and I never liked the GG orange lightning effect on the portal gun so I'm happy for the change.
I'll have you know that Doug Lombardi sends Valve FTP details for media outlets to download their own version HD version of all videos they release. (including the screenshots above!). I'm extremely offended by the concept I've tea leafed the vid, you must have the lowest opinion of me!?

Well, I guess I could tolerate it. Seeing as how it promotes HalfLife2.net to the rest of the Interwebz. Just don't encourage those mindless youtubers to start posting here. Otherwise, it won't be "safer here" for much longer...:x