Portal: Location?


Dec 22, 2003
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After watching the trailer (I can't watch it due to 56k) what is everyone's speculation on the location of Portal? Is it on Earth, or Off-world? Personally, I don't know how a corporation could exist in a Combine-controlled Earth, maybe Portal is set many years post-revolution (after Gordon overthrew Breen), but I doubt it. So, I think it is off-world. Also, I thought the Gamespy article says it takes place in the halflife2 scenario, I'll have to check on that.
I'm certain the location is merely designed as a tech demo to highlight the games qualities, rather than the actual location itself.
Yeah, probably. And I was wrong, the Gamespy doesn't mention the HL2 world during the Portal section. I just hope there is some story and sense of location while playing it.
The Portal Gun (ASHPD... A.SHPD Hello! Sorry Samon, Feeshy.) Looked quite combine ish.
I'm just about 99% sure its not based in the HL universe. The game likely doesn't really have a "storyline" per se as in it doesn't actually matter. You're just solving puzzles using portals.
OMFG Wow, there tons of these Portal threads, Has Episode Two been forgotten about.
Ummmm, dunno, may be one in orbit around Earth, I would imagine:

One in Gordon's Galaxy, one in the next Galaxy, one in the next, one in the next and so on...Transporting and re-transporting to the next one until it reaches one in the right galaxy.

"Galaxy" may be replaced with "Solar Sysytem" or even "Universe", i'm no space-buff.
Ignore that last post, I just watched the trailer...WOW. That place doesn't even look HL universe, I think it is a series of mini-games on Source(obvious)
GordonFreeman911 said:
(ASHPD... A.SHPD Hello! Sorry Samon, Feeshy.)

Part of me says this is coincidence.

Another part says we're seeing a return of Adrian.

And my third part says Valve is just dicking around with Adrian fans.
it is in the HL universe. Given how menacing and evil the lady ultimately sounds, I'd have to guess that you are a combine test subject testing a new weapon that combine can use against the rebels. I wouldn't be surprised if there is an enemy that can use it in Ep3.
Well, the game (so far what the trailer shows) uses HL2 textures, sounds and "model frames" (the turret behaves exactly like a HL2 turret). There is a combine feeling to the atmosphere, but i can't imagine them using human beigns as test subjects... perhaps because we are stupid, bipedal mamals....
And the portal gun looks A LOT like the gravity gun.
Maybe its a human corporation, in a far distant future, where mankind is really fighting the combine on an equal basis. A new weapon, an offspring of the Teleporter Gun, and the tester, a descendant of A. Shepard???
No way....
I dont think the actual game "portal" will take place in the HL universe, but im hoping they take this awesome weapon and impliment it into the HL universe.
It is in the HL universe: Valve has said so for sure. They would most certainly use human beings as test subjects, especially if the thing is highly dangerous...
It could very well be a 'test facility' in a combine-controlled location, forcing mind-altered humans to test their new technology and its potiental uses (and creative techniques)... that would be pretty interesting, I think.

Of course this is just one of many possibilities at this point..
Hopefully, those turrets make an appearance in the Episode Three, or any other HL game.
I'm just about 99% sure its not based in the HL universe. The game likely doesn't really have a "storyline" per se as in it doesn't actually matter. You're just solving puzzles using portals.

I confirmed it with Doug Lombardi, yes it is.
That's nice... hopefully this will tie in with the main plot of the HL2 arc.
If it's based in HL universe then... maybe it's a "comeback to Black Mesa"? None of those assets look "combine". Imho, it's a human project (the black and white theme) and well, the main character, might be a prisoner because the project is very dangerous. Another tip might be the video - it's an "orientation video no. 1".. just like taken straight from Lost ;)
The turrets actually look like someone crossed a Combine Turret with a Combine Elite. Diddo with the gun. Also there is a spot or two with Combine balls.

Then again, then could be completely off a tangeant to the Half-Life 2 universe, taking place years before or years after the known gametime. Then again, this might be what the hell Mossman was looking for in the Artic :D
This could become very interesting and I thought we were going to have a game that was not connected with HL, CS, DOD and TF (like Richochet).
I have to say, along with the gameplay, the thing I'm most interested in is how exactly this ties in with the rest of the HL universe.
You guys do realize that "universe" isn't the same as "storyline" right?
My guess is that this game will be as much in the hl2 universe as Minerva or any other non-total-conversion mod.
I'd say even Mistake of Pythagoras belongs to that category if you're not too picky. :rolleyes:

Imagine them redooing hl1 (Blackmesa guys, are you listening?) with the portals opening (same sound) out of thin air and head craps FALLING into the world :D

that would be uber!

*vvveeeeerraaaaaaapppppp* *headcrab falls out of thin air* *portal closes*

EDIT: ROFL! Imagine trapping a headcrab in an infinite loop :D
Ok, I've got a theory.
Gman is pissed off at losing Gordon to the rebellion and the Vortiguants, he then remembers that he left Adrain Shepherd in stasis ("We'll see about that," A.SHPD). So he adapts human technology (the gravity gun), but adds his own alien technology, the portal stuff as a wepaon for Shepherd. Portal would then be a training ground for when Shepherd is sent to earth to bring Gordon back. There are no Combine soldiers because Gman couldn't get a hold of any to fight. The turrets don't look the same as combine ones because they aren't combine but are based heavily on combine technology.

It's a long shot, but what do you think?
Ok, I've got a theory.
Gman is pissed off at losing Gordon to the rebellion and the Vortiguants, he then remembers that he left Adrain Shepherd in stasis ("We'll see about that," A.SHPD). So he adapts human technology (the gravity gun), but adds his own alien technology, the portal stuff as a wepaon for Shepherd. Portal would then be a training ground for when Shepherd is sent to earth to bring Gordon back. There are no Combine soldiers because Gman couldn't get a hold of any to fight. The turrets don't look the same as combine ones because they aren't combine but are based heavily on combine technology.

It's a long shot, but what do you think?
Or maybe the portal gun is a test for A.SHPD similar to how Black Mesa was a test for Gordon?
I can just imagine after extensive playing of Portal, me attempting to open portals in real life, then realise I can't. I can tell its just that type of game.
Off-topic: According to Doug Lombardi the TF2 trailer will be coming tommorow, and the HL2: Epi Two trailer by the end of the week.:cat:

EDIT: Have no idea why I used a cat similie, but I did lol.
I know valve added these 2 games with ep2 so ppl will buy ep2 more. But I think they went a little over board with to many great games for one price (portal and TF, which I don't care about TF) and now ppl don't care about ep2 which is really shocking. OH OH TF, OH OH portal, what about ep2 ppl?
I know valve added these 2 games with ep2 so ppl will buy ep2 more. But I think they went a little over board with to many great games for one price (portal and TF, which I don't care about TF) and now ppl don't care about ep2 which is really shocking. OH OH TF, OH OH portal, what about ep2 ppl?

It's a marketing tool. They might lose money initially, but in the end they will gain money. Portal will likely be a series, and TF2 will I'm sure have other additions to it as well. I can envision Valve adding new TF2/CS: Source maps as the multiplayer modes for future episodes.

EDIT: And you SHOULD care about TF god dammit!! :p
CodeFire said:
OH OH TF, OH OH portal, what about ep2 ppl?

Erm... TF2 is a big deal. Any info about it coinciding with Episode 2 is bound to cause some overshadowing.

Secondly, Portal is a new game, and so there's a lot of intrigue about it. And the gameplay trailer has piqued a lot of peoples' interests.

And finally, we've yet to see the Episode 2 trailer. Hence, we have less to talk about.
For those who are still in doubt about if the Portal thingamajig is Combine or not, note that everything in it (the portal gun, turrets, even the boxes) looks very Combine and there's even Combine energy balls in that teaser.
I get the feeling that what we saw in the Portal teaser is just a tech demo of the game, like the combine zoo was for HL2. The actual game levels won't look much if anything like that imo
I get the feeling that what we saw in the Portal teaser is just a tech demo of the game, like the combine zoo was for HL2. The actual game levels won't look much if anything like that imo

I think that's correct, Portal is the start of a new franchise (albeit in the same universe), so Valve isn't going to botch it's introduction with a tech demo. They have a separate team working on it (I believe), whom they hired for this specific purpose. I don't see why they can't make a full-fledged episode. The point is to get players hooked (although after that trailer I assume most are already).
What are you talking about? it's gameplay footage. Why would the dump all that to the garbage. Common , stop coming up with weird theories. Yes I know it's too good to be true but i guess in this case it's true , it's damn true.
Portal is about a Aperture(=Combine) training center. The coloring hints that that's the place where they test who are actually capable of becoming Combine elites (the notion of pain and "you may die" kind of warning). It's not like those people wouldn't be expendable to the Combine anyway.

It's a confined space with confined set of rules. You never show the breaking of rules until the second part and since Portal is the first of its kind in this game universe...well, you should've gotten the point already.