Portal or Ep 2?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
So I borrowed the OB off of my friend, and he logged into his account through my computer (he didn't tell me the pass, he just checked 'remember me' when he logged in. He has all the same games as me, and the mods that I have can be played through his account anyways, so it's all good). I have dial-up (I know..), and these damn games take FOREVER to update.. At least a week a piece.. Now I've already got EP1 and HL2 in, and I'm going to update TF2 last (I can still play in a private server against bots, can't I? I dunno..), but right now I have either Portal or Episode 2 to update, and they'll take atleast 4 days (I leave them updating overnight, my internet is on from 5:00PM to about 8:00AM) a piece.. I was just wondering, which would be better to update/play first? I'll play them both eventually, but I'm going to have to wait 8 days for one, and 3-4 for the other.. So what should I update? Right now Portal is going, and I'm playing through EP1 again (for the quadrillionth time)..

On a side note - Yes, soon I'm getting wireless internet that they JUST put out here (at a ridiculous price, too, I might add).. Rural areas suck ass.. But that's not for another month or so..
For starters, there are no TF2 bots.

Second, it depends. If you want to get a GREAT addition to the HL story, then play Ep2.

If you want to play a unique gameplay experience, then get Portal.

Portal took me ~2.5 hours to complete. Ep2 around 4 IIRC.
Yeah, Portal is kinda short, however there are challenge maps.

Episode 2 is longer, but kinda a one shot deal, unless you want to get all the acheivements.
Episode 2 by far. Personally, I felt Portal to be a very cold and quite dull play, and whilst it had a very unique setting and style, that's all I'd give it credit for. Fun for a few maps but I got the point quite quickly. I'm all for challenge and puzzles but I don't know, Portal... Portal felt lifeless.

Episode 2 is fantastic though. A real step forward from HL2 and EP1 which is only a good thing considering how much I enjoyed them. They toned down the generic, dull firefights for more controlled, smaller and funner scenes of combat, and it's nice to see a change of scenary. Furthermore, it's a fantastic journey in the ongoing HL storyline and a very fitting episode to continue the plot (e.g. just the right size, but still jampacked with new and exciting aspects)
It was rather buggy the last time I tried it, MRG. It crashes when loading a new area, and NPCs cannot go through portals. Also, some sounds dont seem to work...
Mmmm... I'd vote Ep2. As much as I love Portal, you'll want to play through Ep2 first... and you can muck around making zombie/combine/antlion battles if you get bored.
My computer sparks and flares at the mere thought of even HOW it could run that game on the LOWEST settings..

For some reason I can run HL2 and all the Source games at max, though...
Another vote for Ep2 here. As much as I love Portal you are a half-life fan so play Ep2 first.
I'd say Ep2 first, to catch up to the story thus far...
then kick back with Portal.

If you want story, then Ep2.

TheAntipop: What in the heck did you play, because it certainly wasn't the Portal I played! Is your inner gaming child dead or something?

It just didn't appeal to me really. Interesting idea but meh, like I said, I got the point pretty quickly. It felt a bit of a chore to me to be honest.
Well if you're anticipating the story more (Well, if you don't know what happens by now you're godlike at spoiler avoidance) then Ep.2. If you want some creative fun, Portal.
My computer sparks and flares at the mere thought of even HOW it could run that game on the LOWEST settings..

For some reason I can run HL2 and all the Source games at max, though...

I say force DX 8.1
-dxlevel 81
Episode 2, it just had to be
I'd say Episode 2. It's a really fantastic game, but then so is Portal - I just got more out of Episode 2.
If you have a choice as to which is first, I'd play Portal. Simply because I did and I felt things made alot more sense and I don't regret my decision. But then I don't know what would have happened had it been the other way around...

As to a decision with an exclusive or, I'd probably say Episode Two only if you've played the other two, and especially if you've played the other two. Portal's really good, but there's less in the storyline and more in the puzzles.
I'm going to say Portal first; mainly because I thought Episode 2 had a lot more colour, flavour and texture to make it worth waiting for, even though it came on the same sized plate as Portal which was more of an exquisite nouvelle cuisine appetizer, but also because I like disagreeing with everyone else.

Both are as good as each other, but you don't eat the main course before the starter...
It was rather buggy the last time I tried it, MRG. It crashes when loading a new area, and NPCs cannot go through portals. Also, some sounds dont seem to work...

Yeah, it wasn't designed to be used in Half Life 2, so of course they're gonna be a few things wrong.

Episode 2 is another excellent entry in the Half-Life series, containing some of the best moments I've had in the games. But there are a few things marring it a bit. The antlion tunnels went on for too long, I thought. And while many others seem to have enjoyed the final battle, I found it a frustrating joykiller. Lastly, it is still fundamentally the same gameplay I experienced in HL2. That's not a knock against it, as I still love that game and fully expect it in the episodes. But it's not going to wow me the same way any more.

Portal was sheer brilliance throughout. It was new, and fun, and exciting. And funny! I found almost nothing to complain about. Its short length kept it trim and satisfying, avoiding going stale. I could also mention the end, but I think there's enough masturbation over that already. On a more minor note, I also found its commentary more interesting. And the bonus maps were not unappreciated.
(Well, if you don't know what happens by now you're godlike at spoiler avoidance)

Woo, I'm a master! I honestly do not know a thing about EP2, besides knowing that it's in a forest, and you go into Antlion tunnels - which I learned just in this thread.
I remember avoiding HP 7 spoilers for almost a month or more. Even when people made flashes of them in their sigs (different forum). Just see the word harry and i'm outta there (or adblock)
I'd go for Portal. I enjoyed that a helluva lot more than Ep 2.
Portal by a long way, episode 2 was quite meh for me tbh. Only played it once, that was enough. Like Absinthe said it was just more of the same so it didn't fully wow me as much as HL2 did, although HL2 I had grievances with too mostly A.I related. Episode 2 was much better than episode one though.