portfolio project


May 12, 2004
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well im working on somthin for my portfoolio heres what i got so far i know its not gerat but its a start it took me like 2 hours of solid work to get where it is first player model ive done. can you guys give me any suggestion on how to make it better?

get rid of the polygons in the middle down the seam, no sense having them atall and it'll be easier to work without them.
sure thing i forgot to get rid of them when i was modeling any other suggestions?
whats going on with the hands? are those mittens or actual thumbs. if theres thumbs then i think there a little to wide? is it on nurbs right now ?
there mittens:) glad you noticed.i goto work on the legs and face alot more.
armanguy said:
sure thing i forgot to get rid of them when i was modeling any other suggestions?
hard to say, can't see what your trying to model.
well im just modeling some concept art from final fantasy crystal for the gamecube. but im gonna change how the guy looks:) im just looking for harsh crit. because this is my first model and i neeed someone to tell me whats wrong and what i need to fix ill add more screens later im playing cs: source right now its so addictive:)
In an unusual move of self control I'm going to refrain from critiquing until you post at least a perspective and ideally some wireframes, it's just too hard to get a feel for the model without them, and I'd be much obliged if you would also post the original concept/reference.
ill do that as soon as i make some more progress ive only edited some parts so they look better and got rid of the head im modeling the head with my own face refrences. but ill make the final model have crazy hair.
Heh good to hear. One thing to think about when modeling organic forms in 3DS is to put all the polygons on the object into a single smoothing group. you can always redo smoothing groups later.
yeah i checked that out im gonna go back to it when i make my add-ons but for now im going on what ive learned.anyway yeah the head was pissing me off so im making it poly by poly now the up side about doing this is that facial animations would be easier to achieve heres a pic.

ok heres a wireframe of the body:


also i mmight do the head again because for some reason it looks like shit:)
Hmm ok, your wires look better than I thought they might, it looks like you took the whole thing and drew an outline and then extruded it. You've got the subdivisions on the low poly cage so round it out, right now it still looks cubic. Also unless you are going for a high poly model I'd work without the subdivision surfaces.

Once you get the model a little rounded out I think it'll look much better. It is still a bit primitive but I think you've got proportions pretty good for the style, the hands are a bit chunky though. Anyway looks like a good base, good luck with the head.
oh the head how much i hate it with a passion ive made and deleted it 2 times already but i think i finnally found out a way to do it properly so yeah expect the head to be fininshed today or tommorow.also i started the model with one box and extruded to get the shape:)
just a quik quistion how do import a scened into another scene?i tried to import it but it dident let me?
ill try :( i got pissed i worked on it almost all day it looks like an alien but once i put in the textures and eyes and all the stuff i want it will look good it become a high-poly model:)thanks it worked:)
A key thing to remember with heads is the key points of structure on them is not eyes or nose or even lips, rather focus on where the cheekbones are. The reason for this is that the cheekbones flow into all other parts of the face, from your cheekbone you curve down to the outer edge over your nose and then the cheek itself curves around the muzzle into the chin, the bone also extends back to the jaw and to the place where the ear attaches, and of course your eye is right above the cheekbone. The only really unconnected area is the brow that starts at the top of the eye and funnels down to the nose.

Check out this page: http://www.anticz.com/heads.htm

it refers to 2D drawing but takes a very structural approach.

Here is a model I have with the lines I generally try to pay attention to and control when making a head:
No problem, I should add that, this is what I've found works for me, it may not be what works for you. Something I try when I'm having trouble with something in 3D is to really sit down and think out it's structure on paper. I'll really focus on getting shapes to show through. I'll also try to produce several angles of the item to get a strong feel for it's 3D sense.

I almost forgot a source I use to understand the underlying structure is good old grays:


The art isn't inspiring, but it gives an insight into how muscles are connected to bones and how bones effect the skin.
hey i was making an ear for this guy but decided to make elf ears can any one send me a tutorial that teaches you how to make elf ears i searched on google but dident find anything.
Make human ears then extend them out so that they are like elf ears, the upper area of human ears is kind of a large curved bit of cartilage make it more elf like and there you go, elf ears
yeah i made human ears yesterday and extruded them out ward:)