Possible terrorist attack in london?

There have been several bombs, about 7 i think they said going off around london, 1 was a suicide bomber on a double decker bus filled with people,. another bomb went off in the london underground trapping and killing several people, can't remember where the others went off but its a terrorist attack for sure, scary stuff considering i live near where they will be holding the rowing for the olympics in 2012.
Why's everyone saying 7 explosions when BBC only reports 4?
my friend came to me with a smile on his face...i ended up shouting at him, he's a complete asshole.
A.k said:
my friend came to me with a smile on his face...i ended up shouting at him, he's a complete asshole.

What the ****?
I hope everyone on this board that lives in London is doing fine. Stay safe guys.
30 dead, 380+ injured, London bought to a complete stand still for a day. This is insane, I can't believe that this happened. I'm just glad that more didn't die, as Al Q have a habit of killing more than this.
Feath said:
Why did he?
he doesn't seem to like the country he lives in, england offers jobs and so much more which he woudn't be able have in his country and doesn't seem to apreciate it. he also involves iraqi people being killed by amercans and the war, the fact is 8000 iraqi people have been killed by terrorists in 6 months.
A.k said:
he doesn't seem to like the country he lives in, england offers jobs and so much more which he woudn't be able have in his country and doesn't seem to apreciate it. he also involves iraqi people being killed by amercans and the war, the fact is 8000 iraqi people have been killed by terrorists in 6 months.

Fair enough if you don't like the government, but if you don't like the country, why on earth are you there in the first place? There's more than enough people who desperately need asylum, if you don't want to be here, make room for someone who does.
in their speeches and that following what happened in London, Tony and George both said something along the lines of 'we will never give in to terrorists'. But what exactly would happen if we did 'give in'? And what would 'giving in' involve?
in their speeches and that following what happened in London, Tony and George both said something along the lines of 'we will never give in to terrorists'. But what exactly would happen if we did 'give in'? And what would 'giving in' involve?
Pulling our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Jangle said:
But what exactly would happen if we did 'give in'? And what would 'giving in' involve?

Well, I would assume the ultimate "giving in" would result in all of us becoming Muslim, whether we like it or not. That is Al Qaeda's ultimate goal.
seinfeldrules said:
Pulling our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lets not turn this in to politics right now.
Hapless said:
Well, I would assume the ultimate "giving in" would result in all of us becoming Muslim, whether we like it or not. That is Al Qaeda's ultimate goal.

that's just an excuse ...they're (osama and Yusuf Azzam) not really all that religious to begin with ..they just believe pushing a hardline stance of the islamic faith will attract martyrs to their cause ..you really should watch the The Power of Nightmares Hapless, I think you'd find it interesting

you need Real Player to watch it - click the free player version
seinfeldrules said:
Did you even read his post? He asked the question, I gave an entirely unopinionated answer.
Your entire post was opinionated.
But what exactly would happen if we did 'give in'? And what would 'giving in' involve?

Sorry No Limit, I suppose that Al Qaeda merely wanted us to plant flowers and sing camp fire songs.

By the way, it was unopinionated:
A previously unknown group, "Secret Group of Al Qaeda's Jihad in Europe," claimed responsibility in the name of Al Qaeda for the blasts, saying they were in retaliation for Britain's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The group claimed the attack in a Web-site posting and also warned Italy and Denmark to withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.
I'm not commenting on how I feel on it, just what the facts are.
It's amazing how you guys, Sienfeld, NoLimit, and everyone else, can take terrorist attacks that killed 37 today and turn it into a "My meaning is right, yours is wrong about what Al Qaeda wants" contest. To all people in London, stay safe.
seinfeldrules said:
Sorry No Limit, I suppose that Al Qaeda merely wanted us to plant flowers and sing camp fire songs.

By the way, it was unopinionated:

I'm not commenting on how I feel on it, just what the facts are.
I wont bother as I don't want to turn this in to politics.

Dag, turn me where the hell I stated my opinion on anything to do with this? This is a horrible incident and I will not use it for political gain as others have. Read my posts a little closer next time.
Lets not turn this in to politics right now.

It's the POLITICS forum! :eek:

But yeah I agree with Dag. Enough with the turning-tragedy-into-argument stuff.
Stupid terrorists. Do they know if they were suicide attacks yet?

Thank god it wasnt a madrid.

I was on the underground only two stops from Kings Cross when the bombs went off.

And I've just got home after walking 3 hours through Central London. As horrible as it's all been, people here are amazing - everyone is helping everyone and making the best of a terrible situation. The pubs are overflowing - people are gathering together and standing tall. Yesterday they may have won the Olympics, and I was in Trafalgar Square when the annoucement was made, but today shows how this city really does stand together when it really counts.


Craig Magee


I work for a bank in Canary Wharf - the new financial district of London & a prime terrorist target. It has not been reported in the news yet, but there are a number of reports from staff at Citigroup (just around the corner from me) that two suspected suicide bombers were shot dead outside their building.

Canary Wharf is locked down - no trains or buses. I'm looking outside my window at the free river ferry service that has been put on to take people east & west along the Thames, & the queue is enormous - over a two-hour wait, & no bags (even handbags) allowed. it is strangely calm nonetheless - I think it is fair to say that the British do live up to their reputation for stoicism in crises.

It is a surreal situation here, but the emergency services have been planning for this for years. So far, the response seems quite organised & efficient, which is not typical for this country.

Elliot Smith


We will fight in our trains, we will fight in our buses but we, Londoners, will never surrender!
George Justo, London
Although I wholeheartedly agree that it must be extremely difficult to prevent a terrorist from carrying out an atrocity if they are determined to commit one and that the only people that should accept responsibility are those that perpetrated it I can't help feeling that our intelligence sources knew something was afoot.

Yesterday late afternoon, my partner and I drove back through London after a mini-break to Brighton rather than face the M25. Hackney seemed to be crawling with police cars and I even saw an armed officer patrolling the streets, which seems ironic considering the bus involved in the blast at Tavistock Place has been reported as the number 30 Hackney to Marble Arch service.
Kelly, London

CptStern said:
that's just an excuse ...they're (osama and Yusuf Azzam) not really all that religious to begin with ..they just believe pushing a hardline stance of the islamic faith will attract martyrs to their cause ..you really should watch the The Power of Nightmares Hapless, I think you'd find it interesting

you need Real Player to watch it - click the free player version

I watched the whole thing. Interesting theory. However, the, "neo-cons" were already in power prior to 9-11. Bush was elected in 2000, and there had been a Republican majority in the House, at least, since 1994. I was particularly interested in the fact that there was no evidence presented to back up their assertions about bin Laden, Al Qaeda, the alleged sleeper cells, etc. They merely said, "This was not the case." Ok, then tell me why this was not the case. I found it EXTREMELY ironic that towards the end they were poking fun at Blair and others assertion that it was only a matter of time before Britain is attacked. Whoops, there goes that theory.

BTW, I have Real Player, WMP, and several other media players. But thanks for the helpful hint. :E :E :cheers: :dozey:
Hapless said:
I watched the whole thing. Interesting theory. However, the, "neo-cons" were already in power prior to 9-11. Bush was elected in 2000, and there had been a Republican majority in the House, at least, since 1994.

yes that was covered in parts 1 and 2 ..you saw part 3

Hapless said:
I was particularly interested in the fact that there was no evidence presented to back up their assertions about bin Laden, Al Qaeda, the alleged sleeper cells, etc. They merely said, "This was not the case." Ok, then tell me why this was not the case. I found it EXTREMELY ironic that towards the end they were poking fun at Blair and others assertion that it was only a matter of time before Britain is attacked. Whoops, there goes that theory.

BTW, I have Real Player, WMP, and several other media players. But thanks for the helpful hint. :E :E :cheers: :dozey:

again some of it was covered in part 1 ..but I agree there are some holes but as a whole it stands up to scrutiny
Paranoia is spreading, the Death toll is rising, and thousands in Britain alone are mourning those who died, and all you care to make of this Stern is that Bush is a Fraud. That's pretty sad.
Yes it is.

Stern is in love with bush...Hell stern while you're at it give him a blowjob or something. :D
blah blah blah stern is satan blah blah blah stern is really in love with terrorism blah blah blah stern says stfu blahblahblah

I find it extremely idiotic that some people spend more time attacking my character than my facts ...seems pretty pointless if you ask me
I never said you loved terrorism, or you were satan. I said it's sad how Death and paranoia are spreading in London, and all you can think about is Bush. Lets keep it on topic.
Stern, your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries! :E ;)