Possible Update Tonight...


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
For the love of god i looked even on the CSS fourm and didnt see this. NO ONE HAS POSTED IT HERE YET!

It seems someone asked weather we would see a update tonight and cliffe replyed with *shifty eyes*.

That being said the post has since been deleated and its starting some new speculation allthough the fact that cliffe said this and that it is no longer their is FACT!


And on the hl2fallout...
I dont believe there has ever been an update this late so yeah, I dont think there will be an update tonight.
The shifty eyes expression was because the thread starter said he'd heard that cssource was being updated tonite from a mate....

Nothing to do with HL2 or anything btw.
I doubt Cliffe likes to work the graveyard shift. Especially with Father Grigori and all those undead zombies around. :p
This can mean a number of things.

"Speculation mostly"

- More HL2 preload.

- End of CSS beta.

- Beta Update.
seinfeldrules said:
Do a search. Cliffe didnt post that today, or any day I could find.

Thats because the thread was deleted, I saw it myself. He did say: *shifty eyes*
at least not today...could be one of those rare delays they have up there at valve. you know, those things where somethings supposed to happen at X time, but really happens at X+1 day to 12 months time.
I just really hope that its either more HL2 Preload, perhaps with another test :D or it is a Beta update, manm i hope its not going to stop. They said HL2 ( which brings with it CS : S ) is going to be around another 6 weeks. I dont think i can hack 6 weeks without Source :(

wait who said 6 weeks? unless you are talking about chris_d. But i don't think anyone from valve gave a 6 week estimation.
I have actually forgotten now but it might have been reading through some of the steam forums and im pretty sure some VALVe staff said that. I could be gravely mistaken though.


EDIT : Gargh yes you are right, in the News section in the first page of hl2.net there is this article : About Half-Life 2 Gold / Release Date Posts. Chris_d says six weeks but that Boritch guy in the actually post doesnt mention a date. Now is that good or bad?
seinfeldrules said:
Do a search. Cliffe didnt post that today, or any day I could find.
r u people fricken brain dead. read before posting FFS!! I read like two lines and read 4 times that "THE THREAD WAS DELETED" ... then u r wondering why u can't find it in the search, hurm strange....
