Possible Virus!!! (counterstrike related)

Hmmm. Did you expect the email? If not, someone might have haxxored his account or there is a new way of faking your real email-adress.
I got a virus mail masquerading as a message from my ISP, which was convincing enough that it took me a moment to spot. Theres some nasty stuff going around.
Thank God for CounterStrike!
About a week ago I started getting plain emails from @aol.com, @yahoo.com, and a few other addresses. The subject is something like "Re: Document" or "Re: Music," and the only line in the email is "Here is the file." or "Here is your document."

There is also an attachment, but it's obviously some kind of virus because Norton is automatically replacing it with "Norton Antivirus Deleted1.txt." I've been getting about half a dozen every day. It's annoying as hell.
not28 said:
About a week ago I started getting plain emails from @aol.com, @yahoo.com, and a few other addresses. The subject is something like "Re: Document" or "Re: Music," and the only line in the email is "Here is the file." or "Here is your document."

There is also an attachment, but it's obviously some kind of virus because Norton is automatically replacing it with "Norton Antivirus Deleted1.txt." I've been getting about half a dozen every day. It's annoying as hell.

Spammers re-route hardcore, I just block everything thats not important(my hotmail account), and my main personal email acount gets regulated by my isp which brings no spam thank god.
I got two of those from my friend's hotmail account. (he uses his isp e-mail for real e-mail)

One said "Is this your attachment?" and the other said "do you have this bug?" with an attachment.

Of course I didn't open it.
Direwolf said:
I got a virus mail masquerading as a message from my ISP, which was convincing enough that it took me a moment to spot. Theres some nasty stuff going around.

Yep. Same thing happened to me, I went as far as opening the zip file, at which point I realized "this can't be right" and closed it and deleted it.. lol