Post a BAD photo of yourself!

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
:laugh: I've just come back from my girlfriend's, mum's 40th birthday party. Naturally I took my digital camera along to take some photos. My mother decided to take a photo of me and Kat (my girlfriend) together. It is quite possibly the worst photo I have ever seen of me. First of all it looks like I'm grabbing my cock (which was completely not the case, I just happened to have my hand in an inopportune position) and I have a strange pleasurable look on my face. :laugh:

We've had the "post a photo of yourself!" threads before where we've seen G0rgon 'pretending' to be out of N-sync and lil'timmy at work, but now's the time to post a bad... bad... bad... BAD photo of yourself! This should be funny!!!

sorry, but that trully is a very, very bad picture lol.

I will try and find one of me and edit when i find it.
If I have any bad photos ;)
UK people - is it me or does Burzie look like the kid of the Screwball Scramble advert (where his head turns into the ball)?
lol yeah, cept he wasnt saying "up yours" to the camera on the advert :D
say what?

i have no idea what ur talkin about, but then again i live down under so i havent seen the ad