Post articles about cool human freaks!


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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Inspired by the tree-man thread. Let's see all those wierd human freaks hiding on the internet.

So long as it's real and not a photosh00ped p00per.

Something tells me 90% of the shit that will be posted here will be from India. It seems like they hold all the wierd shit in the world.
You can't hide on the internet. It's the internet.
I can make my eyebrows dance faster than the theme to dueling Banjo's.

And to pretty much any theme you can think of.

Oh, and dislocate/crack everything - Penis included. My shoulder blade can come right out of it's place and press against the skin of my back, rising up like a lump for a good few inches.
Something tells me 90% of the shit that will be posted here will be from India. It seems like they hold all the wierd shit in the world.

If africa had the internetz, you would be seeing even more weird shit there...
I can make my eyebrows dance faster than the theme to dueling Banjo's.

And to pretty much any theme you can think of.

Oh, and dislocate/crack everything - Penis included. My shoulder blade can come right out of it's place and press against the skin of my back, rising up like a lump for a good few inches.

Are you available for parties?
I can make my eyebrows dance faster than the theme to dueling Banjo's.

And to pretty much any theme you can think of.

I'm getting there :P

Can do weird stuff with my eyes
It's kind of mean to call them 'human freaks'.. but... that doesn't stop me being fascinated.
Something tells me 90% of the shit that will be posted here will be from India. It seems like they hold all the wierd shit in the world.

You would be shocked how much poison the average indian is exposed to. Many basically wade in venom when making T-Shirts, and they have a really severe problem with insects destroying their crops so they basically shower the crops in poison without any sort of protection.
Used to be the chinese who were constantly exposed to radiation. Was from the glow in the dark watch handles and stuff.