Post criteria for awards here!


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Be good if people posted what you need to get certain awards/ribbons/medals. I play very good rounds, but my lack of awards is due to me not using a variety of weapons/ roles. I'd like to know how to get em.
Example: You need 7 knife kills for basic knife combat badge.
Helicopter Service Ribbon - 40 Kills in one round (In Helicopter)
Airborne Ribbon - Parachute for a long...long....long time, all in one jump, just go up really high and 'chute out.
Here goes -


Basic Spec Ops Combat Badge - 10 Kills as Spec Ops kit in one round
Basic Sniper Combat Badge - 10 Kills as Sniper kit in one round
Basic Assault Combat Badge - 10 Kills as Assault kit in one round
Basic Support Combat Badge - 10 Kills as Support kit in one round
Basic Medic Combat Badge - 10 Kills as Medic kit in one round
Basic Engineer Combat Badge - 10 Kills as Engineer kit in one round
Basic Anti-Tank Combat Badge - 10 Kills as Anti-Tank kit in one round
Basic Knife Combat Badge ~ 7 Kills with knife in one round
Veteran Knife Combat Badge ~ 60 total kills with knife and then ~ 7 in one round
Basic Pistol Combat Badge ~ 7 Kills with pistol in one round
Veteran Knife Combat Badge ~ 60 total kills with pistol and then ~ 7 in one round
Basic Ground Defence Combat ~ 7 kills in one round with ground defense or ~15-20 minutes of ground defense use in one round
Basic Explosives Ordinance Combat Badge ~ 15 Kills with C4, Claymore, or AT mines in one round
Basic Command Badge ~ 40 Command points in one round as commander
Basic Engineer Badge ~ 5 repair points in one round
Basic First Aid Badge ~ 10 heal points in one round
Basic Resupply Badge ~ 10 resupply points in one round
Basic Air Defense Badge ~ 7 kills in one round with AA or ~ 15-20 minutes of AA use in one round
Basic Armor Badge ~ 10 kills while in a tank/apc in one round
Basic Aviator Badge ~ 10 kills while in a plane in one round
Basic Helicopter Badge ~ 10 kills while in a helicopter in one round
Basic Transport Badge ~ 15-20 minutes in a transport of some kind in a round

Those are the badges that I have. I don't know how to get other veteran badges other than pistol and knife combat.


I have a bunch of ribbons, but I'm only gonna post the ones I have a general idea of how I got them.

Ground Defense Ribbon ~ 7 kills in one round with ground defense
Air Defense Ribbon ~ 7 kills in one round with air defense
Aerial Service Ribbon ~ 20 kills in a plane in one round
Airborne Ribbon - Parachute from about 150 meters
Armored Service Ribbon ~ 20 kills in a tank in one round - NOTE: See Tips
Crew Service Ribbon - Get ~50 driver points or something. I got it while kicking ass in a helicopter
Meritorious Unit Ribbon ~ 40 teamwork points in one round as medic/engineer/support I THINK

Combat Action Ribbon - Seems simple to get, dunno the requirements
Infantry Officer Ribbon - Same as above



For Kit combat badges - you do NOT need to use the weapons in the kit in order to get the badges. I found this out when I was a spec ops and flew a plane and bombed my way to 10 kills and got the badge. Use whatever vehicle suits you best.

For resupply/first aid - get a squad and just keep them in good health and ammo - simple enough.

Some have trouble with engineer - I did for a while then I found a good method. If your team doesn't use their transport chopper, just grab it and fly out to the middle of the map. I did it on the oilfield map (Daqing?). I just flew out to the middle and let myself get hit by gunfire and APC fire. I just hopped into one of the back seats and repaired away as my chopper spiraled in the general area.

Knife Combat Badge can be annoying to get 7 kills in one round but with enough practice you can do it. Go sniper hunting or try and find the enemy commander (easy if he's on the carrier or just prone somewhere doing nothing). Try and get around behind your enemies or wait for somebody to capture a flag. Usually they will go prone or stand in a corner while they capture. This is a great time to attack and get your kill. Remember it only takes 1 swipe to get a kill.

The Explosives badge isn't as hard as it seems. Just whore C4 for infantry kills. Another easy way to get C4 kills is to capture a point, leave C4 all over the place (especially in places people hide while capturing) then leave the point alone. Wait until you see it turn neutral as the other team is capping it and then blow your C4. Go back to the point, recapture it and lay more C4 (hopefully you'll have found a supply drop or a support kit to give you more ammo). I killed a whole squad like this a few times.


Another trick that I JUST found out that I'm not completely sure about works great for ribbons and maybe badges.

When you're commander going for the Air Defense or Ground Defense or even the Armored Service Ribbons you can just sit in the respective vehicle or emplacement and get artillery kills in that count towards the count needed for the ribbon. I found this out by accident when I was in a tank for an entire round as commander going for the Staff Officer Ribbon and all of a sudden I got the Armored Service Ribbon.

Try sitting in an AA emplacement or TOW missile emplacement and getting ~ 7 arty kills and see if you get the Ribbon.

I may add more to this later. I'm at work right now and I finally actually have some work to do.
hot damn that's a lot. I got awarded the basic knife, basic pistol, and infantry officer ones about a week ago, but they still haven't shown up in my BFHQ. I've just about given up at this point.
Woah, nice tips AmishSlayer, I'll have to give those a try.

Here's (most of) the Ribbons:

Ground Defense Ribbon - Prerequisite of 25 total minutes in ground defense unit then 7 kills with ground defense unit in one round.

Air Defense Ribbon - Prerequisite of 25 total minutes in air defense unit then 7 kills with air defense unit in one round.

Combat Action Ribbon - Prerequisite of 100 total kills with any kit and 2 hours spent playing as any kit then 40 combat points in one round.

Meritorious Unit Ribbon - Prerequisite of 2 hours logged as Squad Member then 100 combined teamwork points earned by the squad in one round and at least 20 personal teamwork points while playing as medic, support, or engineer.

Infantry Officer Ribbon - Prerequisite of 2 hours logged as Squad Leader then 100 combined teamwork points earned by the squad in one round and at least 20 personal teamwork points (requires squadleader to attain).

Staff Officer Ribbon - Prerequisite of 2 hours logged as Commander then a Command Score, visible in Command Menu at the top, of 50.

Crew Service Ribbon - Prerequisite Driver Score of 25 or greater then 20 kills in either aviator or helicopter unit in one round.

Airborne Ribbon - Parachute a distance of at least 300m and successfully land on the ground in one jump.

Aerial Service Ribbon - Prerequisite of 2 hours logged in an aviator unit then 20 kills in one round in an aviator unit.

Helicopter Service Ribbon - Prerequisite of 2 hours logged in a helicopter then 20 kills in one round in a helicopter.

Armored Service Ribbon - Prerequisite of 2 hours logged in an armored vehicle then, while in an armored vehicle, get 20 kills against another armored vehicle (APC or Tank) in one round.
I need 5 badges, but they are the easier of the most. I only have 3 ribbons, so I have a way to go.
How the hell do you get that many knife kills in one round?
bvasgm said:
How the hell do you get that many knife kills in one round?

Easy, just wait for the other team to start camping and walk up to them and knife em. :E
DiSTuRbEd said:
Easy, just wait for the other team to start camping and walk up to them and knife em. :E

Flanking enemies when they push towards points in Karkand you can get like 2-3 kills pretty easy. Also when people are capping points they generally stay still so they're pretty easy targets. It took me a long time to finally get 15 kills in one round (I'm pretty sure that's the count you need for expert - no idea what the total kill count is though). I had been getting like between 7-14 before that though.
my problem is that i forget what i need to do once i load a game. i always join a squad and then pick a kit that we need and forget about getting badges.