Post Pub Mission - Inflitrate!

May 15, 2003
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Woo! On saturday, me and a few mates are going t'pub... We usually go on a monday night, since there are less 'chavs' about (Zerimski and Fat Tony will know what I mean ;) ) and therefore less chance of getting beaten up :D. However, people don't like going out on a school nite :flame: so we are going out on saturday :). We usually go to the park afterwards, and sit on the benches and chat, but on a saturday, there are far too many disreputable types around at 11 on a saturday. So we decided to do a Post Pub Mission: Inflitrate a nearby hall :D... will be fun, since none of us have ever been in there before. Oh yeah, and the dispersal command is : "CHEESE IT!"


Please note, Badger's views do not nessecarily coincide with's :)
Bring sledgehammers, m-16s and stealth suits if u need to join in
Damn you Tony... when we were planning this, you suggested fake guns and balaclavas to spook security guards... fool :P

it's just good clean exploring: ala :P

(thanks to h00dlum for giving me this idea) :D
You might call them 'townies or trendies'

basically boy racers without their cars :P
Originally posted by mrBadger
You might call them 'townies or trendies'

basically boy racers without their cars :P

I prefer the turm asshole. But anything goes I suppose.
I never get in fights cause I got a way with words ;)
Originally posted by mrBadger
You might call them 'townies or trendies'
el Chi's Handy Guide to Social Stereotypes
You can call them any of the following within the United Kingdom. They are regional variations. Amongst others:
"Chavs" (new one to me, but hey)
Rude boys/rudies (leaning a bit on the old wigger side here - does anyone else know what that means? - but ne'er mind)
Pikey (yes I know Pikey is also a gypsy, but go figure...)
Spiv (I think... Summat like that)
C*ckmonkey (Maybe that's just me)
Ignorant, oft-racist, sometimes-inbred, over-gelled, overly-macho, closed-minded, pugnacious repressive-homosexuals with few enough brain cells to get up in the morning. Not that I'd want to subscribe to stereotypes, but I've known/encountered enough to construct some kind of prejudice, for better or worse.
They don't like people who're different to them. It must confuse them, I don't know. Especially "Alternative" people - I assume, ComradeBadger, you fall into such a bracket and that you live in a small/dead enough place (no offence to your hometown, boyo) that that warrants a firm beating every now an then?
I'm going to stop being rude now.
I didnt see scally on there. That used to mean a person from liverpool but they spread into manchester and now townies are called scallys as well. Oh how strange this whole thing is.

Does anyone ever call you a mosher Badger? Im not sure if it means the same down there, or even if it exists. Ive not been called one in a while but there are occasions. Basically a mosher is someone who wears baggy jeans and stuff like that, but really over the top. So they have about 200 shag bands on their arms and trousers that drag along the floor as long as NW909's penis.

Anyway, im not sure if i fall into a category. Not that i mind really, being as i rather be called Chris that anything else. Perhaps i would settle for FarrowLeSparrow :)

Anyway. I love little missions like that badger, although i dont like it when it becomes damaging. For instance, you happen to reck a piece of public property :p
I didn't see "Ned" on that list either. A personal favourate of mine...
farrow.... it's an abandoned building, they are gonna pull it down soon, and build homes on the top, and I never saw the inside ;( so I wanna see it. I get called a mosher sometimes... but most of the school calls me a stoner? eh? I don't smoke weed? :P
Well obviously condemed buildings are ok. :p

There is an old factory near my old school which we used to go in quite a bit. Its was pretty fun to. I remember sometimes you got druggies and stuff in there. I'l tell you they were scary. When one of them comes after you there is no stopping them, once they have stuck in a needle that is. One time, one chased us and one of my friends thought it would be a good idea to throw a rock at him (I didnt agree but meh), suffice to say it bounced off.

There was another time when we went in, and there were a load of scallys sat in a small room. They were in a circle around an adult magazine doing things that...lets say a certain recent japanese invention could help them with.

Basically, they were having a circle jerk. Not the nicest thing to see, especially when for the first 5 seconds they didnt notice us.

(I would like to point out, we didnt just stand there staring, we ran away.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
There was another time when we went in, and there were a load of scallys sat in a small room. They were in a circle around an adult magazine doing things that...lets say a certain recent japanese invention could help them with.

Basically, they were having a circle jerk. Not the nicest thing to see, especially when for the first 5 seconds they didnt notice us.
Mmm. Nice. It's nice that they're displaying (amongst other things, natch) some... Community spirit, shall we say? :|
Could've been worse... Has anyone heard of that "Limp Biscuit" game? :naughty:
Yeah, I've heard of that game... anyone posts any details, will get banned :P simply cos's it's WRONG! :P
What no arson?! wot a waste of time, bah maybe ill change my mind
I know a guy who wanted to play Limp Biscuit...nobody spoke to him for a while after he said that.
No Tony, no arson.. awwwww come on :P

Just remember, the regroup point, okie :)

(actually, we might have have to bring this forward a day, to friday, since theres a party on saturday :) )