Post you loading times!

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
I'm interested to know about your loading times, so that I can compare yours to mine. This is mine (from an almost full 64-player server):

Clicking the Icon > Login = 1 min 0 sec
Login > Menu = 0 min 7.5 sec
Loading the Game = 2 min 10 sec
Verifying = 2 min 17 sec
clicking on icon to login = 0 min 30 sec
login to menu = 0 min 14 sec
loading the game = 1 min 51 sec
verifying game data = 2 min 45 sec

So some of my load times are better and worse than yours.
How much ram do you guys have?
My loading of the game is about 30 seconds, but that damn verifying is about the same as yours :(
loadtimes aren't bad, the map load from 47%-61% seems to take the longest for me, verifying takes forever.
Kamikazie said:
clicking on icon to login = 0 min 30 sec
login to menu = 0 min 14 sec
loading the game = 1 min 51 sec
verifying game data = 2 min 45 sec

So some of my load times are better and worse than yours.
How'd you get so fast on the first one? Disabled intro movies? Can you do that in bf2 full?
The DemonWithin said:
How much ram do you guys have?
My loading of the game is about 30 seconds, but that damn verifying is about the same as yours :(
512 mb.
vegeta897 said:
How'd you get so fast on the first one? Disabled intro movies? Can you do that in bf2 full?
yes you can.
Yea, all you have to do is go into your My Computer Battlefield 2 folder, then go into the mods, bf2, and then what i did was rename the Movies folder to Movies_OLD, just in case that the your game has some kind of issue, but mine hasn't so far. :thumbs:
Kamikazie said:
Yea, all you have to do is go into your My Computer Battlefield 2 folder, then go into the mods, bf2, and then what i did was rename the Movies folder to Movies_OLD, just in case that the your game has some kind of issue, but mine hasn't so far. :thumbs:
wow, thanks dude!
Icon - Login: 30 seconds
Login - Menu: 7 seconds
Loading the game: 40 seconds
Verifying client data: 2 minutes 23 seconds
Loading the maps take about 25seconds only for me and i have a really slow hard drive and only 1.5gigs of ram.
Razor said:
Loading the maps take about 25seconds only for me and i have a really slow hard drive and only 1.5gigs of ram.

only 1.5 Gigs of ram? bugger me.

im getting my load times now.


start: 14s
Login: 8s
Loading: 50s
Verify: 1min 5 s

i have 512 ddr ram
1 gig of RAM and everything is pretty quick except for Verifying client data, which takes about a minute and a half.
bvasgm said:
Icon - Login: 30 seconds
Login - Menu: 7 seconds
Loading the game: 40 seconds
Verifying client data: 2 minutes 23 seconds
About the same as that, but I haven't disabled the movies, so 1min till login screen.
Load Game- 10-15 seconds
Login- 5-9 seconds
Load a Map- Less than 30 seconds
When I start the game = 15sec

When the map is loading = 45sec

When it's verifying data = 25sec
You guys with short (i.e less than 1 min) verifying times- what specs and internet connection are you running? On the servers you play, what pings do you normally get? Just curious, cos my loading time is quite short, but like most others the verifying client data takes forever.
Clicking the Icon > Login = 0 min 20 sec
Login > Menu = 0 min 5 sec
Loading the Game = 2 min 30 sec
Verifying = 0 min 30 sec

me = 100mbps VDSL, 512 RAM, 2.4 ghz CPU.

if i didn't live in asia, i would have less verifying and ect. times
Login----> 13seconds
Loading map---> 40-60 seconds
ver--> 1.3 - 2 mins
J_Tweedy said:
You guys with short (i.e less than 1 min) verifying times- what specs and internet connection are you running? On the servers you play, what pings do you normally get? Just curious, cos my loading time is quite short, but like most others the verifying client data takes forever.
I have the upgraded comcast connection (6 meg or somthing).
So it must be your connection then- i have similar specs to you Foxtrot, and my verifying client data takes the whole duration of the Chinese intro song!
this just solidified my desire to get another gig of ram
Icon to Login - 33 Seconds
Login to the Main Screen - 13 Seconds -Jesus..longest ever.
Joining Server to Verification - 55 Seconds
Verification to Done - 36 Seconds

1 gig of ddr 400 ram 2.8 ghz p4.