Post your amazon wishlists!

I don't have one...but maybe I should make one.
You should, I didnt have one until 40 minutes ago :P
Thats my wishlist :P

Youve posted a link to the wishlist page. To get my wishlist I emailed it to myself then copy pasted.

Like attached
I think I have one somewhere but nobody ever used it, I'm not fussed tho. I always end up getting much better things than Amazon sell.

Last year I got to fly a plane for about an hour, even over my house so I could take pics of it from the air. I'd class that as being better than anything on a wish-list, so i'm not bothered :D

Birthday again in about 5 weeks, wonder what i'll get...

/me crosses fingers for half-life 2 :D

edit: Dedalus, how dare you put Prodigys new album in a wish list?!! Go and get it bought, it's awesome.
Amazon wishlist:




ohhhhh that amazon, ....NM :E
lePobz said:
edit: Dedalus, how dare you put Prodigys new album in a wish list?!! Go and get it bought, it's awesome.

que? :O

i haven't got any of prodigy's stuff in my wishlist :( maybe it's displaying your wishlist.
It's not in my wishlist tho... odd, wonder whose wishlist that was, i clicked your link anyway.

I just clicked it now and its not there... dodgy amazon.