Post your BF2SF screens/vids


Dec 29, 2004
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I expected to get on playing BF2SF this weekend when my new graphics card was came, but once i opened the package there was no card, just a empty GIGABYTE box with bundled software, but no card :(
The company I bought it from sent me some card that someone who bought it before me returned due to some issues with it. So I'll have to wait until next week to get into the game.

I was hoping someone could post screenshots or videos from BF2SF just so I dont get bored waiting :>
Garfield_ said:
I expected to get on playing BF2SF this weekend when my new graphics card was came, but once i opened the package there was no card, just a empty GIGABYTE box with bundled software, but no card :(
The company I bought it from sent me some card that someone who bought it before me returned due to some issues with it. So I'll have to wait until next week to get into the game.

I was hoping someone could post screenshots or videos from BF2SF just so I dont get bored waiting :>

why buy SF ur just funding EA, BF2 is buggy as hell & i've heard SF is even worse, all ur paying for is sum maps in dark & sum new wepaons/vehicles.

Mite aswell just wait for a free mod to be created that will developers are willing to give u decent patches.
No I love BF2, been playing alot and BF2SF is even better, with nightmaps and sneaking :)

Maybe you guys are too lazy to post your own, but maybe you know some sites with tons of BF2SF screens, all except IGN and Gamespot =>
Haha, those quadbikes looks cool, the new models are as good quality as the original from BF2 are they ?
lister said:
why buy SF ur just funding EA, BF2 is buggy as hell & i've heard SF is even worse, all ur paying for is sum maps in dark & sum new wepaons/vehicles.

Mite aswell just wait for a free mod to be created that will developers are willing to give u decent patches.

So many naysayers keep saying BF2 is buggy as hell yet the ONLY 2 bugs I've EVER encountered are the wrong team bug where once in a blue moon a guy's name will come up red instead of blue and when medpacks and ammo bags can sometimes fall through the floor in a raised area. I think I'll go whine about it to everybody...oh wait...I don't really care.

Performance could be a bit better but you know what? It's FINE. I run the game great 95% of the time, there's an occasional chop but not enough to get my panties in a bunch like tons of other demanding chumps out there.

The expansion delivers exactly what it said it would. I chose to pay for it because I'm a huge fan of the infantry battles in BF2 and they are even better in SF.
The player models aren't as good, still fine, but you get the feeling they spent less time on them than in regular BF2
I didn't say that people weren't having problems with the game, but the problems seem to be with the hardware where nobody really knows what to do considering like 80% of those posts on the support forum have very few replies with basic answers. That tells me that these problems aren't widespread if nobody is really even discussing them.

The main problems people are having is with the actual patching or the cd key problem if you got the game through EA's lame downloader.

Besides, every game has hardware issues. There's always going to be somebody that has problems. I don't see people complaining of universal bugs (bugs that everybody experiences sometime such as the wrong team bug).

Point being - the game may have issues with some people's harware...but so do other games. Because massive amounts of players are playing we just hear about it more.

The same thing happened and is happening with HL2 and other source stuff.

People aren't really having ingame problems but are having troubles with THEIR rig and their own problems. The game itself has very few bugs.
the game was released un-finished & straight after a patch was released which cased a memory leak? Hmm sounds like EA/DICE can't code their own game. Every patch that has been released has changed things in the game that the community did not want & has made far worse problems than 1.03.

Even Gamespot says this game has issues....

Huge, showstopping bugs can prevent you from even playing the game; performance drops if there's too much action on the screen; resource hog and longer loading times than battlefield 2; ea's new digital distribution service has issues.
Garfield_ said:
Haha, those quadbikes looks cool, the new models are as good quality as the original from BF2 are they ?

The player models are a bit cruder, but the environments and vehicles looks as good or better than BF2. The spaceport in Surge is a sight to behold. The ambient sound in SF is better than BF2. Devil's Perch has the best in that department. Crickets ftw!
Yeah, you should get it just for Devil's Perch! Listen to those gorgeous Russki voices :cheers: Then you get those bloody hilarious British SAS one :E Also is a great sniping map :bounce:

As Amish said most bugs seem to be hardware compatablitiy issues not real bugs per se.

Only problem i have is that SF runs slower than Vanilla BF2 :| Not a big thing, but still there
i think the only reason that people say that it is a bad game is because other people say its a bad game. SF is one of the best times that i have had with BF2 since the original release, i have had NO bugs with both BF2 and SF put together.

since i am not at my computer atm i cant post any pics :( but still it is once of the best expantions that i have ever played in a long time
In fact, I haven't experienced much bugs either.

But now, people are complaining about SF performing badly. And it doesn't seem like it's their PC in most cases, as they claim that vanilla bf2 runs much better (and EA says BF2 and SF have got the same system requirments). Therefore I think it's a problem with BF2 itself.

I thought my SF runs much worse than BF2, but when I tried BF2 it turned out the difference is not big - that's because BF2 runs worse after the newest patch :/