Post Your Christmas Tree

Apr 9, 2005
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I'm Bored, and the " post your pets" thread below gave me the idea for this.

Since its nearly xmas, why dont we post our christmas trees.
Best decorated tree wins...errm ( thinks) oh i know, the knowladge that they are the best, and permission to gloat untill new years. ( Yea that'll do)

Neway, my entries

This is the little white tree that lives in my bedroom ( horrible magnolia walls, and green carpet i know...we've not lived here long ,and i haven't had time to re decorate it yet) Its not quite finnished as I've ran outa decorations.

And this is the family tree in the lounge i dont know what the weird reflection on the wall is all about!

( or any other religious symbolic objects, if your a different religion)
Quagmire strikes again!
i don't have a christmas tree - gg atheism :(
I'm atheist but I still celebrate Christmas. No tree yet though.
there's a big controversy at the moment that dubya didnt put the word christmas on the annual president's greetings
it makes sense though - winter celebrations around the longest day of the year don't exactly have or deserve a christian monopoly seeing as winter celebrations have been in existance for 1000s of years and christians merely found it easier to tag theirs onto the existing custom
he's not too smart is he :D
you're in 5th or 6th year arent you carrera? you up in ucd for the open day?
honestly, that's the second thing that has come out of the administration that I approve.

1.) Increase in funding for nasa.

2.) Not putting f-cking "christmas" in a card that goes to 1.4 million people (some of which are most definitely going to be Jewish/other.)
Feh. I didn't put one up because we're moving. But I didn't like trees in the first place; sure they look pretty but it's a bitch putting them up and taking them down.
I haven't had a christmas tree up for years. :-( I miss the days when we could go out, chop one down, and bring it home. Around here... what few trees there are, most are certainly not coniferous!
We usually get a christmas tree even though im atheist. Christmas has become anything but a religious day for the majority of people.