Post your internet plan


Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
Broadband in Australia sucks arse (rated 17th out of 20 developed nations) and with the government unwilling to help at all it is unlikely to change any time soon.
So to satisfy my curiosity as to how bad things are please post your country and broadband plan and allow me to envy your speedy connections :)

Country: Australia
Speed: 512k / 128k
Quota: 20 GB (Shaped)
Price: $AU 50 / month (30.5 Euro, $US 41, 1061 Roubles)
Country: US
Advertised speed: 1.5mbps/256kbps
Download speed: 160-190KB/sec
Quota: None?
Price: $33 USD/month
All I know is I get 250ishk down, and not enough up...

Stupid slow cable.
1.5mb no limit,
Never get dlspeeds higher than 132kb/s
With my 1.5mbps, my download speeds were around 120-145KB/sec, but a couple months ago I started getting the actual advertised speed for my download speed (1.5mbps = 187.5KB/sec) regularly.
Country: Sweden
Speed: 100Mbit / 100Mbit
Quota: Unlimited
Price: €21/$28/?(Pounds)14 per year
Country: Scotland/UK
Speed: 4mb
Around 400kb/s at its fastest.
Quota: Unlimited
Price: ?20 a month ($40 / 30 Euros).

I'm paying the same price I payed for the initial 512k modem, but the company upgraded us for free to 1mb, then to 4mb.
Country: USA
DL: I've gotten up to 1mb/s
Quota: unlimited
Price: $45 a month
Country: USA
Speed: 5mb/s
DL: Fastest was 500kb/s
Quota: None.
Price: $40/month
Country: Netherlands(Holland)
Speed: 20mbit (14mbit shown by online test at ISL)
DL: 1.4 MByte
UL: 120 KByte
Quota: unlimited
Price: 20,- euro's per month (27,- dollars)
Price: $AU 50 / month (30.5 Euro, $US 41, 1061 Roubles)
You converted to roubles, but didn't convert to pounds?

I'm on a 2.2mb/s line which is actually very stable, for about ?30/month.
Country: USA (comcast business services)
Speed: 5mb down/768 kb up
DL: It seems to max out at a little over 700 KB/s
Quota: unlimited AFAIK
Price: $80something a month (but its paid for by my job)

Also, everyone should note the difference between the little b and the big B in mb/MB/kb/KB ... b means bits, B means bytes, which are 8 bits.

So for me, 5mb/s = 625 KB/s, so it seems I'm getting a little more than I'm paying for :D
Country: UK (Virgin Media)
Speed: 20Mb down / 768Kb up (on 10Mb atm cause my old modem doesn't do that speed, new one on the way :))
DL: When it reaches full speed, 1.2MB/sec, soon to be 2.4MB/sec :)
Quota: unlimited. Reduced to 5Mb speeds for 4 hours during peak hours if I download more than 3GB. Damn packet shaping gayness.
Price: About ?20, my dad haggled ;)
You converted to roubles, but didn't convert to pounds?
Oh, right I was going to convert to pounds but I forgot (it's $AU 50 = 20.80 pounds), the roubles was more for fun than anything else.
Country: Belgium
Speed: 10mbit (6mbit actual)
DL: 3.4 MByte
UL: 40 KByte
Quota: 23 GB (custom)
Price: 43,- euro's per month (58,- dollars)
Insight Broadband Communications
Louisvile, Ky, USA
10mb down
1mb up
330K/s max dl
70K/s max ul

The US is really far behind in terms of pricing and speed compared to the rest of the world, it's really ghetto.

In France I had 3Mb/s dl and 1Mb/s ul for 30Euros a month from Free DSL.
I guess it depends on where you live. ^

512KB UL
Meant to be 1 line getting hitting 160K/sec tops on FilePlanet (sub) now getting a max of 10k/sec anywhere and everywhere. Youtube is awfully slow too =/

Whatsit. Um. TPG Internet. ADSL 2.0. Not sure how fast it is, but I got 300mB in about half an hour yesterday, and I can watch youtube without needing to pause all the time to wait for it to load.

$49.95 a month.
Hornsby, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Optus DSL2 Power
20Mbps/ 820kbps
20gb/40gb (peak/offpeak)
$69.95 AUD / $57 USD / $42 EUR per month

The US is really far behind in terms of pricing and speed compared to the rest of the world, it's really ghetto.

lol what? the US is ahead of a large part of the world, only a few Europe countries and some Asian are ahead. Aus is so far behind it's not funny, taking too long to get FTTN.

Uni has huge arse pipes though.

I've got maximum up and down, but I have no christing idea what that translates to in actual speed. Being New Zealand, I think it comes out at about the same as everybody else (including those still on dialup).

Changing to a better provider as soon as I move out, whenever that is, this one's notoriously bad despite being the most used in the country.

Everything got sorted after a router reboot =/

Damn exam stress making me overlook the simple things!
Country: England
Provider: Zen Internet
Downstream: 8 Mb
Upstream: 488 Kb
Highest DL speed so far: 500 Kb/s
Quota: 20 GB
Price: 24 Pounds/Month

Very stable connection, no loss or choke, so very pleased so far. Could do with a lower ping though, 40-45 to most UK CSS servers, probably because Zen's servers are up in Scotland ! Tempted to try Nildram, as there servers are London based, not sure i cba though..

Country: US
Provider: Comcast
Speed: 6 mb/s
Download: ~500kb/s
Price: $45 US
Damn you people and your fast Internet connections. I knew they would be better but the value for money difference is extraordinary, most of you people don't even have to deal with the annoyance of having a quota.
Country: US (California)
Connection: Wireless DSL

Cost: $70
Quota: Yes I don't know what it is, but I usually pay around $90. I live too far away from civilization for anything else.