Post your scores


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
I figured the HL: Deathmatch forum had one of these threads, why not CS...

My scores are kind of old, and I know there not the greatest. I was just curious how good some of the godlike players score are!

And please for you people that are really good and go to "Newbie" servers, your scores don't count. (Oh, and hackers to... you suck, don't post your rediculously high scores)
DAMN! how long were you playing on this map? 2 hours?

nice score man

Playing on cs_office and was undefeatable, was only playing for about 15-30 min. and racked up a score of 27-5. Pretty proud of myself cause usually im 1:1.
i dont have a screen sory but i recently got a fat score of 51 an 19 and i almost fell out of my chair when i saw my score and the server had like no newbs
N00b question: How do I upload screenshots? I have some scores I'd like to post. Sorry about my n00bness.
server just got empty when i took the shot, you can see that the enemies score isnt 12-76, mine was 76-12 from the whole time against a big group

oh ya, and just so you can't say i cant do it against a lot of people.

yesterday I managed to get 23-0 score on de_cbbl and then they started to call me a cheater and kicked me out :D

EDIT: btw this topic is like guys measuring their dicks :p
60-19....what do i win :D

and the previous score before that...

I think we should have a thread for the worst scores possible. I find it hard to go a map with lower than 1:1 kill ratio. I tried this on tides (Evil map) and I managed to have enough kills stolen, & BS Deaths to make this possible (got 3-8) Any takers on this idea? :p
Well i don't have any screenies, but the best score I ever got was 55:8 on fy_iceworld_real. I suck on big "de" and "cs" maps. I'm ownage at "fy" maps.
Spectre01 said:
Well i don't have any screenies, but the best score I ever got was 55:8 on fy_iceworld_real. I suck on big "de" and "cs" maps. I'm ownage at "fy" maps.
In other words; maps that actually require tactics and team cooperation? :D ;)

1.85 kpd :D i played from about 9 to 12. At the start it was quite challenging, but after a while most of the ppl of my skill level were gone, and i was clearing the enemy team. Almost all my kills were with carbine, but i also had several deagle and a couple of knife/grenade kills.

oh and the screenshot isnt very revealing, the map was dust 2, my favorite
Can anyone host my screenies? I have scores that are better than most of the pics here, I just need a host.

Sorry about my n00bness again. What I asked before is actually not what I meant. What I meant to ask was what files do the screenshots go to after you take them? Again, I'm sorry, but I've just never uploaded screenshots from my computer.
Viper here, proud member of the US division clan! Here are some of my average scores..most days same, some better, some worse.

LOL I like this one (clan ownage)

I have more but this is fine for now !


PS - If anyone here is interested in joining the US Division visit
Bohonkie said:
I don't want to pay. That looks like a paysite. Could I just email you them so you can host them and I can link 'em?


LOL, its nots a pay site.. or i wouldnt have recommended it..

ah shite im sry, it seems theyve changed their policies :-/ but i signed up ages ago and i got to keep my free account, which i use a lot which is why i recommended it. anyways is good and free
Milkman said:
In other words; maps that actually require tactics and team cooperation? :D ;)

Yes but it's quite rare that you team actually cooperates with you. :rolling:
this one was from original CS, but i bothered to make a collage of it a while ago.. haha