Post your wierdest dreams...


Jul 9, 2003
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I had a really wierd one last nite... like all dreams i don't remeber it fully... but sum 1 in my family was going out with paris hilton and he pissed her off so she pulls out a samuri sword and cuts his head off and proceeds to slaughter the rest of my family... so i run downstairs where i see my sister and i tell her to gimme the keys to her car and she asks why and i tell her paris just murdered our family so we run to the car and drive away.... then i realize i forgot my shoes at the house and so, like the retard my sister is, she drove me back to the house and told me if i'm really quiet... paris might not notice me.... so i sneak in, get my shoes on, walk out to find the car in pieces... along with my sister.... i turn arounf and paris cuts my arm off.... then i woke up in a creepy cold sweat.... very wierd
I had my weirdest dream not so long ago...
I was swiming in a little swimsuit when these good looking swimmers swim by and pres's their boobs right upp my face... one of them is starting to kissing me so i kiss her back and then we're ending up having sex. After that i wake up from that dream that was inside another dream (i was dreaming in a dream). I then realise that My girlfriend has found out that i was cheating on her in the dream (this is in the dream) so i pick up my star wars laser sword and beginn to run to her home and when i get there i find Josef stalin having sex with Bill clinton while Emelies brother is spanking them and eating popcorn (i know, i need help) when i later run up to Emelie's room, i tripp and began to falling down to hell... After that, i dont remember.

Pretty sick
Originally posted by |SwE|FishStick
I had my weirdest dream not so long ago...
I was swiming in a little swimsuit when these good looking swimmers swim by and pres's their boobs right upp my face... one of them is starting to kissing me so i kiss her back and then we're ending up having sex. After that i wake up from that dream that was inside another dream (i was dreaming in a dream). I then realise that My girlfriend has found out that i was cheating on her in the dream (this is in the dream) so i pick up my star wars laser sword and beginn to run to her home and when i get there i find Josef stalin having sex with Bill clinton while Emelies brother is spanking them and eating popcorn (i know, i need help) when i later run up to Emelie's room, i tripp and began to falling down to hell... After that, i dont remember.

Pretty sick

wow.... this dream makes my dream about paris hilton murdering my family with a samuri sword look normal.... :borg:

and i hate dreams within dreams.... cause then u think ur awake and then a zombie xrawls out of ur closet... then u wake up again not knowing if it's a dream or reality... then it just gets wierd
Probably being sucked into a computer game and then chased by a gigantic rotten pumpkin. Which was wielding a cleaver.
I had a dream where I thought I was eating a giant marshmellow.

When I woke up the pillow was gone ;(


Ain't it weird that men always wake up with boners ?

Originally posted by D33
Ain't it weird that men always wake up with boners ?

Baldder fills up with urine, tickles the prostate, boner (at least thats what i read somewhere ;))

Weirdest dream i've had in a while was when i was stopping over in Cambridge for my interview - it started off in a big hall (like the Royal Albert Hall) with a tank in the middle and a killer whale in the tank. I jumped in the tank, and started to swim round really fast, getting in the way of camera people and then i started to do some ballet moves. The next thing i know, i'm on a walkway in an Alcatraz (The Rock style) setting. Someone shouts "Don't let them get away with the pigeons!" I jumped off the walkway and into a lake of shit, literally.

Then i woke up at 9.52 am, had to be out of my room by 10 am. Good skills Murray :dozey:
The other week I dreamt that I was married to an Indian women, and we had two children. They were so tiny that we kept them in an empty packet of 10 cigarettes and fed them ants ......... forget what happened next (it then got really weird /o\)
I always wake up with a boner, no matter what the dream. Once I had a dream I was in a field and it kept getting bigger and smaller. Then my friend ran by. The field blew up and I got the 'snow', like from a bad TV.
Then the place was pitch black and all I heard was, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
I had a dream that micheal jackson was telling me to kill my friends and family lmao no joke. Its happened more than once too....:|
Originally posted by ray_MAN
I always wake up with a boner, no matter what the dream.

They're called "morning glorys" man! Worst thing is trying to piss thru one that wont go away.

As far as dreams go I didnt used to dream when I was a smoker, which is kinda wierd but as soon as I stopped tho they started again.

For the most part my dreams are really obscure. For example in one dream Alex Ferguson came to me and told me he'd killed David Beckham and that I had to go up these stairs and 'clean up' the body or I'd end up the same way. I got to the stairs and sure enough at the top I saw 'the hand' with the huge diamond ring hanging over the step. I woke up then tho thank gawd.

Does anyone else here have a really cool dream, like your f'king a really sexy chick and then all of a sudden you wake up and think "damnnnnn!", but fall back to sleep and the dream continues as if the 'waking up' was an intermission and you're thinking "yay!"
Originally posted by D33

Ain't it weird that men always wake up with boners ?


i thought i was the only one who woke up with boners.... i feel less akward about my life now! :D
I'm sure I've had weirder dreams than this, but off the top of my head:
I was waiting in my back garden for my friend to come to my house and I think it had been snowing. I kept looking at my watch and I was waiting for ages for him to come round, but what I didn't realize at the time was that he was stood there next to me, talking to me.
I then went upstairs to where my bedroom is in real life, but it was like a dentist's waiting room so I sat in there. There was a window all along one wall as well, out of which I could see the street out of the front of my house. In the room were a Michael Jackson impersonator and the Michael Jackson person from Bo Selecta. The Michael Jackson person was at there talking about how he'd really like to meet Michael Jackson and how he'd never seen him in real life and just as he was saying this, Michael walked past the front of my house and I saw him but I didn't say anything. The bo selcta Michael Jackson was just sitting there the whole time saying all his sayings.
I then thought I woke up, but it was still part of the dream and I was in a wild west town which is actually at Blackgang Chine, a small theme park type place on the Isle of Wight, where I live (the island, not the theme park). I then walked into one of the builings and Michael Jackson was in there and he was saying weird stuff in a cowboy accent.
I then thought I'd woken up again, but I was still dreaming and I was at my nan's old house, sleeping on the floor, whilst the friend who I was waiting for originally was sat in a big bed in the same room and he was watching a western on the TV and I realised that my dream had been influenced by what was on TV and the dialog that Michael was saying was actually from the film. I told my friend all about the dream I'd just had and he laughed at me.
Then I actually did wake up.

Wow, that was longer than I thought.
I am the dream-master! I control my dreams!
Which is quite useful, I can tell you. Where's she gone? (Goes back to sleep).
i love dreams that u can control urself in.... cause i fvck every female homosapien that moves in dreams i control! .... except when my family is in my dream... i ask them to leave the room :p
I have just weird dreams all the time...not exceptionally weird..but just generally weird. One strange dream experience I had recently was when I was at some party..and me and a hot chick went into a room and we were gonna bang...then there was a really loud bang that woke me was some garbage truck outside. I was pissed. I closed my window then went back to sleep..and the dream started over again..except everyone was wearing different clothes..and instead of the hot was twins of hot chicks... :) Then the dream continued uninterrupted.
I had a ****ing scarry dream last night. I was in a half-dark room siting on a metal chair(like the ones the use in gestapo), and a hedgehog was aproching me. Each time he came to me, I picked him up and ate one of his needles, and then let him go. Then he returned unharmed with all his needles on, and I bit one of them again. And it continued until I woke up. You may find it funny, but, shit, I was creepy as hell.
Originally posted by thehunter1320
then i realize i forgot my shoes at the house and so, like the retard my sister is, she drove me back to the house and told me if i'm really quiet... paris might not notice me.... so i sneak in, get my shoes on, walk out to find the car in pieces... along with my sister.... i turn arounf and paris cuts my arm off.... then i woke up in a creepy cold sweat.... very wierd

what the heck!!!....!!!!
i had a dream 10 years ago where my family and I were getting chased by a skeleton out of a department store... and when we got to the car i found out i had lost one of my shoes so they made me go back and get it by myself and then i tripped and the skeleton was going to get me.
once again, what the heck!!!
weird, weird, agh!!

anyways... weird dreams---there was this one where everything looked cartoonish like i was in an animated movie and all i did was walk along a river trying to catch fish.
but my personal take on dreams is that, for any dream with any kind of meaning, they're all bad no matter what. the bad dreams are, well, obviously bad and then you wake up feeling like crap. the good ones are bad because you wake up and then you feel like crap. so either way you feel like crap. there's my depressing thought of the day.

[edit]my "proof" or whatever that i did indeed have a scary shoe-losing dream and am not making up stuff.
that's so weird; you stole my dream!! :eek:
Originally posted by D33
I had a dream where I thought I was eating a giant marshmellow.

When I woke up the pillow was gone ;(


Ain't it weird that men always wake up with boners ?


hah! yeah it's sometimes good though. every girl i've been with has asked me 'how can you get aroused in your sleep?!'..of course i have no answer to this because i'm confused, she's staring at it when she could be sitting on it..dumb or what.

anyway, what's grosser than gross? having a dream about eating chocolate pudding and waking up with a spoon in your ass. i read that somewhere, not my joke.

only dream i've had recently is one where i was at my local cinema complex with two of my ex girlfriends and an old friend from college. they were running around picking up CDs from shelves and throwing them into my giant trolley saying "look only 10 pence!" and stupid stuff like that. i also met David Brent in the dream and he was telling me how much i should admire him because we're related.
I once dreamed I died every night for three days. The first time, i was at the beach and a giant wave picked me up and slammed me into the mud and I got stuck. Then the water receaded to about three feet deep and I spent about two minutes desperately trying to reach the surface before I breathed in...and woke up.
The second day, I dont really remember, but a vaguely recall a noose.
The third day was really disturbing. It was dark and in kind of a greek ampitheater place. a dirt floor and a couple weeds for the ground. The sky was dark, dark red. I was given a knife and told to guard a goat. I also had some sort of helmet on. All went well for a while. But them someone came up and tied me to a chair. He said something for a little bit, then cut x's in each of my eyelids. I could feel cold blood running down my cheeks. Then he slit my throat and I woke up.
Originally posted by spookymooky
I once dreamed I died every night for three days. The first time, i was at the beach and a giant wave picked me up and slammed me into the mud and I got stuck. Then the water receaded to about three feet deep and I spent about two minutes desperately trying to reach the surface before I breathed in...and woke up.
The second day, I dont really remember, but a vaguely recall a noose.
The third day was really disturbing. It was dark and in kind of a greek ampitheater place. a dirt floor and a couple weeds for the ground. The sky was dark, dark red. I was given a knife and told to guard a goat. I also had some sort of helmet on. All went well for a while. But them someone came up and tied me to a chair. He said something for a little bit, then cut x's in each of my eyelids. I could feel cold blood running down my cheeks. Then he slit my throat and I woke up.

..... odd....

and dfc05.... maybe forgeting your shoes in a dangerous situation and going back to get them by urself means sumthing.... in dream speak anyway
Ah there was one of these a while ago, an stone interpreted them, pretty cool. Anyway i had the worst dream a while ago when i was really sick.
The day i was sick i was playing alot of total annihilation (an rts) and i went to sleep after i stopped playing. Well i had a dream, and in that dream the only thing that was happening was a unit kept on moving around the screen, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. for the whole duration of the dream. I would then proceed to wake up, go to the bathroom/get drink whatever, and go back to sleep. Then the dream would start again. this happened for the whole night. I havent played the game since, and i probly never will again.
I can't recall any of my good weird dreams, it's always the lame ones that go no where and I think i get bored in it.

Like one just a few days ago:
I was waiting at a bus stop for like a long time, just standing there, then FINALLY the bus arrives. When I enter thought, im suddenly standing in front of a park. Then I just wake up and thinking to myself "my gawd my dreams are lame"
One of the weirdest dreams I've ever had was one where for some reason, some guy and I were in a gunfight (in the woods i believe). We had handguns. I was freaking scared of dying in the dream, but I spotted him first (his back was turned). I shot him like 3 times, and nothing happened to him. Then he shot me, and I knew I had been shot even though I had no blood. I knew (in the dream) that he had beaten me. I didn't understand why my shots didnt do anything. When I woke up, I finally understood how awful it felt to be completely helpless. Hope I never feel that way gain. Let me remember another one...
I've also had a most annoying dream one time when I was sick. Basically this this picture wraps it up pretty well, only it was silver. It was kind of like a Rubick's Cube type thing. Everytime I touched it it would rearrange and form a slightly different shape. It went on for hours. I thought I was going crazy.
Originally posted by spookymooky
I've also had a most annoying dream one time when I was sick. Basically this this picture wraps it up pretty well, only it was silver. It was kind of like a Rubick's Cube type thing. Everytime I touched it it would rearrange and form a slightly different shape. It went on for hours. I thought I was going crazy.
heh sounds like more fun than mine..if youve played total annihilation you will know how 'intetreting' some of the space levels are, so many vivid colors. *shudders*
Originally posted by Dedalus
hah! yeah it's sometimes good though. every girl i've been with has asked me 'how can you get aroused in your sleep?!'..of course i have no answer to this because i'm confused, she's staring at it when she could be sitting on it..dumb or what.

anyway, what's grosser than gross? having a dream about eating chocolate pudding and waking up with a spoon in your ass. i read that somewhere, not my joke.

only dream i've had recently is one where i was at my local cinema complex with two of my ex girlfriends and an old friend from college. they were running around picking up CDs from shelves and throwing them into my giant trolley saying "look only 10 pence!" and stupid stuff like that. i also met David Brent in the dream and he was telling me how much i should admire him because we're related.

lol omg dedalus, i started laughing so hard after reading that thing hahahaha ah geez, best laugh i've had all day, literally
Last dream I had was me being in a building named "AOL CHATROOM" and there was the tanks from UrealXMP parked outside and there was a big rave inside and everybody was just standing still and I couldn't see what was going on up front but all the guys had names like "Sweet thang" and shit, made me wonder if I was sane.

Like unreal tanks parked outside, wtf.
as for a dream... let me see. I once had a dream i was a cop, and i got a cool gun and everythin lol.. but anyways, trying to pursue some bad guys, me and my partner hopped into a car, only this car was different, it was like one of those big paddle tricycles u ride in the water with the big paddle tires, it sucked, we could catch him, and ended up driving off the road into 3 feet of snow where we got entangled in wire. So i decided to shoot at what i could see of the villains car driving away, but i couldn't get a decent shot off because the trigger was so hard to pull my shots were pulled to the side. I could also see my bullets, and were unsatisfyingly very small bbs.
i probably forgot to mention the most importantly wierd thing in my dream.... the person in my family who was going out with miss hilton was adam sessler from x-play... and my sister was morgan webb from x-play.... bad combo of the paris hilton sex tape on repeat, kung-fu movies, and x-play..... wonder what would have happened if i threw sum vodka into the mix :p
Originally posted by thehunter1320
and dfc05.... maybe forgeting your shoes in a dangerous situation and going back to get them by urself means sumthing.... in dream speak anyway

after i had the dream (i actually had it more than once, i think) i thought it meant that 1)my family members were materialistic and only cared about the shoe... 2)they didn't care about me and all they wanted was the stupid idiotic shoe back...!!! 3)i hate shoes :sniper: [shoes]

because like your dream, yeah, we got to the car and we were going to drive away and i said "i'm missing a shoe"... and they said "oh well you've gotta go back and get it" and i'm just sitting there thinking "what, umm, is anybody going with me" but they made me go by myself... and i just went in and got it. really fun dream there. although i woke up after i tripped (kinda funny seeing as i would have only had one shoe on) so i guess it's not quite as bad as having your arm chopped off. but then my dream had my actual family members, while yours had other people... ah well, whatever.
I had a dream like that 'AOL' one. I was in a physical version of an IRC chatroom. I walked in with a gun and said "I'm looking for a man. A dangerous man. They call him...Luvva_890." And the crouds part and I have a gunfight with him, kill him, get drunk, get laid and get the 64-bit system bus back home. then I woke up.
System bus was weird - basically riding on a computer chip down a road made of serial cables....
From an old dream thread:

"The weirdest dream I've had was when I bled to death from a splinter in my big toe.
I don't remember the exact situation, but I think I was running in a lumber yard and tripped over a piece of unfinished wood.
What does that mean?"

I remember what was happening now...

I was being chased by a guy with a chainsaw through the lumber yard and kept knocking piles of wood over to slow him down. This was taking a looong time. When I finally lost him and hid somewhere I noticed a splinter from when I stubbed my toe. It looked harmless so I pulled it out. Blood started flowing out of my toe at roughly the speed liquid flows out of a coke bottle. I tried to get up and run for help (yes, I know, gravity and increased blood flow from the activity would only cause the bleeding to worsen) and slipped in the pool of blood. I started getting dizzy, my view blurred, then my view went black and I woke up.

Any ideas?