Postal - The Movie

I'll say it before anyone else does.

Uwe Boll.

Still, looks like a bit of a departure from his usual crap atleast. Even if that just turns out to be slightly different crap.

my god that beginning is so stupid
I have never seen a Uwe Boll movie, but from the looks of this it seems I never even will watch a Uwe Boll movie (at least not willingly).
It's about damn time a politically incorrect movie was made.


The thing's not funny

I didn't find that 9/11 clip offensive or anything, just thought it was dumb, and the whole movie looks like they just wanted to write it as politically incorrect as possible hoping it would get a laugh without actually writing anything funny down.
I've embarrassed myself by watching this. It's lowbrow comedy that completely fails at everything.
I lol'd at the 100 virgins skit. I sense a degree of auto Boll kickback going on here. Comedy is probably a better vehicle for him than anything else tbh.
I'm lost for words. I really am.

Now wait just a cotton-pickin second!

Do you mean to tell me that you Don't agree with me? :P I so can't wait for this movie to come out. I'll be the first one in line.

Now wait just a cotton-pickin second!

Do you mean to tell me that you Don't agree with me? :P I so can't wait for this movie to come out. I'll be the first one in line.


I'm with you, I think the movie looks like it will give me some decent laughs.