Posting from my pocket pc


Aug 14, 2003
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Right now, I am posting this thread from my pocket pc. It is an arse to type on this thing. ;) Doesanyone here post on a wireless connection ? :)
EDIT: If anyone wants to talk to me on MSN, my email is mabuamba_51@hotmail .com
i'm posting from my laptop which is on wireless...never tried to get a pocket pc on wifi though, must be bloody tiny
I posted here once on my iPAQ, it was a lol.

Too bad my iPAQ's batteries drained all the way down and it reset itself :P, now I'm too lazy to set up the connection again.
I also have a pocketPC (XDAII) hooked up to my wireless network via an 11mbps SD card :D

Good times.
PS. Don't put your email addresses on the forum, cuz spam bots will retrieve them from the site and add them to their spam lists :/
i sent this post in via morse code, so there i win :p

beepbepbep beeep...
im posting from my mind right now i cant use punctuation yet though i havent learned that technique if anyone is interested in how to do this pm devilphish he taught me how to use astral projection to transform my thoughts into internet text im sitting outside right now in a trancelike state next im going to try to project my being into this hot girls apartment down the street hah why didnt i do that first man im such a nerd thanks deviphish
That's not my email, that's my msn, there's a difference :P
Lil' Timmy said:
im posting from my mind right now i cant use punctuation yet though i havent learned that technique if anyone is interested in how to do this pm devilphish he taught me how to use astral projection to transform my thoughts into internet text im sitting outside right now in a trancelike state next im going to try to project my being into this hot girls apartment down the street hah why didnt i do that first man im such a nerd thanks deviphish

yeah im gonna have to bring you sexual prefference and integraty in to question for comming here first,

although ... have you learned how to transmit images into other peoples heads yet? :D
Heh, I tried doing that with my cellphone, it worked but cost a fortune to post even in a swedish forum :D