POTBS Beta/Stress Test News


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
This is from the main news site of POTBS.


Our second Fileplanet Stress Test has been going really well so far. We?ve got a great crew of stress testers and the game is running pretty smoothly. In fact, it?s running too smoothly! We want even more people to pile on and make our servers cry like little babies.

So here?s what we?re going to do: anyone who plays the stress test this weekend and gets a character to level 5 or higher will be admitted to our beta program.

Yup, that?s right: play the stress test, get to level 5, and you can keep playing in the beta after the stress test is over!

(Note that if our servers do start crying like little babies and you can?t get to level 5, we?ll work something out.)

If you haven?t played in this stress test, it?s not too late to sign up. You can do so for free here at Fileplanet.

We?ve had thousands of people playing in the stress test so far and it?s been a blast. Come join us and then stick around for the real beta!

So for any of you who want a chance to test the game beyond the stress test that fileplanet offers(ending monday), get a character to level 5, even if you don't initially like the game. That way you can get into beta at any time to see how things progress.

This is a good chance for you guys who are wary of the game, and feel you might not like it... now is your time to really look at see.

Just remember if any of us go in, we'll be under NDA.
I might re-download my beta client to see if they made the game any better.
Burning Sea.

I got into beta a while ago and didn't like it much. Unless they changed a bunch of stuff I probably won't re-download the client
I've stopped playing long before they moved onto sony stations client.
This game will be DOA just like Auto Assault.
I hoped so much for this game, but it wasn't at all what I'd thought it was going to be.
Just a heads up and friendly pirate reminder, the 2nd open beta test starts this Friday. It will be the Pre-Launch push to opening day, and you can preorder to get goodies.

The files and info are at (*shudder*) Fileplanet.
I've stopped playing long before they moved onto sony stations client.
This game will be DOA just like Auto Assault.

I hate to say it, but I completely agree. They completely missed the "fun factor" all together.
It's taking forever to ****ing download the patches. I've never seen anything like this.
I've heard so many people say that, but it never took me very long at all.
I was so disappointed with this game, it really did look good but the last Stress test didn't live up to my expectations at all. The running about and talking to NPCs was terribly boring and the traveling around at sea was the opposite to immersive. :(
Just got invited into the open beta, so I'm downloading the client now. It is a massive download, and it is also taking its time too. I will see what it is like but I do not have high hopes for it.
Unfortunately this game is really boring. I played the last stress test and leveled up so I could keep playing and see if there was anything interesting, but there wasn't!
I know what you guys are saying and where you're coming from. I've been waiting for this game since 2002, and it isn't what I expected in oh so many areas. I guess it'll take another company to get it right. <sigh>

I really needed a GOOD pirate game too.

The areas that I was disappointed in was the ship sailing in world view, the avatar combat aspect of the game(both cities and missions and stuff), and a few other things.
I'm still downloading :/

Even the direct links to the files from their site are slow as ****. They clearly don't have enough bandwidth.
I played it for two weeks, getting a feel for the game. I encourage you to do the same. Level up a bit, go to different towns.

The new Tortuga is an amazing sight, but it has horrible layout and poor graphics performance, but still worth seeing.