power cables on video card?


May 10, 2004
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ok now, this problem has been annoying me for a few weeks, I got a fx 5600 and some time ago I thought of upgrading for a 9800pro, I saw some tutorials on how to install it and then I saw that the guy connects some sort of wire or cable on the video card, my 5600 has this connector also but nothing is connected to it, is this ok or what do I have to connect there? What is that for actually?

thx in advance
Woah, it's running without?

Generally all cards will prevent the system from booting if the power cable isn't present, as they don't get enough power from the AGP connector by itself.

I'd plug one in immediately, as you're likely straining your motherboards power circuits, which in turn will produce more heat and therefore fail faster, as that extra heat is likely not being dissipated properly.

Usually cards come with some form of splitter, which you could use if you don't have any free connectors. I really would investigate getting one ASAP, as this could result in serious damage/shortening of life for either your motherboard or graphics card.
I have the little wire, but where do I plug the other side of it? I'm really worried now, cuz this has been like this for the past 10 months... wait a minute and I'll post some pics of the connector and video card wires.
ok here are the pics I think they are self-explanatory

the last pic shows one cable that is not being used by anything now

the first pic shows the cable that came with the video card and the guy at the store didnt use it
Don't worry. That is not a power cable. Those cards did not use enough power to need another source. That cable that you show is generally used on sound cards going to a CD-ROM so the CD audio passes directly to the sound card and not through the system.

Nothing needs to be plugged in there. And the cable coming from the front of the case is either the case speaker plug (for beeps) or for USB on the front panel.

You should not need to change anything.
well now, if I buy a new video card, like a 6800, I know it will need the power cables, now, my question is, where do I have to plug in the cable that comes with the 6800, if I buy one?
I've got the same situation got a gf4 ti4200, it runs with no cables but don't know if that's good. :bonce:
See the molex power connector in your 4th Picture above? The head is white with 4 pins with Red, Black, Black and Yellow wires going to it.

The card will come with a molex cable that will plug into that cord and there is 2 other ends. One goes into the end of the video card and the other is free to use on other devices in your PC, like Harddrives or CD drives. That extra end does not need to be plugged into anything.

The AGP slot provides all the power for most graphics cards. Recently the more powerful cards need an extra source for power and so they use one of the molex connectors from the PowerSupply. If you don't have a plug on your card, don't worry about it. The first cards to start using the plug were the 9700's.