Power Color ATI 9800 XT


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
thinking of buying this

I was wondering if anyone had some opinions on if this is a good manufature or if I should pay a few bucks more for a better card/maker?

And also, is it wise to buy an OEM Window XP from newegg?
ugh, ive had bad experiences with nvida, I really would prefer an ati card. That still doent answer my question. Is Power Color a good Manufacturer?
Power Color can make good cards. I generally just double check the clock rate for core and memory.

I would not recommend the 9800XT for that price. You can get a 9800 Pro for $100+ less than that and it will perform relatively similar. The 6800 is a good card too but I personally don't think it's worth the 100$ extra either. It's a mixed bag but at least it performs better in a number of games.

I'd either recommend the 9800Pro for 200$ or jump up to the X800Pro for 400$. The cards inbetween are not as solid of a choice. IMHO
Thank you Asus, thats about what I was thinking. My only reason to buy an XT card is it comes with a HL2 coupon, but if I can buy it at the store soon, might as well go with the 9800 pro.

can anone else answer my question about the OEM windows xp on newegg, or should I just cough up the $150+ at a local store?
oem is just the cd and a key. all you need. although i bought an XP home OEM cd from a vendor off pricegrabber.com for $69 the other day.