Power Shift Update


Nov 10, 2003
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Bantam, from the Power Shift mod team, recently sent a couple renders of their soon-to-be skinned models along with information about the current status of their mod. He also mentioned to expect a large update coming soon.

We have two renders to show off, soon to be skinned, they are the M21 and the Beretta 92f. These models are the work of the talented Miserai.

SadowLord has been programming, working very hard on an early alpha and our 2 mappers have been working on some great content as well, we should have a large update very soon.

Power Shift is still looking for more talented individuals to help with development. If you are interested stop by their site.
They don't really look anything special, probably because they're not skinned
They look good!, looks like something i know but hey keep rendereing.
The background art is so bad it's hurting the focus of these renders:
the weapons.