Power Struggle - mod for hl2 - help needed

  • Thread starter Thread starter anar_chist
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Hi, I'm anar_chist, currently promoting my new mod, Power Struggle (website up soon). Here's some info about the mod.


Power Struggle is a multiplayer modification for the Half-Life 2 Source engine.

In March 2003, The United States and its allies invaded Iraq. In less than four weeks, the Coalition had reached Baghdad and eradicated the corrupt Ba’ath government. The Coalition stated many times that they would leave Iraq when the Iraqi people had elected their own government and Prime Minister. This never happened.

On September 1st, 2008, the UN gave the Coalition a final deadline of 48 hours to move all troops out of Iraq, or military action would be taken. Then, on the 2nd of September, the World watched on in awe as America released its plans for the “Reformed Middle East”. According to the plans, in less than 8 weeks, Iran and Syria would fall to the US.

On September 3rd, the UK and US began to mobilise troops ready for the invasion of Iran. Also mobilising their troops were France and Canada, but not to fight Iranians, but to remove every single Coalition troop from the Middle East. The US gave the deadline to the Iranian government to disintegrate or face a bloody war that they could not win. They declined. The Union of Justice (France, Canada, Germany and Russia) gave the deadline to the US government and her allies to withdrawal from the Middle East or face the next world war. They declined.

On September 5th, the start of World War III began.


Teams - The initial release of Power Struggle (v1.0) will feature four nations, the United States, United Kingdom, Iran and France. Later releases will include Iraqi insurgents and Canada. Campaigns will be based in Iran, Iraq, and the Syrian border.

Game Modes - There will be many different game modes in Power Struggle, with unique objectives and scenarios. This can include capturing certain areas of the map, defending certain areas for a certain amount of time, crossing bridges or roads, or simply eliminating the opposing team.

Maps - Power Struggle will feature huge, 64-player maps where every area will be a dangerous warzone. This means driving APCs or getting airlifts to different areas will be of great strategic importance to each team.

Classes - Teams are separated into three no-nonsense classes, Light Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and the Sniper Unit. Each will have their own unique weapons, equipment and commands.

Points - Points are awarded by achieving certain objectives or completing certain tasks. For a kill you get more points depending on how higher-ranking the troop you kill is. The highest-ranking player on the team that wins can also give more points to the one player on their team who they believe showed the most merit and determination, and helped their team the most.

Revolutionary Ranking System - Power Struggle will feature a unique, revolutionary ranking system, where the higher rank you are, the more authority of your team you have. Therefore, different ranks can call in air strikes, vehicles, and capture buildings.

Communication - Power Struggle will feature an easy communication feature where players can directly communicate with each class. For instance, if some Light Infantries are taking heavy fire, they can easily and quickly call in the Heavy Infantry to dispose of the opposition.


United Kingdom

H&K MK23
SA80 Assault Rifle
AI L96/ AW Series Rifle
Minimi Machine Gun
L96 Sniper Rifle
L115A1 Long Range Rifle
Frag Grenades

United States

M-9 Pistol
M-249 Machine Gun
M-24 Sniper Rifle
PSG-1 Sniper Rifle
Frag Grenades


Taurus Raging Bull 0.46 Revolver
Beretta 1201FP Shotgun
Frag Grenades


Glock 20
Tabuk Sniper Rifle

Information on vehicles and aircraft will be posted later.


The Coalition
The United States of America
The United Kingdom

The Union of Justice

Other Teams (fighting the Coalition)
Iraqi Insurgents*

*Not in initial release

I hope you enjoyed reading the information, more will be posted soon.
To help out I need some help from additional modders. Currently, very high priority positions are weapons modellers, weapons skinners, weapons animators, C++ programmers and mappers. Lower priority positions are concept artists, sound technicians and a web developer to help me create the site.

If you are interested in working with me on this promising modification, please contact me via private messaging, or emailing me at [email protected], and I will give you more information about what sort've work you will be required to do.

Thankyou very much for reading, anar_chist.
anar_chist said:
Maps - Power Struggle will feature huge, 64-player maps where every area will be a dangerous warzone. This means driving APCs or getting airlifts to different areas will be of great strategic importance to each team.
in source??? how do you plan on getting that working?
well... at least i'm interested in one part... helping making stuff like wallpapers!
you might want to re think some of the weaponry.
And you cant have the british team without and l7a2 GPMG
@ Deleter - I do not believe any of my plans for the maps are impossible in source.

@ [NW]FuriosD - I will contact you soon.

@ short recoil - I'm not brilliant one for weapons, so thankyou for the advice!

@ Ennui - France and Canade may seem like a strange combi but they were both strongly opposed to the Iraq War. I was thinking Germany instead of Canada but in the end I changed my mind; may change it again though :p