Power supply


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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It seems I have to upgrade my power supply. I have a new videocard (Asus ENGTX260 TOP) and my 450W generic brand can't handle it. It is lacking on two points: raw wattage (the card needs at least 550W) and power connectors (the card is 'fed' by two 2x3 pins PCIe connectors; my current supply only has one). Who can give me some advice for a new engine under the hood? Also tips and pointers on the installation are welcome. I installed ram and videocards before but I never put in a power supply myself. Thanks!
I was looking at power supplies a while back and was going to select one that had been tested positively when compared to similar ones. So, check some power supply reviews, and get the number one rated power supply.

When you buy a power supply it comes with plenty of connectors so that no matter what, you should be able to connect everything, so don't worry about that.

It's really easy to install. If you can put a battery in your home smoke detector, then you'll be fine.
It is easy if a PSU comes with those PCIe connectors although an adapter can be used on the standard 4pin Molex plugs. It is the same type of power just a different shape of plug. Graphic cards sometimes come with those adapters.

The watts is mainly what you want. Specifically a PSU with enough power on the +12v line (35 amps or more?).

If a PSU has multiple +12v lines unfortunately you can't just add them together to figure out the total amps offered at +12v. PSUs can't use all power on all lines at the same time.
So if you find a PSU that has 40amps on it's +12v line and different PSU with dual +12v lines each at 20 amps, the 40amp one will give more power. The dual +12v line PSU would probably have to have 25 amps (guessing) on each to match the other 40 amp PSU.

I have Corsair PSUs. The TX series is awesome for clean full power. The HX line has the removable cables.
PC Power & Cooling deliver excellent power.
Seasonic and some *Antecs give great power and quiet as well.
*Cooler Master and *Thermaltake are OK.
(*they vary by the model since they don't make their own PSUs)
Did a bit of comparing this afternoon and it seems that two PCIe cables isn't standard at all.

EDIT Thanks Asus. I'll look into the brands you mentioned.

EDIT 2 How about the Corsair HX620W? Looks like a steal for 100 euros.
My suppy wasn't special, and came with two PCIe cables, so I figured most of them would.

It's an Antec, but I definitely wouldn't recommend one. It randomly resets 1-5 times a week. Though I don't know the cause, I'm just going to blame it on the supply, since that is a common problem with a bad supply.
My OS HDD? But it's been resetting for almost a year, almost always under medium/heavy load while multitasking. The drive seems to be working perfectly, in fact I've tested it recently with software.

any other suggestions?

Personally, I think it just doesn't have the balls to maintain steady power.
Personally, I think it just doesn't have the balls to maintain steady power.
That, or faulty ram. I doubt the hard drive. It would get worse and worse. And most times the PC doesn't crash but Windows would give you an error saying it can't write to drive (delayed write failed or something).

EDIT 2 How about the Corsair HX620W? Looks like a steal for 100 euros.
I have the HX520 and it is great. Used that sucker on my main rig for at least a year and have had it on my older machine for about the same time (still going). Upgraded my main machine with a Corsair TX650 when I moved up to 3 drives and more powerful GPU. Lost the removable cables feature but the cables never cluttered my case since it has it's own sectioned off space for the PSU. Plus the power is a little more efficient with the TX (I pay my power bill).
I have the HX520 and it is great. Used that sucker on my main rig for at least a year and have had it on my older machine for about the same time (still going). Upgraded my main machine with a Corsair TX650 when I moved up to 3 drives and more powerful GPU. Lost the removable cables feature but the cables never cluttered my case since it has it's own sectioned off space for the PSU. Plus the power is a little more efficient with the TX (I pay my power bill).

I pay my own bills as well, and that TX650 is even cheaper than the HX620. Wouldn't I be better off with that one then?
That, or faulty ram.
Thank you

I never dealt with this kind of problem before so I never would have thought of that.

I've got two of the cheapest sticks on earth, and they are different brands and they are kind of old, so I would not be surprised if there was something wrong.

First I'll re-seat them n see if that works.