Power Supply

Sep 21, 2003
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Thinking about upgrading my power supply. I'm about to be getting a window case NZXT Nemesis Elite and it's going to be running those 3 120 MM fans (might add more) the LCD display on top and the faceplate and 2 cold cathode sticks when I order the case. I'm thinking about getting this, I know it's WAY overkill but it seems pretty hot for the price $70 WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
what do you guys think? feedback please :)
yea im thinking of getting a new cas and powersupply, on top of his post got any suggestions for a case and powersupply for like $50-70?
700Watts ??

I have a BeQuiet 450W Color PSU. It has two neon-lit fans. Search for that. You don't need 700W.

Edit: Oh, and the PSU is quiet :) Who would have thought that from the name, huh? :p