PowerSupply help

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
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I bought an antec case that holds the psu at the bottom of the computer. The problem is my 4 pin cable that is supposed to plug into the mobo on the slot that is above the CPU (or to the right in the picture) can't reach it. Is there somekind of extender i can get? Or am i left with the only choice of returning my psu?
If you don't know what im talking about, look for the thing that says "8-pin CPU power connector" in the picture (and that is the actual picture of my mobo, i bought the p5b delux).
Well, what i do know is that you can get extender cables for the 24 pin power supply to the motherboard, so i would hazard a guess saying that you may well be able to get an extension for that cable as well. Give it a search on google, or on the website you are looking to buy from. Btw, would this case happen to be an antec P180 ?

edit: When you say 4 pin power connector, are you implying that the psu power cable for the cpu only has 4 pins ? Because as you have described in the picture, the power supply for the cpu appears to be an 8 pin connector.. Unless i'm missing something here (i haven't built a pc with an LGA775 socket before, all my pc's have a 24 pin connector and just a 4 pin connector for the cpu).

I have managed to find a 4 pin extension cable however: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16812198005
Oh, and another thing is, when i was reading the ASUS manual it said that i can't use the SATA drives unless WinXP Service pack 1 was installed? Does that mean i cant install windows on the sata hard drive i bought?
Win XP comes with service pack 1 anyway does it not, or do you have one of the earliest versions that didn't ?

And no, that would be a rather large oversight if you couldn't install windows on a sata drive until you'd installed service pack one on the non-existant windows installation !! I can't imagine what that comment refers to though.. Maybe it is referring to a second set of sata drives that aren't controlled by the onboard controller and are controlled by a separate piece of silicon, or maybe a separate raid controller....

Ah, the nine hundred, looks like a fantastic new case. Serious cooling going on in that monster !!!
Would a very low powered PSU be a factor in causing BSOD? I get them so frequently, its not even funny. Even after formatting my computer and everything, I was getting them constantly.

I believe I have an 180w power supply in my computer.
Oh, and another thing is, when i was reading the ASUS manual it said that i can't use the SATA drives unless WinXP Service pack 1 was installed? Does that mean i cant install windows on the sata hard drive i bought?

You will need to get the sata drivers for your hd and put them on a floppy. When installing windows it will ask you to push F6 if you want to install any third-party drivers. When you push it it will continue to load windows files and then when they are done loading it will prompt you to insert your disk with the drivers.
where can i get these drivers? The HDD i got was an OEM WD Raptor, it didn't come with any drivers. Are these drivers just general ones or do i need a specific type?
whats your specs raz, and the amp rating on the rails?

I have a Intel pentium 4 2.8ghz processor with hyperthreading.
1024mb pc3200 ddr ram (corsair brand)
radeon 9800 pro 128mb graphics card.
120gb hard drive
a cd-dvd read and write drive.
a sound blaster live! sound card I think?

That's about it from what I can remember for the specs.

What is an amp reading... and what do you mean the rails? I know next to nothing about power supply units.
well you defently need a better power supply.

rails are your lines of voltage for your power supply.
amps are sorta like the rating that allows enough watts of power to go through the lines cleanly(lee variation of voltage which damages computer parts, mainly ram and hard drives.) the more the better for the most part. you can see the rating of amp per rail on the side of the power supply, usually a sticker.

after doing a quick calculator check you would want at least a 300 watt ps. so it could be attributing to your problems. it could have also damaged your ram which is giving you the errors, might want to run memtest and a hd diagnostic just to make sure.