PRA Propaganda NO MORE!!!

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Senior Member
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
I was looking through my posts for the last week, and I realized, I've been sort of an ass lately. What with all the spaming, and...well...mostly just spaming..but this post didn't help my cause very much:

After nearly every mod. on the forum threatens to ban you, it's sort of a wake up call. Anyway, the point is, I'm done going on and on about the pra.
[Although I do stand by my comment about Tr0n's new avatar.]
Good, cos i wanted you banned so bad...still do now you've removed enemy of the people from your sig. The christmas cheer is free btw :)
Apology accepted.

Just learn to think before you post sometimes, that's all.
I sense much fear in you, but you don't use it. USE YOUR HATRED! LET YOURSELF BE CONSUMED, by the DARK side.

Dark side? I've never really heard a cornier name for evil powers before. Man.

Actually, I don't know who you are! But whatever! Good luck on being good and not doing those things you said you weren't going to do or something!
Erestheux said:
I sense much fear in you, but you don't use it. USE YOUR HATRED! LET YOURSELF BE CONSUMED, by the DARK side.

Dark side? I've never really heard a cornier name for evil powers before. Man.

Actually, I don't know who you are! But whatever! Good luck on being good and not doing those things you said you weren't going to do or something!

Too true! Be good! Eat your Wheaties! And....

Don't do drugs! (Sorry, I've been drinking again.)
I wasn't being that serious about this whole situation.

the user titles being gone sucks, but what can we do? make sigs?

anyway, i think that the PRA will remain, but not as a group bent on destroying this site by spam. so, I too, like bvasgm, apologize.

/me sighs
15357 said:
anyway, i think that the PRA will remain, but not as a group bent on destroying this site by spam. so, I too, like bvasgm, apologize.
You fool. You'll never destroy this site with spam. It's built with solid foundations of the juicy, fattening meat based product. :angry:
Damn, I wanted to ban you for a week :(

15357 said:
anyway, i think that the PRA will remain, but not as a group bent on destroying this site by spam. so, I too, like bvasgm, apologize.

* 15357 sighs

Pfft, even if you did want to attack us, we'd dominate you. :p
another apologie?

Who cares if you're an ass...cmon does it really matter?
i love trons avatar. it pwns.
and the forum looks really odd with huge text... im gonna like, space out duuuude.
Danimal said:
Pfft, even if you did want to attack us, we'd dominate you. :p
Bwahahahahhahahhaahaa! NEVAR!!!!!!

plz dont ban me 4 a week :(

(wtf is PRA?)

Tr0n's avatar doesn't pwn. No pwning involved, actually. In fact, it just sucks. It sucks pretty hard.
Erestheux said:
Bwahahahahhahahhaahaa! NEVAR!!!!!!

plz dont ban me 4 a week :(

(wtf is PRA?)

Tr0n's avatar doesn't pwn. No pwning involved, actually. In fact, it just sucks. It sucks pretty hard.
Stfu bitch.

It pwns j00.
Hetairia > PRA :|

Tr0n you're such a redneck. Bitch.
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