Practical house pranks

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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I'm at my coursins house in Colombia, do you guys know any practical house jokes ? I've allready done the changing room furniture and the doll that fells from the stairs.

Any cool joke you guys like to share ?
if they have one of those hose connections to their kitchen sink for doing dishes, put some clear tape around the lever that releases water and aim it at where someone would stand when they turn on the sink. always works.
take off the top of the toilet and take a shit there. it will stay for weeks
kaf11 said:
if they have one of those hose connections to their kitchen sink for doing dishes, put some clear tape around the lever that releases water and aim it at where someone would stand when they turn on the sink. always works.
I don't understand, can you explain this further? It sounds good...
Open up the toilet. Mess around. Otherwise, Google has pranks.
Eg. said:
take off the top of the toilet and take a shit there. it will stay for weeks

Haha rofl, I gotta try that...
Some sinks have the little spray thing that comes out on a hose, traditionally i've used rubber bands, but i guess clear tape would work fine too. Just tie / tape around the lever so it stays down, when someone turns on the sink water sprays all over the place. It's a mess indeed.
Duct tape the toilet seat down when someone is desperate for the toilet.

Also, turn the TV upside down and see if they notice.
Do this the day you leave, and make sure no one catches you or you'll never talk to them again:

Okay, take a bunch of teabags (probably 30-50 or more)
Tons of sugar
Tons of yeast

Empty all the teabags, then fill them 2/3 with sugar, 1/3 with yeast. Once this is done, staple them shut, then flush them all down the toilets in the house.

The yeast will ferment and swell, plugging up the sewage system.
This works alot better in a school or public facility, but still, it'd be a ton of fun to do.
Bunch of sadistic bastards...

I say change his Internet homepage to a page you made in geocities that plays a .wav file that shouts really loud "PORN SITE WITH EXTRA HOT PORN" and lots of grunting in the background, then turn his speakers up to full and get your cousin (assuming it's a he) to use it when his parents are in the same room...

Or yeah the TV thing - that sounds funny.
dekstar said:
Bunch of sadistic bastards...

I say change his Internet homepage to a page you made in geocities that plays a .wav file that shouts really loud "PORN SITE WITH EXTRA HOT PORN" and lots of grunting in the background, then turn his speakers up to full and get your cousin (assuming it's a he) to use it when his parents are in the same room...

Or yeah the TV thing - that sounds funny.
Nono, set his home page to Goatse.
kaf11 said:
if they have one of those hose connections to their kitchen sink for doing dishes, put some clear tape around the lever that releases water and aim it at where someone would stand when they turn on the sink. always works.
Hahah, my mom did that to somebody, I forgot who though. When we left she turned on the sink and water went everywhere. I took her like a minute to figure out how to turn it off. Then she got my mom back with the same prank :P. Was really funny, you should try this.
Fuse Kazuki said:
Hahah, my mom did that to somebody, I forgot who though. When we left she turned on the sink and water went everywhere. I took her like a minute to figure out how to turn it off. Then she got my mom back with the same prank :P. Was really funny, you should try this.
yeah, its guranteed to work. for best effect, try it in the morning when the victim is tired and confused.
Go to someone's bedroom while they're sleeping and put saran wrap on the outside of the door, completely blocking it, making sure the door opens into the bedroom. Then call at the person to come running out into the hallway. Have a camera ready.
EC said:
Go to someone's bedroom while they're sleeping and put saran wrap on the outside of the door, completely blocking it, making sure the door opens into the bedroom. Then call at the person to come running out into the hallway. Have a camera ready.
Same thing, just without hte wrap...and when they come running out, bash their face with a plank of wood or something.
EC said:
Go to someone's bedroom while they're sleeping and put saran wrap on the outside of the door, completely blocking it, making sure the door opens into the bedroom. Then call at the person to come running out into the hallway. Have a camera ready.
Similar thing; put some clear tape about forehead height across a door way. Just one strip. Call someone into the room.
get a computer, set it to 220v if 110v, set it to 110v if 220v.

Take 1 sheet of wood, the size of the persons bedroom door. Paint to look like a wall of bricks. When person goes to bed, place across door (Only works on inward opening doors). Wake up to hear them shouting for help :)
Yeah, because they're really going to be convinced that someone has bricked up their doorway overnight.
Sorry, are we being serious now? Fair enough, if serious can be classed as taking a dump in the toilet cystern, then heres my idea: Stab him in the neck!!!111oneoneeleven.
OK, maybe it would be good to specify a level of 'extremeness' before unleashing the evil minds of forum-goers. :eek:

1. Dump a load of washing-up liquid in the toilet cistern for a foamy surprise.

2. Saran wrap over the toilet is a classic, cant go wrong with that one.

3. Fill a box with lots of little things (marbles, packing chips), tape the top, cut out the bottom and quickly put it (missing bottom down) on a table in your cousins room. Put a note on it. Wait.

4. Laxatives. :smoking:
no, taking a crap in his toilet tank is priceless. the water will be brown for weeks, and the smell will be terribel
Pi Mu Rho said:
Yeah, because they're really going to be convinced that someone has bricked up their doorway overnight.

That's what i was thinking.. you'd have to be one hell of a painter just to get me to think that for 1/2 a second, nevermind start freakin out.. I'd be like ok.. and push the wood over.
Might not work in your case but if you have someone you know going away for a while, get a load of cress seeds and throw them all over his carpet. Then dampen his carpet and watch his room become a little garden :laugh:

Or get a lot of cardboard boxes and fill up his room with them :E
Eg. said:
no, taking a crap in his toilet tank is priceless. the water will be brown for weeks, and the smell will be terribel

rofl, that sounds awesome.
I wouldnt recommend the laxative thing. A couple of mates tried it and the kid ended up going to the ER nonstop vommitting. The brick wall woudltn work unless youre excellent at painting realism.
kill them all in their sleep, lol oh man, that one slays me every time....
Joims said:
inthe kitchen swap all the drawwers around :), other places too

Yes, so when someone sticks their hand in quickly to grab a plastic bag or something, they get a knife in their hand.

Just be careful whatever you do. Some stuff can be pretty dangerous, even if it has good intentions.

Of course the brick wall thing is more of a prank on yourself and your time. So go for it.