Prank call in my hometown


Sep 22, 2003
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I don't talk like that by the way, I learned the English language; plus I don't live in that area anymore, I moved further away to a big city.

I received this .mp3 in an e-mail and decided to to make it into a YouTube video.
I can't even understand what's going on...
This video fails hardcore. Both of them sound like big ****ing ******s.
I thought this got deleted. what the hell, why is this thread still here.

Anyways, you guys really can't understand it at all? :(

Here's the subtitles:


Wife: Hello?
Mike: Hello is Darryl Around?
Wife: Uhh…Hold on
Darryl: Hello
Mike: Hey what’s going on Darryl?
Darryl: Not much who’s this?
Mike: What are you up to bi? It’s Mike Stewart. We’re old friends from back in the day buddy
Darryl: Mike Stewart?
Mike: Yea, who’s this old dash ain’t it?
Darryl: Yea
Mike: What’s going on buddy?
Darryl: Not too much
Mike: Talked to you in a while
Darryl: Mmm right on
Mike: Just got back from out west bi
Darryl: Did ya?
Mike: Yes
Darryl: Oh yea
Mike: Working on the rigs out there bi
Darryl: Mike Stewart?
Mike: Yup
Darryl: I can’t seem to remember ya
Mike: You can’t remember me? That’s all the puffin, haha
Darryl: haha
Mike: You know me bi, I still do that shit bi, the old puffin
Darryl: Wha?
Mike: I still do the old puffin once in a while bi
Darryl: oh do ya?
Mike: You know I loves my puff
Darryl: oh ya right on, right on
Mike: So what are you up to lately bi?
Darryl: No not too much bi, not too much
Mike: ****in’ walkin’ around and shit or wha?
Darryl: Wha?
Mike: Just ****in’ walkin’ around and shit is it?
Darryl: Yea yea
Mike: Not much to do in this town bi. I got home two weeks ago and I’m ****in’ diein’ to go back already bi so I can get me puff
Darryl: Yea really eh
Mike: **** man
Darryl: Yea
Mike: No good puff down around here bi
Darryl: No not the green shit. No
Mike: **** man
Darryl: No, not really
Mike: None compared to out west out there Dash bi
Darryl: Yea really eh, oh I can imagine yea it’d be a lot better out there yea
Mike: Holy **** blow your head off out there Dash
Darryl: Yea I know, she’s boomin’ out there buddy yea
Mike: She’s kinda low-key down here man, know what I’m sayin’
Darryl: No, no, no that’s right bi
Mike: So what are you up ta lately bi? Just drink’ boozing?
Darryl: No, no buddy no I don’t even do that much no-more lately really
Mike: Still loves your puff though
Darryl: Oh yea I’d say but as far as the boozin’ goes I don’t do much of that I just take the KD on that I had some stomach trouble and that you know what I mean
Mike: Oh yea that’s not bad bi, that’s not good
Darryl: No that’s not good bi, no that’s why I can’t drink and that eh
Mike: I was workin’ on the rigs out there
Darryl: Yea? Make good money out there bi
Mike: Oh good money out there bi
Darryl: Yea yea
Mike: I get paid, ****in’, as soon as I ****in’ get paid I go over and gets my puff
Darryl: Yea that’s right
Mike: haha
Darryl: Yea right on
Mike: Sit down with the boys play a couple cards, you know do a couple tokes.
Darryl: Yea right on yea
Mike: Nothing else to do bi
Darryl: Yea that’s right, down around here there isn’t
Mike: Around here is terrible bi
Darryl: Yea yea it’s pretty uh, it’s pretty slow boy
Mike: You gotta move out west too Dash make cash for yourself bi
Darryl: Yea really yea, I can’t do that now married bi
Mike: Oh married are you bi
Darryl: Yea been married a couple years now bi
Mike: Nothing wrong with that bi, that’s good
Darryl: Four, four to be exact so the wife says
Mike: haha
Darryl: She’s remindin’ me here, four yuh
Mike: Yes I gotta get ****in’ myself a wife too bi I’m slackin’
Darryl: Yea slowed down a bit bi
Mike: Hard to get a good woman around here bi
Darryl: Yea, yea not much around here I’ll tell ya
Mike: You know me I like the big booties and the big breasts
Darryl: Yea that’s right yea yea
Mike: Plus I need a girl that loves her puff
Darryl: Yea that’s right yea, best of both worlds eh
Mike: Best of both worlds, that’s what you need these days bi
Darryl: Wha? Yea
Mike: That’s what you need…so where are you livin’ these days bi? Sydney Mines?
Darryl: No I’m I’m North Sydney
Mike: Oh you’re North Sydney are ya
Darryl: Yea
Mike: Well I’m down in the Mines on Cranberry bi
Darryl: Oh are ya
Mike: I’m on Cranberry
Darryl: What did you say your name was again?
Mike: Mike Stewart
Darryl: Mike Stewart…
Mike: You must remember me from a couple years back, probably 7-10 years ago.
Darryl: Ok who’d we, ok name some people we used to hang around with, was there anybody?
Mike: ****in’ Jimmy Smith, I don’t know if you remember him.
Darryl: Who?
Mike: Jimmy Smith
Darryl: No
Mike: Steve, ****, Steve Boudreau
Darryl: Yea
Mike: Matthew McConaughey
Darryl: No, no I don’t know them guys alright
Mike: **** bi
Darryl: haha
Mike: haha
Darryl: I don’t remember them anyway
Mike: That…**** hahaha
Darryl: The wife says you must be getting’ old, said yea must be. Yea
Mike: That’s probably cause you’re puffin. ****in’ warp the mind you know
Darryl: Yea, yea no doubt
Mike: The brain cells go after you do so much of that puff
Darryl: yea, yea, so they say eh, that’s what they say bi
Mike: Your wife love the puffin or wha
Darryl: Oh no no no, just me.
Mike: Just you stick to the puffin is it
Darryl: Yea just me bi yea
Mike: I got a gram here down the other day bi, the ****in’ grams are pretty skimpy down here Dash bi
Darryl: Yea there’s not much to them is there
Mike: **** no
Darryl: Not really boy, I’m tellin’ ya.
Mike: One good solid joint I get out of them, I ****in’ likes me puff right.
Darryl: Yea that’s right yea, but you hardly get enough for that.
Mike: No good black around here either bi. No good hash around here.
Darryl: No no, all the black is around is garbage. It’s not even worth bothering with.
Mike: Noly ****
Darryl: I gave that up years ago bi. I don’t even bother with it no more now because that was the main reason it was garbage.
Mike: Oh yea. **** you can’t buy shit at all tonight
Darryl: Yea that’s right
Mike: You ****in’ need good quality black in ya
Darryl: Yea that’s right yea, if you can get it bi yea
Mike: Crackin zzs in the 70s and 80s bi, ****in’ you know, ****
Darryl: Oh yea and used to have a variety of color.
Mike: yea haha
Darryl: You did too bi, you had blond, black, red, green
Mike: You could ****in’ take two tokes and you’d be ****ed right out of ‘er
Darryl: Yea that’s right yea, not like today I’m tellin’ yuh
Mike: These days I smoke ****in’ 10 or ****in’ 15 and don’t even catch a buzz
Darryl: Yea that’s right yea
Mike: **** sakes bi
Darryl: That’s the way she goes ol’ bi. Times are changin’
Mike: Holy **** I’d say that’s the worst buddy
Darryl: Yea that’s about the worst buddy yea
Mike: So what are you ****ing drivin’ now, you still drivin or wha?
Darryl: No buddy I’m bikin’ now. Bicycle.
Mike: A bikin’ is it?
Darryl: Yea it gets me around bi
Mike: Wish I had a bicycle bi I know that
Darryl: I’m tellin ya it’s good especially up here in North Sydney because it gets me around, like you know what I mean when I gotta go somewhere
Mike: Oh yea, ****in’ better than walkin’
Darryl: Oh yea just hop on the bike and go bi
Mike: ****in’, ****in’, what speed is it? 10 speed?
Darryl: No, it’s one of those uh 18-speed mountain bikes.
Mike: Oh **** 18-speed mountain bikes, ****in’
Darryl: Yea
Mike: Heavy Duty
Darryl: Yea the heavy duty
Mike: haha. Well **** dash bi I’ll let you get back to your wife let her watch her TV I’ll be ****in’ talkin’ to you anyway buddy.
Darryl: Alright buddy, sorry sorry I can’t kinda remember who ya are but
Mike: That’s ok buddy, **** the ol’ puff gets in the way sometimes
Darryl: Yea that’s right it’ll probably be after I hang up that it’ll come back to me, you know what I mean that kinda thing.
Mike: Oh yea **** I’ll come back here once in a while
Darryl: Yea always when it’s too late, but anyways buddy thanks for calling, good to hear from yea
Mike: Yea I’ll be talkin’ to ya
Darryl: Keep your stick on the ice
Mike: yea, ok dash buddy talk to ya later
Darryl: Ok buddy talk to ya later
Mike: Later buddy
Darryl: Bye bye
Keep your stick on the ice? lol wtf?

I don't care what you say my accent is the best :D
That`s the perfect accent to take the piss out of, this was pretty funny.
That there is the American version of Welsh.
What does "bi" mean? oO

I'd say it's the exact equivalent of "mate"


"Yea I know mate"

"Wow did you see that car crash mate?"


"Yea I know bi"

"Wow did you see that car crash bi?"

Unfortunately I cannot give an American equivalent example because there probably isn't one. I personally have never used the term :O

Oh, another similar term would be "homie" or "home-boy"
We just say "Man"

"Yea I know man"
"Wow, did you see that car crash man?"

Black people say "dog" :|
We just say "Man"

"Yea I know man"
"Wow, did you see that car crash man?"

Black people say "dog" :|

Yes, both of those would be great examples as well.

I don't think I say any of them... :|