Pray for me


Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
In about an hour i will turn the key after finally getting my mtor all put back in and hooked up.
I pulled the head, got it acid dipped, port matched and polished, acid dipped again, new titanium retainers, 8k springs, hydraulic followers, tapered guides, and a brand spanking new 270* cam. New front and rear motor mounts, and a new transmission mount. Polyurethane bushings up front, and redid all the electrical wiring in 4ga. monster cable (for the engine at least). Removed the evaporator, compressor, and condenser and all associated piping, and to top it off a new 12" rad fan. I also redid all the old vacuum lines with fresh silicon hose, and a brand new big turbo filter from VWoA.
im headed down to buy a fire extinguisher (can never be too careful) then ill give it a final look over before turning the key.

*crosses fingers*
good luck! i know the feeling of doubt when you turn the key, hoping it will turn over.
Actually there was a study on praying and what they did is they asked people to pray for a sick family member, and another group of people to not pray for a sick family member and to see if praying helped them heal faster..the result???...praying didn't based on that study...your on your own :E
Good luck with the fire, err... engine. :P

If you have a Digital Camera, pics would be nice. :D
yeeha! well, it turned over even though my ignition timing is off by soon as my buddy comes over to give me a hand, she should be drivable by tonight, hopefully at least by tomorrow.

car before:
car before: and:
car under the knife:
under the head:
my new fan:
old fan & a/c:

the pics of me working on the head should still be on my friends camera, if he didn't delete them already. I don't have a camera but it's times like these i wish i did.
If you don't trust yourself, you can always trust the germans in making good quality cars
Okay, praying, praying... Hell, it's not working! Damn you, you cruel and fickle God!
dream431ca said:
God has nothing to do with it.

I'm talking about our foul lord, Trogdor the Burninator. May the screams of the innocent be silenced by his eternal fire!
Greatgat said:
I'm talking about our foul lord, Trogdor the Burninator. May the screams of the innocent be silenced by his eternal fire!

You mean my flamethrower :E
and it lives! The ignition timing is now set and she's ready to go....after i get the fan hooked up so it doesn't cook the engine. Tomorrow...everything is better tomorrow...