Pre-Loading has started!!!!

spicoli420 said:
Holy crap I just committed the worst sin known to man. I hope I don't burn in hell. Please forgive my sins!!
im not ever the one that says that kind of thing, but you know why i did? theres friggin 15 of them on this board!
I'm at 85% now W00T !!!!11!!1111 " Starts yelling and head blows up, never gets to play CS:S " Wouldn't that be a SHAME !!!
I think these threads need to be deleted, most preloads are complete. The fanfair is over. Time to resume normal life.
w00t 0.3% ROCKIN see you guys next tuesday once it finished :smoking:
im 3.6% done, the connection dies and comes back again, and downloading real slow too eeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,
i got 256k and im getting between 40kps and 80kps
Mother ****er! Too Many ****ing Users? **** Them
THEN 3 minutes later.....
it started. I was downloading at around 250KB/s.